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Do you have setimental attachments to inanimate objects?


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Just wondering if my fellow Rocketeer's have attachments to inanimate objects.

If anyone's wondering, I do have sentimental attachments to inaniamte objects, so it's a "Yes" for me-one could say I'm too attached (I'm mostly peaceful and friendly...just don't snatch my iPhone when I'm not looking. Then I'm full-on attack mode.), and haveno limit to such objects (I even formed a sentimental attachment to a school project, and a sheet of homework paper... :huh:"

Now, just to clear stuff up.

Whats an Inanimate Object?

An object that is NOT living. Like your iPhone.

Whats an Sentimental Attachment

Basically, you become emotionally attached to an object, and treat it as family and as a daily part of your life, something which I've done so many times I'm starting to think I have some sort of odd disorder or syndrome. Also applies if you actively defend an object that you own.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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There is one thing, I have a little stuffed animal, a dog about 6 inches long. I was given it when I was only a month old. My mom found it at Wal-Mart and it had a tag near its tail with the dogs name. Same name as mine so she got it for me and I still have it, right beside me bed. lol I as well may be too old being 16 almost 17 but hey... What can I say? :P

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Do my kids count? They pretty much sit there and do nothing. That counts as "inanimate", right?

treat it as family and as a daily part of your life

I wouldn't say that's a "sentimental attachment". I've got attachments to objects that I don't see on a regular basis.

And y'all don't be worried about stuffed animals. I'm damn near 40, and I've got a couple around here.

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All my stuffed animals, but three in particular are welded to my heart with such a strong bond that no strut stitching can match. One is an Angry Birds red bird plushy, the second is a bunny I got during a dentist appointment when I was 6 or so, and a third is a teddy bear that my brother was given when he was one.

And every single Kerbal. Seriously, I was considering not buying the game because I couldn't imagine those guys dying :( . But I bought it anyways :rolleyes:

Probably my Saturn V model too, and a SCA model I got at Dryden. And my model trains. And maybe this paper house I made in 7th grade as applying the skills we learned that year to the real world. Meh :P

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Yeah, I was once sentimental about an inanimate object...then the divorce became final. Ba-da-bing!

Mwoaahh I was going to make that joke :(

but for real, Yeah I do have some inanimate objects I "love" or that have sentimental value.

One is (obviously) my guitar, Its shape is just perfect for me. I can still remember the first time I played her in the guitar store. I just had to have her. I bought her that same day. Didn't care about the price (My stomach later did, she was pretty expensive).

And than I got some lucky charms. One is a silver dollar that my gramps got back from the states. Not sure how I ended up with it but I love it and carry it with me in my wallet all the time.

And a year ago I bought a little meteorite. I brought it to my work a few times because people wanted to see it. And every time I brought it the event we where hosting (I work in a music venue) was a wild success. I kinda guessed it became of the inanimate space rock. It flew millions of miles for millions of years just to end up with me. That has to bring luck. Can't argue with that logic!

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