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Surviving reentry


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Hey guys! Last night I deorbited a space station, its purpose was a small refueling outpost. I took a video and some great screen shots of it coming down.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/j0Hw6/embed"></iframe>

What are your methods to get kerbals to survive reentry? I had six MK1 command pods with parachutes that jettisoned off the station during reentry.

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I never needed to deorbit more Kerbals at once than what currently available pod can hold. I'd probably evacuate the station using standard ships before its end of life, attach a probe core and deorbit it remotely. Or I'd send them a special "evacuation shuttle" made of habitable modules with enough chutes and landing legs and evacuate them all at once before the deorbit.

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When I decided my first station's life was over I evacuated the crew onto a shuttle and then pushed the station into the atmosphere using RCS. It was once I had finished this that I remembered Desberry was in the hitchhiker storage module (this was before it had an internal view). So I put him in the Cupola to watch the descent.



In a feat of awesomeness worthy of Jebediah himself, he actually survived!


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I'm one of those people who never sends kerbonauts up to a space station without having some sort of "lifeboat" to get all of them out of there (usually the craft I used to put them up there in the first place), so I typically bring them back in those before I deorbit the thing.

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To answer the question... Make sure the Kerbal is in a pod on the top end of a relatively long stack. When the other end of the stack hits the ground, the upwards force of the explosion(s) is often enough to reduce the downward speed of the command pod to a survivable level by the time it reaches the ground :).

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