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Attack and Cargo VTOLs (new cargo VTOL)


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As somewhat promised on the Ojimak's Originals Thread, here is my updated cargo VTOL, with more fuel, more thrust, more efficiency, better landing legs...etc.

QuadVTOL C mk IV:

In the VAB (aka, I love how the new intakes look):

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On a Mission:

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The major changes are the complete redesign of the intake structure, the addition of two more jet fuel tanks, the use of both turbojets and basic jet engines, and use of the large landing legs. The intake redesign serves a dual purpose, looking more like an awesomely colored cross between a pod racer engine and a HALO lift engine and working in conjunction with the turbojets to allow the VTOL to cruise at 2300 m/s and 30,000 meters without payload, fast enough that a slight rocket push could make it SSTO or that a few suborbital hops could be used to circumnavigate Kerbin.

The maximum payload size is around 72 tons, but the VTOL is almost uncontrollable with that much weight and the recommended maximum payload mass is around 40 tons. The trial mission (see the album) of the VTOL involved transporting a 21 ton, 24 Kerbal base 800,000 km and flying back with fuel to spare. To extend the range, droptanks can be added to the payload.

Action Groups:

1. toggle basic jet engines

2. toggle turbojet engines

3. toggle ladder

4. toggle dorsal antenna

9. decouple cargo

10. deploy emergency parachutes

Abort. Eject the escape capsule and deploy its parachute

The lights and landing legs are controlled by standard key bindings.



QuadVTOL version A3 (A wonderfully esoteric name):

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As shown in the pictures, the QuadVTOL version A3 is basically a somewhat HALO-esque jet VTOL armed with ten satellite missiles (literally; the missile heads are comm dishes) and two fuel-air bombs. The VTOL is fairly well balanced fuel-wise and also with the shifting CoG due to the launch of the missiles/bombs, but even when the CoG is off a bit form the CoT, the plethora of reaction wheels are enough to keep it on course. It has parachutes because my VTOL piloting skills are much, much worse than my VTOL manufacturing skills. The version I made back in 0.21.2 used the larger landing legs, but after the 0.22.0 update, because the large landing legs sucked, I switched to the medium ones, which somehow seem slightly better. Knowing the right height for payloads will be rather difficulty until the landing legs are fixed. The staging is set to turn on the jet engines, launch the missiles one by one, drop the bombs one by one, deploy the main parachutes, and eject the escape capsule/deploy its parachute.

Action Groups:

1. toggle the epic looking comm dish

2. toggle the landing/cargo lights

3. toggle the ladder

4. launch all missiles, drop all bombs

9. decouple underslung cargo, if any

10. deploy main body parachutes

Abort. eject the escape capsule and deploy it's parachute


QuadVTOL version C

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This is basically the purely cargo version of the quadVTOL. It can carry, albeit slowly, the equivalent of a full orange tank with docking ports and landing legs. The VTOL is almost perfectly balanced with it's CoG and CoT and fuel drains form the middle outwards, so it should remain balanced throughout flight. It has parachutes because, as mentioned before, I'm absolutely not an expert pilot. Also mentioned before, it uses the medium landing legs because the large ones are so messed up.

Action Groups:

1. toggle decorative medium sized comm dish

2. toggle the landing/cargo lights

3. toggle the ladder

9. decouple underslung cargo, if any

10. deploy main body parachutes

Abort. eject the escape capsule and deploy it's parachute



totally not copied directly from my rocket builders page. :P

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The only problem with the satellite missiles is that the light weight, low mass, and high speed causes the physics engine not to calculate collisions right, causing the missiles to often pass through their targets and explode on the other side, causing no actual damage to the target.


but at least the explosions look cool

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No cupcake yet? Anyways good job, I can't do VTOls for the life of me. It is always good to see new people and disigns.

Somebody call? Sorry I didn't reply earlier, it took a me a while to look up what esoteric meant. :blush: That's some nice looking birds you got there, but 4 engines? Those VTOLs must go like scolded cats! :)


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but 4 engines? Those VTOLs must go like scolded cats!

Yeah, it's meant to haul payloads for Kerbin use, not for space.

Payloads like small aircraft carriers:




or orange tank equivalents:


With this payload, even with four engines, it kills the maximum horizontal velocity to around 70 m/s.

I updated the imgur album in the OP with payload pictures for the QuadVTOL C

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