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Open the bay doors HAL!

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Well then, the space shuttle program has been delayed yet again...... but this time by the Space Kraken 9000!;.;

This issue is rather hard to explain. My space shuttle has open-able cargo bay doors. They are held closed by 4 pairs of Jr. docking ports, with each door having one pair of two ports at each end. When undocked (using an action group), they are held in place by a ring of small cubic struts, making a hinge. I have used this design before, and it worked flawlessly. Unfortunately, upon undocking the "Undocking Kraken" keeps the doors from changing position...

I have seen this bug before, I undocked a ship from a space station, but when I tried to position the craft for a deorbit burn I found that it could only shudder, not move. SAS, RSC, engines, all only made it shudder. It can be fixed by going to the space center menu and back.

I discovered that this was being caused by a bug when I tried breaking the doors off the shuttle. The doors floated away, but despite not being held by ANYTHING the reaction wheels could only make it shudder violently.

So, can anyone tell me a way to get around this bug? How can I undock the doors without the them locking up?

Also, I'll just say this: The doors have probe cores, they have power, they have reaction wheels, no mods are causing this, nothing on the orbiter is holding them is place, and this design HAS worked before.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.filedropper.com/orionshuttlea-22-2


Edited by RocketPilot573
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  RocketPilot573 said:
When undocked (using an action group)...

I only noticed this now.

Three of four of your docking ports need to undock. The fourth one needs to detach. Make sure you put both undock and detach to your action group.

Another thing is, surface-mounted parts can be attached to docking port's active surface in a way in which they cannot be detached. I encountered this when I attached a rover wheel to a docking port, trying to carry it somewhere and then drop. After selecting 'detach' nothing happened because the gear was not mounted to the port's "attach point" but to its surface - even though it looked exactly the same.

Edited by Kasuha
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Just to clarify, the doors ARE undocking. However they cannot move even after detaching, even with nothing holding them in place.

I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered this bug and knows a way around it.:P

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Be that all your parts are in the actions groups.

I don't mean that you just have to check in the action groups but click on every parts that should be in the action group:if there's parts that you placed using symmetry, click on all those parts.

Sometime, when I use symmetry, I click on a parts that show up as being in the action group but if I click on the parts placed by symmetry,it show up as being in the action group but I still have the option to add the action that was supposed to be in action group.

If you didn't understood: check that every single parts are correctly placed in the actions group.

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  goldenpeach said:
Be that all your parts are in the actions groups.

I don't mean that you just have to check in the action groups but click on every parts that should be in the action group:if there's parts that you placed using symmetry, click on all those parts.

Sometime, when I use symmetry, I click on a parts that show up as being in the action group but if I click on the parts placed by symmetry,it show up as being in the action group but I still have the option to add the action that was supposed to be in action group.

If you didn't understood: check that every single parts are correctly placed in the actions group.

Umm, how many times must I say that the doors can undock just fine...

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Just to clarify, the doors ARE undocking. However they cannot move even after detaching, even with nothing holding them in place.

I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered this bug and knows a way around it.:P

The "strut" are holding them in place...

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  • 1 month later...

Ahh yeah, I know the shutter bug I try moving and it just shakes... I have had it happen before and only way of fixing is by of course leaving to the tracking centre. Here is something to try. Try your SAS either on or off and swapping between space craft components with the [ and ] are my hotkeys?

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