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How much do you care about Kerbals dying?


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I keep them alive when possible. I actually just lost Bill and Jeb last night (heartbroken) while reentering Kerbin's atmosphere. They were in two separate ships coming down beside each other (long story made short: Jeb's ship was dead in space, the hatch was blocked by a parachute, and Bill came to push him into the atmosphere) and everything was going really well, until I accidentally switched to a piece of debris instead of the other ship, and my two kerbals disappeared due to the game mechanic where unattended ships in the atmosphere will be deleted.

I hope they spawn again soon.

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In career mode, i try to save them all. I send probes out first to test, the use kerbals. None lost in Career mode yet. In sandbox, i try and keep them alive.I'm sad to say that i have guys stranded (Eve, Duna, Dres), even though i've never made an interplanetary return.

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I do try very hard to keep all my Kerbals alive, even in sandbox mode. It just doesn't feel right not to. I even slapped together a recovery vessel for one that was in a space station I didn't like before I deorbited it. I have yet to go interplanetary with a Kerbal because I need to design and fieldtest a proper ship that is capable of return to Kerbin.

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I have yet too lose a single Kerbal to any poorly designed ship or reentry mishap. I plan to keep it that way. I do have 1 Kerbal who is MIA. Poor Jeb is stranded on Eve after a poorly executed gravity assist went astray.

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  MilkToast said:
.23? Is there something I don't know going on here?

No, no there isnt.

I have lost one Kerbal in my Career mode. It was due to an accident during a plane landing. On takeoff i lost a landing gear, that was behind the plane to protect the engine. When I came back to land on the runway the foremost landing gear hit the one lying on the ground. Then it broke and the cockpit face dived to the ground.

I care a lot for those Kerbal Bastards. However I play whit fatality(when they die they die) and I don't quicksave

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I always try to keep my kerbals alive and I usually don't revert.

That being said I do have a kerbal stuck in high orbit around kerbin after his lander ran out of fuel during a return. I'm not good at reandevouz and with the changes to mech jeb (usually only use for reandevouz and interplanetary stuffs) I don't know if I can get him and can't decide wether to end the flight or not.... I already transmitted all the science back and he has been there for 60+ days

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Everytime a kerbal dies I gather all of my available kerbals for a funeral at the "RIP Mk 1" command pod grave, plant a flag in the kerbals honor (it has his name and way of death) and then fire of 6 SRBS.

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  Danish_Savage said:
No, no there isnt.

I have lost one Kerbal in my Career mode. It was due to an accident during a plane landing. On takeoff i lost a landing gear, that was behind the plane to protect the engine. When I came back to land on the runway the foremost landing gear hit the one lying on the ground. Then it broke and the cockpit face dived to the ground.

I care a lot for those Kerbal Bastards. However I play whit fatality(when they die they die) and I don't quicksave

I think you must live in future then, since the rest of us are still stuck with .22.

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I really try to keep them alive, and almost always revert when I can to prevent any unwanted losses.

I did try to play where I wouldn't revert if any Kerbals died, but since they just seem to wander their way back into my roster after a while, I decided to resume reverting to avoid tragic Kerbal demises.

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