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lander ideas

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and for attempt number 3 at posting this!

just like the title says, I need ideas for landers. and they need to be out there.

so im asking you to come up with an unheard of idea for a lander to "x" planet.

so far I have an asymmetrical lander and a 3-in-one probe rover lander combo.

thanks for any help!

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It's not clear to me what you are asking for. If you'd like ideas from which to draw inspiration, there are some threads in the Spacecraft Exchange you might browse, or if you're asking for someone to build a ship for you, several players are happy to provide that service in the Rocket builders subforum. Meanwhile, I believe you will receive more helpful responses in the Exchange, so thread moved.

Edited by Vanamonde
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Lander ideas? Take a command pod, some landing legs, parachutes (for atmosphere), fuel + engine (when there is none or thin atmosphere, also if you want to lift off afterwards) and put them all together. You got yourself a lander.

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Make the lander a boat. Drop it on Eeloo. Lots of water there to bum around in and you can play like it's a mining platform for hydrocarbons and water to be exported to a large space station that orbits.

I suppose you mean Eve? Or maybe even Laythe. Eeloo doesn't have any oceans, as cool as it would be.

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A few of my compact landers were very fun to fly. I have several SSTOs that I strapped legs to for landing vertically. Also try landing a space plane horizontally on its wheels with no atmosphere.

I also had success with landers that were essentially large rovers with engines. I used the wheels instead of legs because I was having issues making a rover that could dock to a lander again to take somewhere else.

Try making your interplanetary ship the lander. Give it enough thrust to get there and take off, and then you only need one ship. Perhaps create a base on a moon that a lander without legs has to dock with in order to land. You can use it to test your maneuvering / precision landing skills.

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A few of my compact landers were very fun to fly. I have several SSTOs that I strapped legs to for landing vertically. Also try landing a space plane horizontally on its wheels with no atmosphere.

I also had success with landers that were essentially large rovers with engines. I used the wheels instead of legs because I was having issues making a rover that could dock to a lander again to take somewhere else.

Try making your interplanetary ship the lander. Give it enough thrust to get there and take off, and then you only need one ship. Perhaps create a base on a moon that a lander without legs has to dock with in order to land. You can use it to test your maneuvering / precision landing skills.

Did this on Minmus with an SSTO, but then realized I was landed on a 45-degree right-left slope.

The plane toppled, and I lost everything but the cockpit, one landing gear and my reaction wheel.

I then proceeded to unicycle down 2 miles of Minmus mountains to the sea.

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A lander entirely covered in landing gears is fun. Tried to land one on the Mun at 600 meters/sec horizontally, but it was shredded into debris upon hitting a steeply sloped area.

P.S. Dodging crater rims is terrifying.

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A lander entirely covered in landing gears is fun. Tried to land one on the Mun at 600 meters/sec horizontally, but it was shredded into debris upon hitting a steeply sloped area.

P.S. Dodging crater rims is terrifying.

The Mythbusters would like to see anything or anyone even attempt at landing something with wheels on it at 2160km/h.


Good wonky ideas for landers...

Perhaps something that's capable of picking up something else. Perhaps using landing gear as a claw mechanism, you use a vehicle to pick up another downed spacecraft.

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