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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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What I had floating around my head was something in the realm of "TAC Fuel Balancer" or "Crew Manifest". I guess I will just have to wait and see.

I'm definitely not doing a crew manifest menu, though there's nothing stopping Crew Manifest from providing a menu.

What I want to make, however, is essentially a crude imitation of moving-in-IVA. The only part of it that currently exists is clicking on EVA hatches while in IVA -- in all the RPM modified pods that I have made, this will cause the kerbal you're currently controlling to go EVA. I even asked Alexustas to make props for hatches and hatch opening handles for cockpits that did not have any builtin feature that could be used for the purpose -- that's what the hatch in Mk1-2 pod does, that's what the handle in Mk1 cockpit does, and every hatch you can actually see has an invisible prop positioned over the cross in the middle that you can click. Mk1 pod has a visible handle on the inside.

The next step, however, is getting this to work to move the controlled kerbal to another capsule by clicking on the internal representation of a between-capsule hatch, which most stock pods and many mod pods have. While there are annoyances in the idea regarding determining where would the kerbal eventually end up after clicking, (I think that limiting it to 'well duh, you can only have a hatch where the capsule has a hatch' might encourage people to design ships with hatches in places that actually make sense, though, so I'm not too worried.) the actual stumbling block is that despite numerous attempts, I can't get the kerbals to cleanly reseat -- whatever I do, reseating kerbals while you're IVA screws up the entrie IVA.

I literally spent days just trying different ways to do it, (compile-install-try, compile-install-try) and none have worked.

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I've got an issue with rasterprop when the application loses focus (switch from the KSP client to the other app & back).

Seems that someone has the same problem.

I thought that some texture compression mods may be the problem and tried to check it on a clean client install. Added ONLY rasterprop mod, but the issue still persists.

Here's an archive with client log & screenshots.

If it might help - I have 2 monitors connected to a video card in multi-gpu mode.

The issue is not really crucial, but damn unpleasant...

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I've got an issue with rasterprop when the application loses focus (switch from the KSP client to the other app & back).

Seems that someone has the same problem.

I see that when the app loses focus and returns. Usually, doing something that forces the screen to redraw solves it (changing pages, for instance). I haven't looked into that part of the code, so I'm not terribly familiar with it. I don't know if the RPM module gets a "lost focus"/"reacquire focus" notice.

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...What, even one? Really?

Well, ok, but where would you expect to see this option to disable them, though?

A few is fine, but if you have a lot of docking ports it tends to lag.

How about an extra option in the MODULE {} part, something like showRay.

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I love the design of the MFD and the text display and layout, do you nor alexustas not accept donations? I know some serious work went into this and wouldn't mind donating. IMO this should be included into stock come the big IVA rework patch.

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The next step, however, is getting this to work to move the controlled kerbal to another capsule by clicking on the internal representation of a between-capsule hatch, which most stock pods and many mod pods have. While there are annoyances in the idea regarding determining where would the kerbal eventually end up after clicking, (I think that limiting it to 'well duh, you can only have a hatch where the capsule has a hatch' might encourage people to design ships with hatches in places that actually make sense, though, so I'm not too worried.) the actual stumbling block is that despite numerous attempts, I can't get the kerbals to cleanly reseat -- whatever I do, reseating kerbals while you're IVA screws up the entrie IVA.

Did you try using non-IVA as a buffer scene? I don't know if the word 'quickly' can be used here, but if you can switch to non-IVA, make the change, then switch back to IVA you might be able to use a 'fade to black' effect and play a hatch noise or shuffle sound or something. Could have the impact you want and provide a neat effect.

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I've got an issue with rasterprop when the application loses focus (switch from the KSP client to the other app & back).

This is a drawback of Unity as such. RenderTextures exist only in GPU memory, if something wipes them, they're gone. I could probably set up saving them to regular memory before application loses focus and restoring them afterwards, but this can really hurt memory usage, so I'd rather not.

I'll try to force refresh when the application comes back into focus though...

A few is fine, but if you have a lot of docking ports it tends to lag.

How about an extra option in the MODULE {} part, something like showRay.

Ok. :)

Did you try using non-IVA as a buffer scene? I don't know if the word 'quickly' can be used here, but if you can switch to non-IVA, make the change, then switch back to IVA you might be able to use a 'fade to black' effect and play a hatch noise or shuffle sound or something. Could have the impact you want and provide a neat effect.

That was the third thing I tried. No dice. :(

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i was trying your excellent mod and after some time alls the display become irresponsible.

My output log if full of those exception.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer.FetchPerPartData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer.UpdateCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

I was using RPM with the KSI, MechJeb, ScanSat et ALCOR.


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Great another mod I cant live with out........HUuuuuu the list.. IT GROWS!







RCS build aid

active texture reduction

KE redux

Proc farings


and now Pwings and roster prop.......really hope ksp goes 64 bit soon. :)

Edited by Tidus Klein
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Maybe I'm missing something here, but I can't seem to get any of the cameras to show up on the MFDs. Docking port cameras just show SMPTE color bars, all the other cameras are blank. I have Hullcam installed, is there some other plugin that I might be missing?

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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Maybe I'm missing something here, but I can't seem to get any of the cameras to show up on the MFDs. Docking port cameras just show SMPTE color bars, all the other cameras are blank. I have Hullcam installed, is there some other plugin that I might be missing?

If you have Hullcam, and you have installed RPM correctly, then Hullcam cameras should work. Make sure GameData/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/hullcam-models-as-external-cameras.cfg is present. That file provides the ModuleManager alterations to incorporate the HC cameras.

I thought there was a cfg file that added cameras to docking ports, but I'm not finding it right now.

Does the RPM sample camera work (it looks like a stretched linear RCS port)? If you place it on a vessel and right-click on it, does it show a camera ID and options to change that ID?

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ok, I ran a test flight with a bunch of different cameras. Oddly enough, the hull cameras started working, but the docking port cam still says no signal.

Okay, I think I know what's going on. The current version of RPM has a feature where it will automatically switch the docking port view to the currently active reference transform. If the current transform is not a docking port, you'll get the "no signal" screen. Go into the RPM menus for target selection, select "Reference Transform", and then select the docking port from the list. That should fix it. I use my own MFD configs, so I hadn't actually run across that yet.

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ok, that seemed to work, is there a way to get it set to the docking port by default?

I don't think there's a way to get the docking port to come up as the initial camera when using CurrentReferenceDockingPortCamera - when using that mode, the selected reference transform behaves as if you had selected "Control From Here" from the exterior view. If your docking port wasn't pointed forward on the centerline, all of your controls would behave unexpectedly.

In my MFD, I hard-coded the docking port by setting "cameraTransform = DockingPortCam1" instead of "cameraTransform = CurrentReferenceDockingPortCamera", and made sure the docking port I'm using has the following module:

name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
cameraContainer = dockingNode
cameraIDPrefix = DockingPortCam

It's not as flexible of an approach, but my ships fly with only a single docking port, anyway.

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I can't find the RPM sample camera neither. I can't find any traces of it in the gamedata folders either.

The RPM sample camera is JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Example/ExternalCameraPart. If it's not there, please install again. I confirmed the config and texture are present in the official 0.14 build.

Any plans to make Vessel View part of base RPM instead of an additional mod on top?

I am supposed to be looking into it. I've got the basic rendering working (that's easy to do), but I haven't added any functionality yet, so all it does is draw either a wireframe or a silhouette of the ship. Mihara has some ideas for what to do with it, but I've not been spending a great deal of time with it, since I've been more focused on playing the game the last couple of weeks.

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In my MFD, I hard-coded the docking port by setting "cameraTransform = DockingPortCam1" instead of "cameraTransform = CurrentReferenceDockingPortCamera", and made sure the docking port I'm using has the following module:

name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
cameraContainer = dockingNode
cameraIDPrefix = DockingPortCam

It's not as flexible of an approach, but my ships fly with only a single docking port, anyway.

That is a very interesting solution. If I understand correctly, there is no such module already defined for Docking Ports. It should be possible to have that added (by modulemanager) if a proper config file for those Docking Ports existed within the RPM install. If such a config file already exists, I am not able to find it. Now, following your example, I may try and create that file for myself; but shouldn't this file actually be a part of RPM?

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That is a very interesting solution. If I understand correctly, there is no such module already defined for Docking Ports. It should be possible to have that added (by modulemanager) if a proper config file for those Docking Ports existed within the RPM install. If such a config file already exists, I am not able to find it. Now, following your example, I may try and create that file for myself; but shouldn't this file actually be a part of RPM?

I could swear it was part of RPM prior to the CurrentReferenceDockingPortCamera feature being added, but it doesn't appear to be present now. It's a simple thing to add using MM - if you want all docking ports to add the feature, you wrap the above with

... insert that module code here ...

(pretty sure that's right - I didn't test it locally, since I add cameras to specific docking port types).

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