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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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That will work just fine as long as the KAS is in docked mode.

That isn't feasible.

However, BobCat has been experimenting with using RPM together with sfr's transparent cockpit plugin. It does work, but monitors and most other props will only update when you're actually IVA, i.e. viewing with kerbal eyes, and all the buttons and switches will only react in that case. (and seriously, how do you expect to click them when you aren't IVA, even if you can see them?) I've been thinking of detecting the sfr cockpit module and keeping them running when you're out if the pod is sfr-enabled, I might still do that. That's about as close an approximation as you might expect.

I still have no idea what will the cameras show when an sfr-enabled pod is viewed with an external camera, though, because sfr's plugin is messing with camera layers. If it gets the changes in before RPM camera class copies them, it should be okay...

Nice ! ya I saw that bobcat did that the rover would be nice to have that on most pods , just being able to have that eye candy.

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I'm looking for some feedback on missing MechJeb functions. Right now, we don't have a good way to enter values, so these functions all need to be simple "press a button and it's done" type things.

As of the current dev build / 0.14, we have Smart ASS OBT and TGT functions, NODE+, Execute Next Node, and Engage Ascent Guidance. I've identified a few other possibilities:

1) Translatron PANIC

2) Plot Hohmann Transfer (to a selected target).

3) Land - if a valid ground target is selected, this will be Land at Target, otherwise it's, Land Somewhere.

Are there any other shortcuts for MechJeb that people would like to see?

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I'm looking for some feedback on missing MechJeb functions. Right now, we don't have a good way to enter values, so these functions all need to be simple "press a button and it's done" type things.

As of the current dev build / 0.14, we have Smart ASS OBT and TGT functions, NODE+, Execute Next Node, and Engage Ascent Guidance. I've identified a few other possibilities:

1) Translatron PANIC

2) Plot Hohmann Transfer (to a selected target).

3) Land - if a valid ground target is selected, this will be Land at Target, otherwise it's, Land Somewhere.

Are there any other shortcuts for MechJeb that people would like to see?

Well only stuff of MechJeb I am using is SmartAss so I am happy as it is :D

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Bump for great justice: A relatively small release mostly consisting of internal changes.

RasterPropMonitor v0.14

Bugs fixed

  • JSIHeadsUpDisplay computed pitch upside down.
  • Shader in JSIHeadsUpDisplay changed so the ladder will now render correctly on transparent screens.
  • Radial markers on JSIPrimaryFlightDisplay were backwards. Why do people only notice this now?
  • Numerous problems in stock and mod IVA patches fixed. (sigh)
  • Hauling kerbals in IVA-less pods beside RPM-based pods should no longer cause breakage.

New features

  • Sam Hall's Mk2 cockpit got the full prop replacement treatment. If it is installed as distributed, the patch will be automatically used, otherwise you will get the usual Generic Space with props.
  • Certain plane cockpits now have a special transparent HUD prop.
  • Numerous improvements to JSIOrbitDisplay.
  • Custom formatters now support ;-splitting (somewhat).
  • Courtesy of MOARdV, JSISwitchableVariableLabel permits you to have a VariableLabel-style prop that cycles between multiple display strings based on button clicks.
  • JSIInternalEVAHatch can now play an animation of the hatch opening.
  • Action handler API permits JSIActionGroupSwitch actions to be defined in foreign plugins. Thanks to this, the MechJeb control buttons in ALCOR will now work. :)
  • JSIActionGroupSwitch can now also animate things on the pod exterior. BobCat wanted this one.
  • So can JSIVariableAnimator, for completeness. Now you can have your pod lit up if it has electric charge, or something of the sort.
  • JSIVariableAnimator can now also animate texture offset and scale.
  • JSISCANsatRPM will now draw maneuver nodes, post-node projected orbits, and ascending/descending nodes.
  • JSIVariableGraph can now have graphs with adaptive vertical scale.
  • Variable handler API now permits other modules to provide variables. This is the first step towards mathematical expressions in variables, by the way.
  • MASSPROPELLANT and MASSPROPELLANTSTAGE will give you the masses of propellant resources only. Consequently, very, very rough delta V calculation is available in DELTAV and DELTAVSTAGE variables. Due to the variable handler API, this calculation magically becomes about as precise as they get if you have MechJeb installed on the vessel.
  • AGSTATE group of variables returns the state of action group toggles.
  • Resource variables now have a DELTA qualifier. Also a DELTAINV qualifier in case you prefer resource drain to be a negative value.

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I'm looking for some feedback on missing MechJeb functions. Right now, we don't have a good way to enter values, so these functions all need to be simple "press a button and it's done" type things.

As of the current dev build / 0.14, we have Smart ASS OBT and TGT functions, NODE+, Execute Next Node, and Engage Ascent Guidance. I've identified a few other possibilities:

1) Translatron PANIC

2) Plot Hohmann Transfer (to a selected target).

3) Land - if a valid ground target is selected, this will be Land at Target, otherwise it's, Land Somewhere.

Are there any other shortcuts for MechJeb that people would like to see?

As long as you're asking :) I'd like to see all the functions in the maneouver planner, that would allow modders to create a pretty complete IVA flight computer. Add ascent to rendezvous and the docking autopilot, and I'd have no need to open a single MJ window ever again...

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I'm looking for some feedback on missing MechJeb functions. Right now, we don't have a good way to enter values, so these functions all need to be simple "press a button and it's done" type things.

As of the current dev build / 0.14, we have Smart ASS OBT and TGT functions, NODE+, Execute Next Node, and Engage Ascent Guidance. I've identified a few other possibilities:

1) Translatron PANIC

2) Plot Hohmann Transfer (to a selected target).

3) Land - if a valid ground target is selected, this will be Land at Target, otherwise it's, Land Somewhere.

Are there any other shortcuts for MechJeb that people would like to see?

I think having the docking autopilot would be handy, since we can select other vessel's docking ports as targets. Also the Transfer to Another Planet maneuver, as it only requires a destination target as well, I believe.

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Could you add some more of MechJeb's auto node making abilities to the menu like auto circularize? The heading/altitude hold function from the spaceplane guidance tab would be good for atmospheric IVA flights. Having action group info in the vessel info page would be cool too if it could work the same way as the Alcor capsule.

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Great update , im really liking the Fighter plane Huds i was using Nazari's , glad to see it added. Im goning to see about learning to add buttons inside pods. Mechjeb buttons would be rad in stock pods.

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Thinking about how to implement actual trim controls. I know you can display the current trim, but what about a throttle-like prop that allowed us to adjust it? Ideally it would also be able to handle other variables both linear and bidirectional. I also asked FAR about providing prop support for its flight controls. There's only so much I can really do with a cockpit and the displays, a lot of functionality just isn't there. I'm going to see if I can't get some models made for various cockpit pieces but I need to know more about it before I put up a request.

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I think having the docking autopilot would be handy, since we can select other vessel's docking ports as targets. Also the Transfer to Another Planet maneuver, as it only requires a destination target as well, I believe.

Docking can probably work in the menu, but probably not on a separate button prop. Transfer to Another Planet will be part of "Plot Hohmann Transfer".

Could you add some more of MechJeb's auto node making abilities to the menu like auto circularize? The heading/altitude hold function from the spaceplane guidance tab would be good for atmospheric IVA flights. Having action group info in the vessel info page would be cool too if it could work the same way as the Alcor capsule.

Many of the node making functions are difficult, simply because there are many possible configurations. For instance, IIRC, circularize can be done at Ap, Pe, at a particular altitude, or after a particular delay. The first two are not tough to implement, but the latter two require additional information that is not easy to change within RPM. I think I can read the current settings for those, and have the menu display that, but I haven't checked yet. I'll look into the spaceplane hold functions.

I've already found that the Translatron PANIC isn't going to work, since that functionality isn't really exposed nicely in MJ.

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Just upgraded to 0.14.

With the KSP 64-bit client on linux, I get garbling whenever I IVA in a cockpit with one of the new HUD displays. This does not occur in cockpits without a HUD and it does not occur when running the 32-bit game client.


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Thinking about how to implement actual trim controls. I know you can display the current trim, but what about a throttle-like prop that allowed us to adjust it? Ideally it would also be able to handle other variables both linear and bidirectional. I also asked FAR about providing prop support for its flight controls. There's only so much I can really do with a cockpit and the displays, a lot of functionality just isn't there. I'm going to see if I can't get some models made for various cockpit pieces but I need to know more about it before I put up a request.

I plan on starting to add the in-cockpit axial controls with 0.15. Handling them as smoothly as variables is very definitely not going to happen, though -- all those axes are going to require some very special handling.

Just upgraded to 0.14.

With the KSP 64-bit client on linux, I get garbling whenever I IVA in a cockpit with one of the new HUD displays. This does not occur in cockpits without a HUD and it does not occur when running the 32-bit game client.


I'm afraid that is actually a KSP bug that transparent polygons with a RenderTexture on them trigger, or maybe a driver problem. There is basically nothing new in low-level RPM to cause this and haven't been for quite a while.

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Hi there!!! There is support for MK2 ("Sam Hall's Mk2 cockpit got the full prop replacement treatment.") At the same time there is MK3 internals (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk3-cockpit-internals/) by TT. Is there any way to get full RPM support for this one? Can any one make RPM path for MK3 by TT? because stock one looks ugly)))

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Hi there!!! There is support for MK2 ("Sam Hall's Mk2 cockpit got the full prop replacement treatment.") At the same time there is MK3 internals (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk3-cockpit-internals/) by TT. Is there any way to get full RPM support for this one? Can any one make RPM path for MK3 by TT? because stock one looks ugly)))

It is done for a long time now.. .... I am in a good mood today so I will link it for you but just as a reminder there is a thread search funtion :wink:

Here is the MK3 Cockpit mod, redone. I couldn't delete code with MM 1.5 that allows player to click the monitor and get external view, but there is no problem when MFD's are on top of the three monitors. I did notice if you click on top, beyond the MFD, on the edge of the MK3 cockpit model of the monitor, you will get the external view. So be careful or you can exploit that, to have a camera views.

I added another monitor to each of the top seats, I slightly scaled them down from the old on I did.



///////=== TTMK3 Cockpit Mod ===///////

name = JSIInternalPersistence

name = InternalCameraTargetHelper

name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.0002519488,-1.177192E-05,0.03249689
rotation = 0,0,0,1
scale = 0.8181539,0.6867037,0.7228604
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = -0.2960808,0.682427,0.07691021
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.6111457,0.611146,0.6111453
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = -0.2536634,-1.2E-05,0.07219167
rotation = 0,0.1305262,0,0.9914449
scale = 0.8181536,0.6867037,0.72286
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.2532766,-1.2E-05,0.07194075
rotation = 0,-0.1305262,0,0.9914449
scale = 0.8181536,0.6867037,0.72286
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = -0.4838606,0.682427,0.07691
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.611146,0.6111463,0.6111462
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.2942997,0.682427,0.07691
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.611146,0.6111463,0.6111462
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.482941,0.682427,0.07691
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.611146,0.6111463,0.6111462

@Mihara I think you should really link the post of therealcrow with the latest mk3 patch to the OP so people new to this thread don't ask so often :)

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@Mihara I think you should really link the post of therealcrow with the latest mk3 patch to the OP so people new to this thread don't ask so often :)

Implying people will actually read it. :) But yeah, I suppose.

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Nvm. Read the FAQ herp. Really enjoy your mod! Makes IVA mission not only easy, but the amount of information at a button's push away is incredible. And I don't have to mess with mechjeb's custom windows or navigate myself around other mods. Very ergonomic in design. Thank you for making this.

Edited by Storywalker4
Aggressive texture compressor glitch.
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I've been playing with the new HUD prop, and while it's pretty cool it is a bit limiting. Who made it? I'd like to see a single button on the lower left or right side. The reason being, the information you want for atmospheric flight is not the same as the information you want for orbital flights. I can probably push that down to the main MFD, but I could definitely make use of a button up top.

EDIT: I've also run into an odd problem, my HUD elements don't retain their color. For some reason they are all white. Any ideas?

EDIT3: So ... I guess it's washing the colors out? I went ahead and checked with some other colors and realized I forgot to check the screenshot RPM puts out, and wouldn't you know, it shows up correctly. This is the picture RPM takes versus what you see on screen.

EDIT4: So I tried pushing saturation up to 100% and that seems to be the issue. I don't know WHY it's the issue, but there are some other weird visual artifacts to go along with it.



I added this triangle with full saturation, and though its color is correct, you can see a lot of visual artifacts around it (the yellow and green). The screenshot that is taken from RPM, however, does not display them. You can also see that above where around the edges of the white is slight green.



EDIT2: Is it possible to display the heading indicator on the HUD?

Edited by Hyomoto
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I have asked in their forum but would it be possible to integrate the Lazor mod cameras into RPM as me and Syvos are trying to have remote controlled probes and the lazor cams can be detached from the current craft and still work whereas the alcor/raster ones can not! Lazor cams have a separate window for each cam as an overlay i would like them in the mfd's the same as RPM ones. we are trying to design an IVA capable/self repairing craft.

thanks for any information at all.

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I have asked in their forum but would it be possible to integrate the Lazor mod cameras into RPM as me and Syvos are trying to have remote controlled probes and the lazor cams can be detached from the current craft and still work whereas the alcor/raster ones can not! Lazor cams have a separate window for each cam as an overlay i would like them in the mfd's the same as RPM ones. we are trying to design an IVA capable/self repairing craft.

thanks for any information at all.

If you mean "Can a Lazor cam be used with RPM?" The answer is "yes". The RPM wiki explains what needs to be added to the Lazor cam so it will work as an RPM camera. However, it does not add any Lazor features (like working while detached, if I understand what you're saying) to RPM. I suspect that would require someone to make a plugin for RPM to interface with Lazor, similar to the MechJebRPM and SCANsatRPM plugins.

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