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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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MechJebRPM seems to be having trouble with the latest version of mechjeb. It's tossing up exceptions in my output log.

AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'MechJebRPM': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MechJebRPM.MechJebRPM' from assembly 'MechJebRPM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MJMenu' from assembly 'MechJebRPM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

im experiencing the same issue with MechJeb2RPM and SCANsatRPM, they crash on load

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...I just wanna say, this has to be one of my very favorite mods. The IVAs are now not only much prettier, but much more functional! I actually find myself flipping to an IVA to play with the various displays instead of just warping to the next node as one would normally do, and I love how this integrates with other mods like ScanSat. One of Bobcat's Rovers (from his American Pack) has Raster Monitors in it, but they didn't support the ScanSat map, so a quick tweak took care of that; now I have maps in mah ride, maps in mah cockpit, it's just fantastic. Thank you so much for this awesome mod. :D I can't wait to see the cockpit of my B9 Aero SSTO. Doing a career playthrough (finally) and have to finish unlocking all it's components before I can rebuild it >.<

Anyway, rant over. Thanks again!

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A good alarm would be pod temperature versus max temp, returns 1 when above 85%, 0 when above 75%, otherwise returns -1. Right now I just have the temp displayed, but I'd like to color it. Could also be used for an external indicator.

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Can anyone help me add the monitors to Bobcat's Soyuz descent module? Only I am a bit of a derp and nothing I tried worked.
How easy is it to add some of the screens to the IVA of FASA's Gemini capsule?

I think it's about time to start maintaining a FAQ page, since that one has been answered previously. :)

A good alarm would be pod temperature versus max temp, returns 1 when above 85%, 0 when above 75%, otherwise returns -1. Right now I just have the temp displayed, but I'd like to color it. Could also be used for an external indicator.

Well, ok, I'll get to it in a bit.

im experiencing the same issue with MechJeb2RPM and SCANsatRPM, they crash on load

What "same" issue? Your statement is not sufficiently clear. Which version of MechJeb are you using? Which version of SCANsat are you using? They are supposed to fail to load if MechJeb and SCANsat are not installed.

Strange. I don't have that in the TMA module (nor in the ordinary Soyuz, since they share the same interior)

I'm not sure if that version that has it is released yet. Don't expect it earlier than in a week or so in any case, though. New Year is a family holiday in Russia, and tends to last a while.

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I'm not sure if the info is somewhere but I couldn't find anything about this mod. The OP has posted loads about how to mod their mod, but no information about how to actually use it. Pretty silly IMO.

I did say it's a toolkit. :) This package is mostly an example implementation, neither the most advanced one possible nor the most well documented from the user side.

I suppose I should write that up for the users too, though, because it's clearly time for a FAQ...

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im experiencing the same issue with MechJeb2RPM and SCANsatRPM, they crash on load

Ensure you're running the latest version of MechJeb. I had this issue too; and the build available on SpacePort is NOT the latest version. The development builds are linked in the MechJeb development thread, which is linked to in the Spaceport download information... since that connection is publicly available, I hope I'm not breaking any rules by linking it here for your convenience.

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I did say it's a toolkit. :) This package is mostly an example implementation, neither the most advanced one possible nor the most well documented from the user side.

I suppose I should write that up for the users too, though, because it's clearly time for a FAQ...

...yeah but suppose I want to make something using your 'toolkit', I still need to know how to actually use the things in the mod to test them. In future I suggest uploading a mod in effect the opposite way to how you have done (you seem to have uploaded complicated 'modding-a-mod' stuff first and then done and rushed the vital basic stuff last). Write installation and help section, then release, then FAQs secton, then 'modding-my-mod' section :)

Like showing someone how to fish, you don't show them how to gut the fish and turn their eyes into little jewellery pieces first, you first show them how to first simply catch it.

Other than the weird release, the mod is excellent :)

Can't wait until you release other creations, you have some talent!

Keep going!


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Mihara, that's just awesome, once again you've quickly finished a request.

First question: the path to the model in the part.cfg is not defined by the MFD40x15.mu but instead the model is called by name(?) FlatMon40x10Screen (?). If I wanted to upload an alternate menu for your prop, there are only two ways I can see to do it: eplace your example cfg with my own, or make a copy of your prop and put it in my own folder. I realize you originally expected us to build our own props, but if we just want to change the interface/textures, are you fine with allowing your example prop to be redistributed? If not, how can I point my file to yours in another directory?

And another smaller question, recently I've been wondering if I could use JSIVariablePageTextSwitcher to swap the PFD overlay when you are using translation controls. There isn't a variable to get what controls the player is currently using, but being able to use JSIActionGroupSwitch or something similar to change it could also be cool. You've give us such a great opportunity to mod the IVAs one can't help but dream.


Edited by Hyomoto
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Like showing someone how to fish, you don't show them how to gut the fish and turn their eyes into little jewellery pieces first, you first show them how to first simply catch it.

Which is why ALCOR capsule, mentioned three times in the opening post as of the last count, came out much earlier than this package ever did. That it is not more famous is not my fault and frankly, undeserved.

First question: the path to the model in the part.cfg is not defined by the MFD40x15.mu but instead the model is called by name(?) FlatMon40x10Screen (?). If I wanted to upload an alternate menu for your prop, there are only two ways I can see to do it: eplace your example cfg with my own, or make a copy of your prop and put it in my own folder.

There's a third, smarter one. :)

name = MyModifiedMonitor
model = JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExampleMFD/MFD40x15
name = RasterPropMonitor
....your own configuration. You can still use the same graphics files
as everything else does, as the paths are global anyway.

And then you write a moduleManager patch to replace one prop in all the *RPM internals with another one, in the end, distributing only text files and maybe a few extra graphic files.

I realize you originally expected us to build our own props, but if we just want to change the interface/textures, are you fine with allowing your example prop to be redistributed?

To be clear on that, the original prop is made by Alexustas and released under the terms of CC-BY-NC-SA license. Which is what the opening post says. Which means that yes, you can redistribute it, provided no commercial purposes are involved, Alexustas is properly credited for it's creation, and your final product is released under the same or compatible terms.

And another smaller question, recently I've been wondering if I could use JSIVariablePageTextSwitcher to swap the PFD overlay when you are using translation controls. There isn't a variable to get what controls the player is currently using, but being able to use JSIActionGroupSwitch or something similar to change it could also be cool.

Does anyone actually use translation controls? I always just dock with both hands instead. :) But yeah, if I can figure out where KSP keeps current input mode....

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Which is why ALCOR capsule, mentioned three times in the opening post as of the last count, came out much earlier than this package ever did. That it is not more famous is not my fault and frankly, undeserved.


Y'know, I love the ALCOR capsule... just sayin'. I know it's a lot of work and all, but I hope you release more pods/parts that include that much attention to detail in their interiors. It's gorgeous, reminds me of sitting in the cockpit in a DCS-series flight sim... every knob does something. Really makes you feel like you're there.

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It's gorgeous, reminds me of sitting in the cockpit in a DCS-series flight sim... every knob does something. Really makes you feel like you're there.

Most of the time RPM gets another feature it's because alexustas expressed a faint desire for making yet another knob and I'm rushing to enable him to do so. :)

It's been getting progressively worse:


P.S. Oh, Hyomoto, see FLIGHTUIMODE. :)

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Which is why ALCOR capsule, mentioned three times in the opening post as of the last count, came out much earlier than this package ever did. That it is not more famous is not my fault and frankly, undeserved.

And that mod doesn't have much/any instructions either so that isn't really an excuse (nothing + nothing != something). TBH it doesn't really matter, you released a great mod and that is by far enough to receive praise from me, and all :)


EDIT: Oh and the ALCOR mod is less well known/popular because it has only one manned vessel, and you have to use it to have the fancy screens. Your mod gives more flexibility by adding it to all manned vessels. Small change, BIG difference.

Edited by samhuk
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You know, I actually did see it while checking the GitHub and RUSHED HERE to say thanks! Actually my buttons stopped working so I was checking to see if my latest page change did it, or if it was from using a dev build (was a missing }). The translation controls, aye, I personally don't use them either but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't if they were useful! I'll dig in it and see what I can come up with.

Thanks for the clarification on the model, and uh ... wow, I'm a bit of a tard aren't I? It's amazing how easy it is to overlook something simple when you are trying to find something complex. MODEL, that tag ALL THE OTHER PARTS USE?!?! I'm a bit embarrassed on that one, what can I say? Thanks :D.

EDIT: If you are feeling frisky, time to ascending/descending nodes for the body you are orbiting would be awesome. This is a piece of information I've always wanted but KSP only gives it when you are targeting something else.

EDIT2: You know, I was thinking. Is there a way to just do arbitrary comparisons? I asked you to do pod temp one, which still works because it needs an unknown value. But being able to define a comparison ourselves from already defined values would be -very- useful. Let's say I was interested in electricity and I wanted it to be green when it's above 200, yellow above 100 and otherwise red. Right now I could ask you to do that, but if there were some way to just define it:

{0} $&$ [!ELECTRICITY,200,100]

So, instead of returning ELECTRICITY for string.format, it would return 1, 0, -1 respectively. That would really open up a crazy amount of customization. Obviously there would need to be a way to deal with percentages as well as whole numbers, but perhaps a % after the number to convert it to to a decimal. Now, if we could do a similar comparison between two values like, {0} $&$ [!ELECTRICITY:ELECTRICITY_MAX,75,50] to find the difference between the two variables would be incredible. It would make things a little easier on you because you can just add variables, and let us do simple comparisons. Going off above, we'd just do two a / b > c comparisons:

{0,-4:"GO","SLOW","STOP"} $&$ [!PERIAPSIS:APOAPSIS ,%95,%70]

Whether or not you think it's a good idea is certainly up to you, but it would allow us to define alarms or circumstances without relying on them being hard coded.

EDIT3: I noticed SolidFuel wasn't available, so I added it to the dictionary and voila, it works. Oversight?

Edited by Hyomoto
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Ensure you're running the latest version of MechJeb. I had this issue too; and the build available on SpacePort is NOT the latest version. The development builds are linked in the MechJeb development thread, which is linked to in the Spaceport download information... since that connection is publicly available, I hope I'm not breaking any rules by linking it here for your convenience.

yeah im new to modding this game and starting to notice the Spaceport site mod's arent all up to date.


Sorry I did forget to mention that those 2 mods were not installed and i guess that was causing the exception

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A keyboard? You must be kidding right :D

Nope. That's going to integrate kOS. You don't know true hardcore yet, ladies and gentlemen. :)

EDIT: If you are feeling frisky, time to ascending/descending nodes for the body you are orbiting would be awesome. This is a piece of information I've always wanted but KSP only gives it when you are targeting something else.

Ascending and descending nodes are a function of two orbits -- or rather, an orbit and a plane, at least. KSP is kind of right not to give this information if you aren't targeting something else, because, well, which plane do you have in mind otherwise?

EDIT2: You know, I was thinking. Is there a way to just do arbitrary comparisons?

Yes there is, and I'm very, very reluctant to do it for multiple reasons -- it's going to be bad for performance, it's bringing me one step closer to creating another Turing tarpit and the syntax is going to be atrocious.

I'd rather make the computing module pluggable and introduce Boo scripting so you could make variables yourself. :)

I notice that SolidFuel isn't available ... oversight? You can still get it through LISTR, but not in a way that is useful beyond making a list.

It's not typically a resource you can manipulate so there's no point knowing just how much you really have. That was pre-0.23 tweakables though...

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Ascending and descending nodes are a function of two orbits -- or rather, an orbit and a plane, at least. KSP is kind of right not to give this information if you aren't targeting something else, because, well, which plane do you have in mind otherwise?

You know, first off I will concede that after contemplation I understand exactly what you are saying. The issue stems from wanting to 0 out (or raise or lower) my inclination around the body itself and having NO IDEA HOW TO FIGURE IT OUT. At first I thought, maybe it's halfway between my AP and my PE, but there's too many obvious problems with that. So the question becomes, if I KNOW my inclination, HOW DO I FIND THE ORIGIN of my ascent and descent. It's simple, I don't. So I guess what I want is the ascending/descending node based on the planet I'm orbiting versus Kerbol. I want to be on the same plane as the planet. I have no idea if that is rational.

It's not typically a resource you can manipulate so there's no point knowing just how much you really have. That was pre-0.23 tweakables though...

That is perhaps true, but what about when I press F2? When I said I wanted IVA-only, I wanted IVA-only :). One of my screens displays resources, it has a sub-screen which is a staging helper. The purpose is an assist during take-offs to let you know when staging is available. It may or may not work well, haven't really tried it enough. But obviously SRB tend to be used as takeoff methods quite often.


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