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Nope :)
Hint: It's related to 3D space.

My guesses:

A vector?

3D coordinates?

KSP's coordinate scheme?

Nope :)
Hint: The person who set the riddle is the only appropriate person to give hints :P

Anyway, dimensions?

Or just numbers?

Nope :)

As to the hint super posted, he knows that because that's what I told him after he made that guess (he subsequently deleted his post for some reason).

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A cube? (Cubic symmetry can actually be defined by four 3-fold rotation axes, there's six faces, not sure about the other bits.)

Well done. 'Tis indeed a cube. :)

Yep, six faces. The second bit about the path referred to the fifth Fibonacci number (8); 8 vertices. The next bit referred to the number 12 (12 edges); 12 is a "supremely composite" number (dude the stuff I can find on Wikipedia xD), I just swapped a couple synonyms for those words in. You know the rest.


Vexx is back??!??!?!!?!?


Hold on, let me see the riddle...

Sorry, you're just too late. Looks like I need to brush up on my riddling skills a bit...

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A forumer who still doesn't get this game. :P

First off, we aren't sure we've solved it yet. cantab must tell us so.

Secondly, if we did solve it, it would be my turn to post a riddle.

I don't mean to sound rude here, but why don't you go read the First page? It'll explain the rules cleared than I can. :)

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Ah. Environmental concerns. Weapons.

Radioactive waste? Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the decaying of some radioactive wastes, and it is used to tip bullets and shells, because it is incredibly hard -- just about any armament is vulnerable to something tipped with depleted uranium.

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Ah. Environmental concerns. Weapons.

Radioactive waste? Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the decaying of some radioactive wastes, and it is used to tip bullets and shells, because it is incredibly hard -- just about any armament is vulnerable to something tipped with depleted uranium.

That's a good guess, DU has been used in tank armor too IIRC.

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