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What's your "YES!" moment when you research a part in career?


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Solar Panels FTW

Now I just have to remember to OPEN THE LITTLE B*STARDS after getting out of the atmosphere and before hitting the time warp.

Just add some of the small 1x1 as backup, long time since solar panels created an mission fail to me with the exception of the rover I sent for testing to Mun, being an rover it only needed solar cells on the top, I launched toward the full Mun so they was in shadow, I was out of power then doing the correction burn to take me out of impact trajectory :)

Later rover has cells either on transfer stage or one on the underside.

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The crazy guy who plays flight sims and built a few RC Airplanes in my free time. Once you know the basics of aerodynamics, it doesn't take much to build aircraft, and once you've made something that can cruise around Kerbin under jet power, it's only a matter of getting the altitude up, making orbit, and remembering to pack some RCS for easy navigation. Then just use some maneuver nodes to get where you need to go.

Rocketry is a foreign concept to me, and I waste tons of fuel getting something half the size of a decent 3 Kerbal spaceplane into orbit.

Can you do this without airhogging? And if so...

Craft file, pretty pretty please? o.o

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Can you do this without airhogging? And if so...

Craft file, pretty pretty please? o.o

Lightly airhogged, but not to the point of insanity. Something to keep in mind is that the Aerospike rockets are good for spaceplanes. As for craft files, I've never uploaded one before, so I'd have no clue on doing so. But I will once I get more of the parts I need in Career mode. Can't wait to get the NERVA engines, they make my job easier.

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I would say the definite "YES" moments for me, as it was for many others, would be getting Solar Panels and Batteries. Another great time was sending a Probe to the Joolian system and acquiring over 4000 Research points that helped me finish off the Science Tree. Best place to go for Science!

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