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High school history sucked. How many times can you hear about how wonderful the Founding Fathers are before you get bored? Then you get to college and you start to find out the real story, and history becomes just about the most fascinating subject there is. I ended up majoring in it.

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Well my highschool was engineering highschool so no history lessons there, but i loved History lessons at elementary, and i dont understand why people hate lesons like hystory or literature, they were the most easy and fun lessons when i was at school.

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The only thing that comes close is this place. I mean, when I'm at work, like right now, my time warp are internet forums... and then some time outside smoking and thinking on rocket designs I should try when I get home. :)

I couldn't care less about history classes in school. But in general I didn't care for things in school. I learn better when I do it because I want to. History is one of those things I read a lot outside the school.

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