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[Plugin] - [0.22] - [V0.1a] - Data Generation & Body Specific Experiments


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The tech tree is available via TreeEdit, here is the thread for it.

Please use the plugin/pack download link from the tech tree thread. The download here is more for people to look at the plugin code/source. And has sample experiments for tweaking.




Update #2 - V0.18 Alpha - https://www.dropbox.com/s/37ainpn7ep53dpw/CustomExperimentV18.rar

Plugin & Custom Experiments

* Added multiple possible TargetSituations to Data recorder to allow grouping experiment of different situations within the same probe.

* Added custom error messages for Data Recorder and Experiments. In order of importance they will say what is their TargetBody, TargetSituation(s).

* Fixed issue with experiment getting stuck

* Fixed issue with experiment not triggering but data cosumed.

Update #1 - V0.1a Alpha Release

Known Issues:

#1 - Experiments when performed via GUI.Actions don't seem to reset, so you HAVE TO use action groups. No idea what is doing this right now. (Probably my added checks prior to the Deploy)

#2 - Ethernet's code for Situation checks seems to have problems with Landed & Splashed. FlyingLow,High,InSpaceLow,High all seem to work though. I'll check that up with him soon. (I'm probably using it wrong)


Howdy all,

Here is my first plugin for KSP.

What is it? It's adds 2 new modules for fellow KSP players to fiddle with. Although the ultimate goal for this plugin is to use with my science tree rework.

#1 - CustomExperiment

This module inherits from the ScienceExperimentModule, with a few new fields/checks which are configurable via .cfg file.

TargetBody : Select which planet is associated to this experiment

ExperimentCost : How much Data (or other resource) is required in order to perform the experiment.

ExperimentResource: Which resource is required by experiments.

The Situation mask is set by the experiment itself. (stock functionality)

#2 - DataGenerationModule

This module allows you to generate a new resource called 'data'. This data can only be generated a specific set of circumstances just like experiments. This data costs EC to produce, and will be subtracted once the experiment is executed.

This module also has customizable fields:

Input/Output Ratios: You can customize how much ElectricCharge/Data is consumed/produced.

Input/Output Resource: If you want, you can customize which resources are produced/expended by the module.

TargetBody : Select which body the recorder must be near in order to generate data

TargetSituation: Which situation the vessel must be in order to generate data

I'm in the final trouble shooting stages. There are some 'minor' issues, but I'll released it nonetheless. Most likely tomorrow, so if any more experienced modders have any suggestions on how to fix those, i'll be more than happy to update the code.

Hopefully this will be of some use for others too!

Lastly, massive thanks to Nerf Herder, he's not on the forums but he's a life long friend who help me fill in the gaps of my o-so amazing coding skills. (Sarcasm alarm detected)

Other thanks go to NathanKell, who showed me many things, most importantly how to check resources in the entire vessel as opposed to the module's associated part!

Ethernet spat out the checkBody method, and I've also attempted to use his custom method to acquire the situation of a vessel!

Majiir also provide some insight, and his KethaneConverter code was also heavily perused.

License: GPL v3

I've also included some sample experiments, they are basically the first few experiments that I'll release with my Tech Tree tweak pack.


Edited by MedievalNerd
Updated License
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  • 1 month later...
  Visari said:
Minor note, since it's like a fuel that expires, I think EC is equivalent to kWh, an expendable amount of energy.

Joule is the SI unit (Watt-second), but Amp-hours is probably how it would be rated in real life, since the voltage of these kinds of systems is constant.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi there, Are this plugin died ? ATM, the only issue i've seen was with the data recorder, which didn't want to start, without discard.

Anyway, i dont want to offense the modders, I know you're all working on update for us, just questionning.

fly safe!

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