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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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It's a simple thing to add using MM - if you want all docking ports to add the feature, you wrap the above with

... insert that module code here ...

(pretty sure that's right - I didn't test it locally, since I add cameras to specific docking port types).

The above is even better, thank you so much. Very nice trick that I had no knowledge about.

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Hi Mihara, pardon me if this is made clear somewhere, but I can't search too easily on my phone - can the MFD buttons be mapped to keystrokes?

No, they can't. MFD buttons map to collision meshes on props in-game.

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I am having two problems with this mod. I'm sorry if this has been covered or if it something I haven't found to read yet.

My mechjeb doesnt work in IVA. Scansat does and I've installed it once in the right locations. Is there something I need to do with Mechjebrpm?

Also, there is a mod that with a booster camera that can look up or down, it is a camera with two cameras on it. I can only look through the top camera with rasterpropmonitor. I do not know which mod the camera comes from.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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I am having two problems with this mod. I'm sorry if this has been covered or if it something I haven't found to read yet.

My mechjeb doesnt work in IVA. Scansat does and I've installed it once in the right locations. Is there something I need to do with Mechjebrpm?

Also, there is a mod that with a booster camera that can look up or down, it is a camera with two cameras on it. I can only look through the top camera with rasterpropmonitor. I do not know which mod the camera comes from.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

MechJeb: I assume, since SCANsat works, that you have installed RPM completely, so there's a MechJeb2RPM folder with the DLL in it. Does nothing show up in the JEB menu? Which version of MJ are you using? I think RPM may need one of the newer dev builds, not the 2.1 official release version, but I could be wrong on that account. It's been a while since I looked into that, and I'm running a current dev build of MJ to allow me to expose more MJ interface options in RPM.

A multi-camera part ought to work, provided it is configured correctly with two JSIExternalCameraSelector modules (one for each of the relevant camera transforms), and the cameras have different ID numbers. Beyond that, I don't have enough info to give you any more specifics.

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This post is a copy from the "Modelling and Texturing Discussion" forum, I thought it might get more attention in this thread.

How do you create/setup a RasterPropMonitor? I followed the manual, but when I got it in game it gave me a "INITIALZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION" message.

So I'm doing something(s) wrong, but I have no clue on what it is.

Here's how I created the monitor:

- Created the following meshes


-MapMonitorScreen a plane where the screen will be displayed on, uses the whole UV map space





-Imported the model in Unity

-Set all the meshes to the IVA layer

-Gave the button_LEFT.001 en button_RIGHT.001 a mesh collider

-Exported as mu and mbm

- Then I copied the following code into the MapMonitor.cfg, from hyomoto's mod, to test if it worked:

name = MapMonitor

name = RasterPropMonitor
screenTransform = MapMonitorScreen
fontTransform = Hyomoto/MFD/images/MFDFont
textureLayerID = _Emissive // Name of texture layer to work with on the screen surface.
screenWidth = 40 // Screen width in letters.
screenHeight = 20 // Screen height in lines.
screenPixelWidth = 640 // Width of the generated screen texture in pixels.
screenPixelHeight = 640 // Height of the generated screen texture in pixels.
fontLetterWidth = 16 // Width of a font character.
fontLetterHeight = 32 // Height of a font character.
cameraAspect = 1.0
fontDefinition = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/fontDefinition.txt
needsElectricCharge = true // Blanks out with power

extraFont = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/extraFont1

refreshDrawRate = 2
refreshTextRate = 10
refreshDataRate = 20

buttonClickSound = Hyomoto/MFD/beep
buttonClickVolume = 0.6
globalButtons = button_LEFT,button_RIGHT

name = pluginScanSAT
text = Hyomoto/MFD/pages/overlaySat.txt
textureOverlayURL = Hyomoto/MFD/images/genericOverlay
name = JSISCANsatRPM
method = MapRenderer
buttonClickMethod = ButtonProcessor
pageActiveMethod = PageActive
buttonUp = 0
buttonDown = 1
buttonEnter = 2
buttonEsc = 7
buttonHome = 6
zoomModifier = 2.0
iconPixelSize = 16
iconShadowShift = 2
scaleBarPosition = 16,144
scaleBar = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/GPS/scalebar
scaleLabels = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/GPS/scaleLabels
textureURL = Hyomoto/MFD/images/nosignal
textureOverlayURL = Hyomoto/MFD/images/basicOverlay



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This post is a copy from the "Modelling and Texturing Discussion" forum, I thought it might get more attention in this thread.

Provided all of the referenced resources are located correctly (both JSI/* and Hyomoto/*), it suggests the screenTransform may not be set up right. RPM is looking for a transform (MapMonitorScreen in your sample code) that has a renderer and material defined for it. Per your definition, it is looking for the _Emissive layer on that material, which is what it's going to render into. I'm afraid I can't help much more than that as far as the model setup is concerned - that's Mihara's bailiwick; Alexustas has made props successfully, so that might be someone to ping for more info. About the only other thing I can do directly is to doctor up the code to provide more debug granularity and take a look at it (provided you're willing to drop me the prop/cfg for testing purposes only).

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That did it, thanks! Another thing, where can I find a relative velocity indicator, what screen?

That, I don't have an answer for. I have my own custom screen setup, and I haven't looked through the example MFD that ships with RPM in a couple of months, now.

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I've had some inconsistent behavior while testing out my mod. I honestly can't seem to isolate the issue, and I think it may be tied between the sfr code and the RPM code, but I'm hoping someone else has experienced it. I've skimmed the thread, but I may have missed a prior mention.


When in flight, if I click the IVA button on the portrait view, the RPM examples I'm using become unresponsive. When I switch back to 3rd person/vessel view the camera centers on the location where the ship was when I clicked the IVA button.

It doesn't seem to be consistent, and isn't fixed by switching to map view.

Any ideas? As I've said it is probably an issue with something I've done, but I'm hoping for a bit of guidance.

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downloaded it yesterday, but now i have a question. would i be able to edit the pages, without knowing how to mod? and if so how? thanks for the time you hopefully use on me and my question ;D

It's fairly easy to do, all pages are stored in GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Example\ExampleMFD. Edit as you want them (I did, made the navball slightly higher contrast so it's not blue on blue on blue). Be warned though, you might break some of the displays if you edit them as they pull info from the actual game (like the resources panel - it pulls and displays info from that, so there's not much to edit). I'd back them up beforehand, just in case. What were you thinking of editing, out of curiosity?

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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i was trying your excellent mod and after some time alls the display become irresponsible.

I'm afraid that's not enough information. In particular, to figure this one out I'd need the specific craft file on which it dies, preferably reduced to as few non-stock parts (and as few parts in general) as possible.

Hi Mihara, pardon me if this is made clear somewhere, but I can't search too easily on my phone - can the MFD buttons be mapped to keystrokes?

MOARdV already said no, but I wanted to explain why: Imagine that you have multiple copies of the same display in the ship. Where would you find enough keys to make them distinct?

That did it, thanks! Another thing, where can I find a relative velocity indicator, what screen?

There is one by default on the target screen when a target is selected.

I've had some inconsistent behavior while testing out my mod. I honestly can't seem to isolate the issue, and I think it may be tied between the sfr code and the RPM code, but I'm hoping someone else has experienced it. I've skimmed the thread, but I may have missed a prior mention.


When in flight, if I click the IVA button on the portrait view, the RPM examples I'm using become unresponsive. When I switch back to 3rd person/vessel view the camera centers on the location where the ship was when I clicked the IVA button.

It doesn't seem to be consistent, and isn't fixed by switching to map view.

Sfr, you said? I tried it with sfr, (Bobcat's been making a rover based around RPM+SFR, it's very nice) and everything worked fine, considering that displays do not update when you're not IVA.

I'd need a minimal packet in which the bug manifests at least sometimes.

Is there a way to make text scroll from right to left, like those scrolling led displays?

Yes. You can animate texture offset on the screen texture independently of RPM using a model animation set to auto-start. RPM won't care and will render to such a texture correctly.

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I'm just curious how realistic it would be to integrate kOS into this. Sorry if it's a repeat question but the forum wont allow me to search a three-letter word.

I've put off integrating kOS until a clear successor kOS emerges, but that's what the keyboard terminal in ALCOR is for -- I can get the kOS terminal to show up in there and send it keypresses.

How useful would that be is another story. :)

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I'm just curious how realistic it would be to integrate kOS into this. Sorry if it's a repeat question but the forum wont allow me to search a three-letter word.
I've put off integrating kOS until a clear successor kOS emerges, but that's what the keyboard terminal in ALCOR is for -- I can get the kOS terminal to show up in there and send it keypresses.

How useful would that be is another story. :)

Hmm.. frankly I don't like kOS's syntax... have you heard of Selene? it's a KSP lua scripting plugin made by BlackNecro. and... IMHO, it might has more potential than kOS.

I have written several scripts for it including simple Yaw/Pitch/Roll (similar to MJ's SmartASS Yaw/Pitch/Roll) auto-piloting script, part event invoker, action group invoker (including Custom01~10 & other groups like "RCS", "SAS", etc), etc.

Moreover, it can almost do anything a C# plugin can do and it can load a .lua file dynamically, thus making it very suitable for debugging as well.

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I've put off integrating kOS until a clear successor kOS emerges, but that's what the keyboard terminal in ALCOR is for -- I can get the kOS terminal to show up in there and send it keypresses.

How useful would that be is another story. :)

but we can't capture the player's keyboard unless the plugin opens a window in unity and focuses on the input area, right? maybe we could initiate the process but hide the window? a click on a prop or alt-key initiates capture mode by doing whatever the irc and notes etc plugins do, but hide the floaty UI from the user until X- even if we can just set the window upper left to the screen bottom right. then pipe input to/output from the plugin?

vessel view is amazing and was out of my reach but Id love to play with a terminal interface to the ship...

BTW this plugin has made KSP more insane than I thought it could be.

oh! I was wondering about creating some standard size button/prop packs; maybe usimg the existing squares where monitors go and making it possible for tthe player to choose say 2 monitors and a mechjeb button panel, instead of 3 monitors. panels could be made for plugins and sets of popular plugins without having to do lots of redesign for each space. if you don't have a plugin, or any others, or just want to, you can still choose all RPMs. I find myself missing some of the random ALCOR props and displays in other CMs. this would also make it easy to intefrate new plugins and easily swap plugins in existing IVAs. maybe even animated button panels that could slide or rotate into place where monitors are, in flight?

I figured if I'm not crazy and this sounds like a good idea, smaller rextangular panels could be made for plugins with only a few buttons, or eventually to call custom kos/krpc/whatever commands and scripts ;)

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Could someone explain how to get the little IVA screens working? I've got the mod installed correctly, but all the screens are blank, with the numbers and such around the frame. (Yes, i looked at the FAQ's and only had one of the RPM.dll )

For example, could someone teach me how to:

- Get a screen with the Navball

- Get a screen with the docking port ( i believe that is this mod, if not, does Hymoto's mod have it?, i installed the one from the OP)

- Get a screen showing the view from the external camera ( i think that's what they're for?)

Other from those little blanks screens, it looks great!

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Could someone explain how to get the little IVA screens working? I've got the mod installed correctly, but all the screens are blank, with the numbers and such around the frame. (Yes, i looked at the FAQ's and only had one of the RPM.dll )

For example, could someone teach me how to:

- Get a screen with the Navball

- Get a screen with the docking port ( i believe that is this mod, if not, does Hymoto's mod have it?, i installed the one from the OP)

- Get a screen showing the view from the external camera ( i think that's what they're for?)

Other from those little blanks screens, it looks great!

Press one of the buttons next to the numbers/letter. A brings up the navball, 3 brings up the docking cam (but you need to select a reference part from screen C to use it. It'll be labelled 'docking port' or similar, either front/back and/or large etc... common sense helps here), external cams are on screen 7. The number cam corresponds with the cam ID set in flight/in the VAB.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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