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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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Here's mine. You have to renumber ExtCam to match p7_camera. If it says p7_camera2 make ExtCam2, etc, etc.

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera2.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam2
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam2
fov = 20

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera3.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam3
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam3
fov = 20

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera4.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam4
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam4
fov = 20

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera5.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam5
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam5
fov = 20

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera6.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam6
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam6
fov = 20

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera7.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam7
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam7
fov = 20

button = buttonR7
text = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/p7_camera8.txt
// If you wish to use ALCOR external cameras, uncomment this line
// and comment the next one:
cameraTransform = ExtCam8
// cameraTransform = DockingPortCam8
fov = 20

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Ledenko is back and works on the Apollo-like-crew-module again. He might want to make an "glass cockpit" with your plugin but until he really tackles the IVA creation, shouldn't it be fairly easy to make an config for RasterPropMonitor. As it is using the MK1-2 internal it should work with the Mk1-2 example config,right? And the dockingport/parachute part would just need the code to enable it as a docking cam ...

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When he or someone else gets done with IVA, I can do set the IVA with MFD's or someone else can. If they do the modeling of the IVA I can do the prop set ups if they like. Just PM when the IVA gets done or what not.

The Mk1-2 internal will work with the config. Its universal to what ever part is using the IVA, if it uses



name = PodCockpit


Docking port would need a code like this in that part, just change Example Name to part name:

@PART[Example Name]
name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
cameraContainer = dockingNode
cameraIDPrefix = DockingPortCam

I forgot that pod comes with docking port, it doesn't look like typical KSP kind.

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Good news: The base plugin seems to work with no changes in 0.23.

Bad news: MechJeb and SCANsat integration modules for some bizarre reason do not. MechJeb and SCANsat have their own problems, however...

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I think MJ update the DLL to work.

I was reading you post why a lot of mods broke because of DLL. Seems to be a minor fix. A lot of people are going to be sad about ScanSat, the Dev is AFK for a while.

Good news: The base plugin seems to work with no changes in 0.23.

Bad news: MechJeb and SCANsat integration modules for some bizarre reason do not. MechJeb and SCANsat have their own problems, however...

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Odd, the screens are completely blank for me.

I meant 'the 0.11 development version recompiled for 0.23'. I have no clue if the currently released 0.10 works, but it might well be that it doesn't. Recompiling the base plugin for 0.23 worked with no issues visible so far.

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Bump for 0.11^h^h^h great justice

RasterPropMonitor v0.11

Known issues

  • JSISCANSatRPM does not actually work, for the simple reason that SCANsat itself does not yet function in 0.23 due to changes in science module interfaces. There is little I can do to fix that except fix SCANsat myself, which I'm not going to attempt just yet. There is no guarantee that the next version of SCANsat will not require a rebuild, mind you.
  • Many of the new features are not adequately tested just yet. I anticipate having to do a maintenance release when SCANsat is updated, though...

Bugs fixed

  • A massive, ancient bug which resulted in color values never being actually read from config files has been uncovered and squashed. Why am I only learning about this now?... Well, since I had to fix that, might as well declare that from now on, colors are to be given in the much easier to read format where individual color values range from 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1 -- it didn't work properly before anyway.
  • Icons in JSISCANsatRPM will no longer have the washed-out overbright colors.
  • Despite all precautions, targeting the Sun would still produce nonsensical results and log spam because it has no orbit. Fixed.
  • Failure to specify any noSignalTextureURL could cause the monitor to fail to load. Fixed. Until the release of 0.11, please make sure the option is present in the config file and empty even if you don't want to use a noSignalTextureURL;
  • Incorrectly giving the name of a button transform will not cause log spam obscuring the real problem. Now it will just output an error message in the log and continue on it's merry way with a non-working button. Time will tell if that's a better way to deal with what actually is a fatal error that should cause the entire program to quit.
  • Trying to print a character that isn't present in the font will no longer cause log spam either, instead producing a warning only once.
  • Turns out, the position of prograde/retrograde markers is supposed to be dependent on speed display modes, which JSIPrimaryFlightDisplay previously did not handle at all. In "Target" speed display mode, prograde and retrograde markers point at what MechJeb calls "TGT+" and "TGT-" respectively. This necessitated introducing a button to switch display modes and a SPEEDDISPLAYMODE variable to show the current mode. Strangely, markers on PFD correspond nicely to MechJeb's directions, but are off from what the stock IVA navball shows when the reference part is not itself, but from that I conclude that the stock IVA navball doesn't expect the reference part could be something other than the pod. (The sun's light source certainly doesn't either!) If you have previously used JSIPrimaryFlightDisplay to make your own navball page, please check the manual for changes.
  • JSIFlightLog gave no indication that the log is empty when it actually was, which confused users. Fixed.

New features

  • All buttons can now be located on any other prop in the pod, not just the same prop the module lives in. They can even be located on the internal model itself. One button can now be used to trigger any number of things simultaneously. If you wanted to make an Enterprise display with a control pad located by the captain's seat, you have the tools now.
  • JSITargetMenu now has a submenu that lets you select the reference point of your vessel, as if you clicked "control from here" on it while you're still in IVA. (Going IVA normally makes the pod you're in the reference point.) That's the last missing piece for docking without ever poking your nose out of IVA. An annoying side effect is that the sun shines from the wrong direction when you do that -- I'll see what I can do about manually moving the sun later. (Well, I know I can turn it off...)
  • JSIVariableGraph background handler lets you draw pretty graphs of variables changing over time, with certain limitations.
  • Courtesy of MOARdV, JSISteerableCamera background handler lets you make a camera that doesn't just zoom in and out but can also yaw and pitch, and MechJebRPM page handler will give you a menu that lets you control SmartASS and execute maneuver nodes from the comfort of your cozy IVA.
  • A useful side effect of that is that now handler modules can also take action not only on when buttons are pressed, but also when they are released.
  • Color tags now permit you to omit the alpha value, in which case it will be assumed to be maximum -- that's less of a mouthful to type.
  • The introduction of 'nudge tags' allows you to shift symbols by specific number of pixels, which may be important when adjusting them to fit a graphical background.
  • There are now tags for superscript and subscript, which do exactly what you would expect. It doesn't look particularly good, but should suffice for things like "m/s²"
  • JSIVariablePageTextSwitcher page handler permits you to select between two different page definition files based on the value of a variable, which can take away some of the pain involving particularly complex screens which exist in one of two states.
  • A side effect of the above is that in JSIVariableAnimator, "variableName" can also be a fixed number if you like.
  • New variables SPEEDDISPLAYMODE and SELECTEDSPEED (to make the PFD more closely match the capabilities of the stock navball) and TARGETANGLEDEV (look at the target screen in the example prop and you'll see how this can be used).
  • Switches made with JSIActionGroupSwitch are no longer required to be animated.
  • DLL files of the package will now detect being installed into incorrect locations and complain bitterly.
  • Because more than a few users were confused about which external camera to use when and how to configure that, the MFD in the package now has buttons configured both for the cameras it embeds into the docking ports and ASET ALCOR external cameras.
  • JSIExternalCameraSelector now runs mostly on tweakables.
  • Patches to make the GenericSpace cockpits actually usable, courtesy of therealcrow, are now included.
  • Patches to support more mod docking ports as cameras, courtesy of therealcrow, are now included.

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  • Courtesy of MOARdV, JSISteerableCamera background handler lets you make a camera that doesn't just zoom in and out but can also yaw and pitch, and MechJebRPM page handler will give you a menu that lets you control SmartASS and execute maneuver nodes from the comfort of your cozy IVA.

Not only is the new camera steerable, it can overlay an icon to help you track a target. If a docking port is targeted, the icon will be on top of the docking port. I'd recommend using a lower alpha value than I used in this screenshot, though.


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It works now... I think it was a problem with Module Manager. Not entirely sure though.

I have seen that if I alt-tab out of the game while in IVA, but I haven't seen it otherwise. Does it recover if you push any buttons on the RPM monitor?

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Someone made a compile that works pretty good for ScanSat, you might see if it works with your mod.

Here is link:


He says take the .dll out of build folder and use it.

Here is thread link, #660:


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It works now... I think it was a problem with Module Manager. Not entirely sure though.

The screen goes grey-blank like that when the initialisation did not complete correctly. The reason is typically in the debug log.

I'm getting a weird thing, when i am in VAB and load up a craft that has docking ports, it will show all of FOV on every docking port. When I turn one off at a time and come back from flight to VAB, the FOV's on every port shows again. It cause lag because they stay on.

Yep, that is a bug, I know why it would happen. Will be fixed in the next version.

Someone made a compile that works pretty good for ScanSat, you might see if it works with your mod.

I don't think it's going to work without recompiling JSISCANsatRPM.dll too. Which is why I'd rather hold off on that until there's an official build 5 or at least a single a widely adopted alternate build for SCANsat.

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If you didn't notice by yourself already, just wanting to inform you ,that you can start work on the ScanSAT integration again.Damny just released build 5

Thanks to Phoenix84 and rickyhewitt for making hotfix builds for 0.23 before I got around to it. :)

I've uploaded build 5. This build is compatible with KSP 0.23, but not with older builds, due to changes in the science system.

I don't think I understand the science system and the new changes yet. In particular, it's still necessary to analyze multiple times to get the full amount of science.

Apart from the compatibility fixes, I've also replaced models and textures for the altimetry and biome scanners with models created by Milkshakefiend, and originally published over here. Many thanks to Milkshakefiend for making these models and giving me permission to distribute them with SCANsat!

This build is not 100% savegame compatible with older builds:

  • I finally removed the slope scanner that has been non-functional for the last few builds. Savegames where this part is still present won't load correctly. You can either make it explode via the right-click menu before updating, or you can simply copy the slope scanner part back after the update (it's the "Scanner 4" directory).
  • The new models look different and this may lead to parts being attached badly to existing vessels. They will still function correctly, though. As above, old part files will still work if you prefer those.

Full changelog:

Build 5 - 2013-12-18

- Update for KSP version 0.23. This version of SCANsat now requires KSP 0.23.

- Fixes for minor incompatibilities with Unity 4.2.2.

- Fixes for science changes in 0.23. Unfortunately, it's still necessary
to analyze multiple times to get the full amount of science.

- Removed the deprecated slope scanner part from the distribution. This breaks
savefile compatibility for savefiles that still use this part. If this is
an issue, simply keep the "Scanner 4" directory from the existing SCANsat

- Replaced models for altimetry and biome sensors with much better ones made
by Milkshakefiend. Original forum thread:

Note: This breaks savegame compatibility in the sense that affected parts
look different and may be attached badly. If this is an issue, simply don't
overwrite the existing parts when updating, or copy them back after the

- Parts with animations can be extended and retracted in the editor.
This doesn't affect their state at launch.

- The big map should not open outside the screen anymore. (SirJodelstein)

- Added a button to reset window positions to settings panel. (Lalwcat)

- Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent power consumption from being
turned off during high time warp.

- Biome maps now use the proper API function to determine the biome at a
given location, which has been fixed in 0.23 to not spam debug output

- Action names are configurable in the part config file. Included parts
have been updated. (OrtwinS)

- The instruments window got its own close button. (DMagic)

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