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A Historical Account of your Space Program


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Time to get creative fellow scientists! This is the thread where you recount the history of your space programs, how they began (and maybe collapsed), their triumphs and darkest hours. It will be entirely up to you how you present the story. It can either be a straightforward story, or maybe a series of diary entries. It's entirely your choice. So get posting! :D

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Kanyuary, 1211 AD (Kerbal dates are weird)

-The Kerbal Astro/Aeronautical Association is formed. Solid Rocket boosters discovered, the body count was horrific. May Mars bars have been severely damaged.

Kapril, 1211 AD

- With the recent wave of kerbal rights enlightenment, the K Triple A changes efforts to NOT killing the pilots. Progress was momentarily halted, due to research into technology such as parachutes, controllable thrust rockets, decouplers, and snack containers. First Kerbin orbit achieved, however, even with the recent survivability developments, KAAA forgot to equip the capsule with a parachute.

1213 AD

-First Mun landing achieved, Kerbonational Space Station created and promptly destroyed by a docking mishap.

1214 AD

-Kerbonational Space Station 2: Space Harder also created and destroyed through docking mishap

1214 (Later) AD

-Kerbonational Space Station With A Vengence put into orbit around Mun. Mission deemed success. Operated for 4 years untill Jeb thought it would be funny to deorbit it.

1215 AD

-Minmus landing achieved.

1216 AD

-A very succesful year for the K Triple A, space probes put into orbit around Duna, Eve, Moho, Jool, Dres, and Eeloo. First Duna Landing acheived

1220 AD

- First landing on Eve, first aircraft taken to Laythe.

1223 AD

- Mission to Gilly and back and Ike and back completed. Focus turns twords aircraft

1225 AD

-Jets of all variety, fighters, bombers, passenger, cargo, all put into mass production, along with a small amount of Helicopters (firespitter)

Welp, that's pretty much up to date!

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Here's the history of my latest space program, started last week. (Career mode BTW)

In a distant galaxy (universe even), there lies a tiny, dense blue planet.

On this planet lived little green men.

These little, mostly harmless "kerbals" had just witnessed an anomaly.

Earlier that day, something fell from the stars in a mesmerizing blaze. What was it? Human rocketry components, somehow appearing in the kerbin system. This is the accounts of what these green creatures did with the parts, which they picked up from the road:

-Day 0. The kovernment has approved of the opening of Kerbal Space Program One. All preparations have been made for Little Billy.

Mission Summary: The solid-fuel rocket reached a height of roughly 20 kilometers before falling back down, where it was recovered. Pilot Jebediah Kerman stated "It was one heck of a roller coaster!"

-Day 1. The program had earned extra funds for their succes. Scientists were able to discover basic and general rocketry.

Starscraper One was launched.

Summary: The sub-orbital rocket reached an apoapsis of 115 km. Jeb was able to perform the first EVA in space. The return was succesful. Jeb said, "Space is too quite. Needs more boosters"

-Day 2. Scientists researched more rocketry components, some of which include an efficient upper stage engine, radial decouplers, and reaction wheels. The first orbital rocket was launched.

Summary: Jebediah returns to space again aboard Titan One. After several orbits he succesfully re-entered. Jeb stated, "This was way to boring. Someone needs to create some launch failures"

-Day 3. More research done. Munshot One was sent on a munar flyby.

The rocket succesfully reached orbit. Transfer was also succesful. After swinging past the far side, electricity and communication was lost, but the trajectory was secure. Jeb returned safely. "That thing is one big rock", said Jeb during an interview.

-Day 4. Good progress in tech tree. Scientists created Minty One.

It was a historic flight. Jebediah reached the surface of kerbin's second moon, then returned safely. It was a great scientific profit. "I love the mint icecream look to it." said Jeb.

-Day 5. This was a sad one.

The programs first attempt at a plane. It launched vertically and flew for 45 seconds, until it spun and plummeted towards kerbin. The emergency chutes did not open on time. Contact with Jebediah Kerman lost. Later that day they confirmed his death.

Thats it for now.

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Day 0, year 0, hour 0, minute 0, second 1.

The kerbals awake and stare at the stars- always knowing they would want to get there.

Day 1: A pod goes on the pad and collects science. They unlock more.

Year 6, Day 2: They explore Duna, Ike, Eve, and Gilly. They get tons of science and max out the tech tree.

Year 7, day 1: A space station goes up... when suddenly the Kraken attacks and wipes out all of the save- unable to load any craft from the VAB. They can still build, but not save or load.

True story.

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Day 1: The (insert cool acronym here, hey, the ICAH!) begins plans on an orbital 1 Kerbal rocket.

Day 2: ICAH launches a totally overpowered rocket for it, and succeeds.

Week 1: 1 in 3 attempts at a geostationary satellite fail, until the tenth attempt works.

Week 2: Three kerbal orbit!

Week 3: An attempt at a Mun landing; all 20 launches explode. Project canceled. (Didn't know of the N1 at the time either)

Week 10: After the disastrous Mun landing attempts, the ICAH launches a space probe to Duna and Jool.

Year 1: The Jool probe and Duna probe provided valuable info., but the Duna probe couldn't be tracked due to an "End Flight" error.

Year 1, Week 3: Attempt at docking is successful

Y1, W5: Orbital space station starts construction

Y1, W10: Space station complete with 4 kerbals, orange tank, etc.

Y1, W21: Using the same heavy lift rocket that brought the orange tank to the space station, a Mun mission is planned. Total success, including the M.O.R.

Y1, W26: Another Mun landing with a smaller but more efficient rocket.

Y2, W2: Duna mission successful, landing successful, return successful. Bill, Heb, and Bob are honored.

The dates aren't totally true, but the events are. I also left out a few events, but I was tired :P

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It was a time of uncertainty. The atmosphere seemed thicker. No one was sure if getting to orbit was even possible... or if the world was round... The Sun seemed to be painted on the sky... And their was no Mun.

Many Kerbals died in the Mark 1 pod for which there is now a memorial. They died in the quest for orbit. Many died simply to learn that fuel did not flow from fuel tank to fuel tank. Many many different arrangements of engines where tried in the quest to find a stable configuration that could get out of the atmosphere. All was for naught for quite some time.

Then the Mun was discovered and fuel flow invented. Soon after the first orbit was achieved. It was a tense time as there was no way of knowing if you were in an orbit until you had gone around the planet at least once. Soon after attempts to reach the Mun were launched.

The Mun was observed from the ground for a while in an attempt to discern its motion. Then a mission was launched and aimed for where the Mun was thought to be in the future. As the Mun got larger in the windows... the thought occurred that we needed to slow down or we'd pass it. All the fuel was used in this maneuver and success would not be known until we had gone around completely. Success! Though the brave Kerbals would be forever trapped in Mun orbit.

Another mission was launched to see if the Sun was indeed painted on the sky. It was. But then suddenly the cost of the space program raised drastically from nothing to something (KSP stopped being free) and a hiatus was called until funds could be made available to restart.

Many months later funds were available and the program restarted. Many discoveries had been made in the intervening time. The Sun was now a thing. There was another moon around Kerbal and many planets with moons to explore. And wonder of wonders there was now a map view of the system to look at. Things have really taken off since then.

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Kerbonautics Research Agency

The KRA had been in existence for several centuries and was dedicated to the navigation of anything, really. Jebediah Kerman XLII, the 42nd generation Administrator and Chief of Operations, turned his aspirations to the stars after 41 generations of Jebediahs before him had conquered all aspects of navigation on Kerbin. On Kerbol 2042, Jebediah Kerman XLII made the executive decision to create a new division known as Celestial Kerbonetics Exploration and Navigation (CKEN)...

KRA-CKEN operations began immediately and research on struts and boosters began immediately. The engineering for struts proved to be difficult and KRA-CKEN failed for many launches to find a way to affix struts to their rockets. In the meantime, KRA-CKEN decided to test Kerbal support, SCIENCE, and booster systems.

Operations day 0: Jeb delivers paperwork for the official creation of KRA-CKEN, first launch

Thundsday, 13 Jooltember, 2042

[09:00] Jebediah Kerman XLII presents the official preamble and mission statement of the Celestial Kerbonetics Exploration and Navigation devision to Vice Chief of Operations and Head of Navigational Systems Bill Kerman through ballistic delivery. Bill responds aptly with "Ow!"

[09:01] Jebediah, Bill, and Bob find that R&D has dumped strange looking devices on the side of the road.

[09:02] Aforementioned Kerbals assemble a new type of craft dubbed "Rocket". This new rocket is designated Kerbonetics Launch Research Vehicle #1 or KLR-1. Jeb volunteers to be test pilot.

[09:03] Liftoff.

[09:04] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion

[09:05] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion

[09:06] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion

[09:07] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion

[09:11] Maximum velocity reached, 831m/s.

[09:12] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: RECORDING SYSTEM UNPLUGGED

[09:28] Successful landing. Jeb comments "The black box is noisy, I unplugged it and ate all the snacks."

Mission notes:

-Air gets thinner as elevation rises

-It's cold up there

-Blowing up spent rockets makes the ship fly faster

-Jebediah is still being monitored for suspicious activity after [REDACTED] comments about ******* and ******* equipment.

Operations day 1: First orbit achieved! Major scientific milestone discovered: mysterious goo

Freeday 12 Jooltember, 2042

[09:15] Bill Kerman notes that Jebediah Kerman XLII is late for work again.

[10:00] Bob Kerman recruits 2 new Kerbonauts.

[14:00] Jeb reports in, announces major breakthrough. Presentation at 16:00.

[14:15] Bill submits official dissatisfaction of new ballistic document delivery protocol.

[16:00] Jeb, Bill, Bob, Lemden Kerman, and Gregdorf Kerman convene in conference room RD-211 (Research and Development historical hall of SCIENCE)

[16:01] Jeb presents mysterious goo. No one knows how to respond. Bill is visibly aggravated.

[16:30] After much deliberation and engineering, KRA-CKEN creates the mysterious goo container.

[16:53] Bob finds decoupler and some gas tanks along side of the VAB, decides it's a good idea to incorporate decoupling and staging parts into CKEN development.

[17:00] KLR-2 is designated. 4 stages, 1 person to low Kerbin orbit (LKO), mysterious goo science module included.

[18:00] KLR-2 taxied to launch pad, Jeb loses his supper. Bob recovers Jeb's supper significantly crushed by transport module tires.

[18:05] Liftoff.

[18:07] Successful decoupling of stage 1.

[18:10] Successful decoupling of stage 2.

[18:15] Successful decoupling of stage 3.

[18:16] Officially left Kerbin atmosphere.

[18:20] Achieved orbital velocity.

[18:21] Observed mysterious goo, goo exhibits [REDACTED]

[18:22] Jeb reports that 0 gee is 'one hell of a trip'. Attempts first ever EVA.

[18:23] Jeb returns, stores EVA report into black box.

[18:23] Catastrophic failure of subsystem: RECORDING SYSTEM UNPLUGGED.


[18:36] Drogue chute deployed.

[18:43] Parachute fully deployed.

[21:20] Jeb and KRL-2 recovered. Snack level noted to be extremely low.

Mission comments:

-Jeb reprimanded for tampering with *********

-Orbital velocity is near 2200m/s

-Staging is much smoother than explosive decoupling

-Mysterious goo is now categorized under classified material. Further study required.

-Snack store must be doubled for proper Kerbal support systems.

-Space is cold and the atmosphere very much sits below space.

Operations day 2: The Mun!

Munday 9 Jooltember, 2042

[09:00] Jeb announces a press conference at [10:00]

[10:00] Press conference starts, Jeb announces stability development, general rocketry development, survivability development, science development.

[10:01] Bob submits official dissatisfaction of Jeb's announcements, claims that he discovered parts on the SPH runway.

[10:15] Jeb wraps up press conference with official unveiling of KMM-1 Kerbonetics Munar Mission #1. Everyone flips out.

[10:16] KMM-1 on launchpad with Jeb as test pilot.

[10:17] Liftoff. Critical mission note: 43 minutes ahead of schedule. Bob and Bill facepalm.

[10:32] Orbit insertion achieved. Comms operational, data stream received. Goo is [REDACTED], Samples show some signs of interaction in 0 gee, Jeb has already consumed 25% of available snacks.

[12:33] Munar capture. Data stream received. Goo is glowing, samples have crashed around and interacted in interesting ways. snack level at 57%.

[13:57] Munar surface touchdown. Data stream received. Goo is still glowing, samples interact with Mun dust, snack level at 36%. Jeb attempts EVA.

[13:59] Jeb reports that the first ever Kerbal flag has been planted on a celestial body. "The first footfall of Kerbal kind is upon the Mun surface. Our first step to the stars with rockets and SCIENCE." Jeb returns from EVA

[14:00] Munar liftoff.

[22:13] Drogue chute deployed.

[22:21] Parachute fully deployed.

[23:00] Jeb and KMM-1 successfully recovered.

Mission notes:

-The Mun isn't too far off but it's dusty, very dusty. Also it has low surface gees and is fun to jump around on.

-The Goo's glowing behavior is declassified, immediately submitted to textbooks and research papers.

-Samples silently judge everything on Kerbin's surface.

Operations day 3: Minimus! And more science!?

Litheday 8 Jooltember, 2042

[10:00] Nominal operations prior, no incidents. Jeb begins new press release with flight control development, advanced rocketry development, general construction improvements.

[10:30] Unveils KMIN-1, Kerbonetics Miminimus INsertion #1. Jeb don's suit in front of press, abruptly ends conference.

[10:43] Jeb throws rotten Ponanas at reporters to get them to leave. Claims to have to make launch window by 10:45.

[10:45] Liftoff.

[11:00] Orbital insertion achieved, all systems nominal. Data stream recieved, Goo glowing and behaving as declassified, Samples glowing (suspected goo contamination), Jeb notes satisfaction at quietness of black box, snack level 98%.

[11:05] Solar flare causes data blackout. Bill maintains visual and radar confirmation of KMIN-1.

[17:13] KMIN radar confirmation lost at roughly 6700km, now below horizon. Jeb status put to UNCONFIRMED

Operations day 4: The biggest breakthrough in Kerbal history happened today...

Wohoday 7 Jooltember, 2042

[03:47] Recovery beacon signal received. 'Goodbye Jeb' celebration cancelled. 40 cakes returned.

[10:00] Nominal operations prior. Jeb begins a keynote presentation with more than 5 new technologies including nuclear rockets, says he's saving the best development for last.

[10:15] Jeb talks about history of KRA, struts, tape, navigation. Mentions that KRA went 7 generations without tape technology and 28 generations without strut technology.

[10:16] Press incredibly excited, murmuring anticipated comments about "new strut technology".

[10:18] Lights turn off. Jeb makes dramatic comment, "We've all been waiting for this... This is big... It'll change EVERYTHING you know about Kerbonautics." Audience holds baited breath. Cameras flashes can be heard charging.

[10:18] Spotlight on Jeb holding NEW STRUT TECHNOLOGY. Audience goes wild with clapping and cheering. Many press members seen crying tears of joy. Hugs are being given all around.

[10:20] Jeb ends keynote with announcement of NBES-1, Near Body Exploration System #1. Press doesn't care, asks about hands on with new struts. Jeb responds that there will be a demonstration and hands on at 10:30.

[10:30] RD-115 is filled to capacity with press representatives. New strut technology deemed "Best thing since the invention of the crossbeam".

[23:00] Press finally leaves KRA facilities. NBES-1 primed for launch.

[23:01] Liftoff.

[24:00] All systems report nominal, orbital insertion achieved at 23:10, data stream arriving late, Goo glowing but exhibits [REDACTED], Jeb clearly uncomfortable with new Goo situation, snacks at 32%, Samples in slight disarray.

Mission Notes:

-Minimus is really minty green.

-The low gees are even more fun than the Mun

-Strut technology achieved with Minimus crystalline particle synthesis.

-There are now two flags on Minimus.

Operations day 5: A turning point in Kerbin's battle for survival, new discovery can make new [REDACTED]

Thundsday 6 Jooltember, 2042

[17:36] Jeb and NBES recovered. Goo thoroughly contained. Jeb sent to cantina to "decompress", debriefing delayed for [REDACTED] until Freeday 5 Jooltember, 2042. Operations suspended until 09:00.

Operations day 6:

Freeday 5 Jooltember, 2042

[09:00] Jeb debriefed and is taking contained Goo sampled to Duna for [REDACTED]. All new science dubbed CLASSIFIED for public safety.

[10:00] NBES-1D primed for launch. Jeb makes preparations for 450 day mission.

[11:00] Launch window achieved, liftoff.

[11:02] CRITICAL WARNING: Goo container temperature outside nominal range.

[11:02] CRITICAL WARNING: Stability systems two axis gimbal lock.

[11:02] CRITICAL WARNING: Jeb body temperature 5 degree increase. Heart rate decrease 5%.

[11:04] Booster stage jettisoned, core boosters stabilized. System temperature returned to nominal.

[11:20] Orbital insertion, data stream received. Goo nominal, Jeb heart rate stabilized, samples clean of goo contamination, NERVA stable.

[11:21] Final check finished, transfer burn started. Jeb leaves one last audio/visual message before latency prevents reliable A/V comms.

Operations day 58:

Mundsday 20 Tylember, 2042

[12:00] Transmission Recieved: Goo is nominal. Snacks at 82%. Jeb is healthy.

[13:13] EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION: Goo has escaped containment. Snacks 60% due to contamination. Contaminated snacks jettisoned. Goo has been recontained with samples. Samples module now isolated and sealed. Jeb reported faintness and seeing "bright spots under eyelids" after incident.

Operations day 97:

Freeday 18 Eveuary, 2042

[05:01] Report from NBES-1D, Duna capture achieved! Attempted aerocapture for lower orbit and succeeded with a 78km x 79km orbit after circularization.

[06:22] Report from NBES-1D, lander touchdown on Duna. Goo and samples observed for first time, materials noted to be [REDACTED] and should not ever be [REDACTED]. Classified information on Goo samples should be moved to ********* for permanent security measures. Duna surface where Goo contacted seen to be growing [REDACTED]. Jeb reported EVA suit breach on glove from encounter with [REDACTED]. Jeb made emergency countermeasures and amputated 3rd finger. No blood contamination. Flag placed.

[07:00] Report from NBES-1D, Jeb has opted for immediate liftoff and orbital insertion to parking orbit. Judged safer than spending 240 days on surface to secure Goo site due to [REDACTED] behaviors 30 minutes after observation.

[07:05] Rapid orbital insertion achieved. Redocked with NERVA transfer stage.

[08:00] Report from NBES-1D, Jeb has opted for parking orbit at Ike.

Operations day 337:

[12:00] Report from NBES-1D, Jeb healthy, no signs of Goo contamination. Ike is boring, snacks at 27% within acceptable parameters. Beginning return transfer... "See you home soon."

Operations day 456:

[03:22] Entered Kerbin SOI.

[23:01] Aerocapture successful. Second pass will degrade orbit to landing in desert region.

Operations day 457:

[07:23] NBES-1D has entered the atmosphere. All systems nominal.

[07:37] Drogue chutes deployed.

[07:50] Parachutes fully deployed.

[16:00] Jeb and NBES-1D recovered.

Mission Notes:

-Long term exposure to weightlessness has no effect on Kerbal biology.

-Duna is really red. Duna has a thin atmosphere. Duna has supported goo-like [REDACTED]

-Mission days 58 to 91 require a LM555 level clearance to view.

-Mission days 204 to 273 require alpha delta omega clearance level 0 to review.

-Mission specs and contents aside from reported are strictly TOP SECRET.

KRA-CKEN has now been upgraded to a full agency under the control of the Kerbin United Coalition for the safety of all Kerbal kind.

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Recap my space plane program.

8:30am: Take-off of first prototype, piloted by Jebediah Kerman

8:31am: Jebediah buzzes tower but camera doesn't work

8:32am: Jeb comes round for another pass

8:32:30: Jebediah collides with tower, successfully ejects moments before

8:33am: Space plane program shut down, returned to mission control for biscuits and cake

Edited by Brapness
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After World War K, the surviving world powers (United Kerbinian Provinces, The Great Kerbenese Empire, Rebublic of Kerbon, and Krussia) banded together and converted their Missiles into Rockets, and the first Kerbal Space Program was born. Obadiah Kerman was the best pilot in this fledgling space program, and he was the first one to Orbit Kerbin and prove that you can float in space. Unfortunately after 15 the governments pulled the plug on KSP, and the Program filed for bankruptcy. Years later a young Jake Kerman found a warehouse full of KSP parts was found (In Mint Condition too!), and He created the Intermunar (Later Planetary) Exploration and Cosmological Kerbals. With IECK, he managed to create rockets capable of going to the Mun and Minmus, and with media attention new Organizations sprouted, like KASE and PACIFICA. Now their are 5 Big Organization exploring and colonizing the Kerbol System. KASE, IECK, IKEA, PACIFICA, and KIB!

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