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Have YOU ever had a Kraken attack?


Have you ever experinced a Kraken attack?  

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  1. 1. Have you ever experinced a Kraken attack?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I am the Kraken.

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0.20, after installing KAS(before the attachment point bug was fixed)

I'd been using a good SSTO for crew transfers to my main space station, both before and after installing KAS.

But the last time I did so, the SSTO started acting strangely before reaching the station(without any KAS parts, they were all on the station.) 2 or 3 times, random bits would fly off at highspeed for no apparent reason.

Then when I reached the station, and switched over to it to reorient it, several more bits flew off.

So I switched back, really worried now....and the whole thing blows up and scatters bits of shuttle in all directions.

The cockpit was relatively unaffected, but was moving away from the station at some speed.

Cue my first rushed mass EVA as each Kerbal bailed out and burned for the station. It was touch-and-go for a few minutes, juggling three Kerbals into the station(thankfully there was little debris, it had all sped off to parts unknown!)

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I got attacked by the Hell Kraken twice within an hour yesterday. During the same time, the normal Kraken also visited me and tore an antenna off my Gilly Lander, just after it entered Eve's SOI. The craft was then repurposed as an Eve flyby with return to Kerbin.

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But you've got black "dead Kerbal" stripes in your sig ribbons for Kerbin, Mun, and Tylo :).

Maybe I should update my post, but I am lazy. I mean for the current save (0.22). Plenty of Kerbals have made craters on Kerbin in prior saves, grinning manically up until the moment of impact. I'm quite sure at some point, someone is going to die - how else are we going to get the EVA reports in Jool atmosphere?

I'm sure I'll be finding the Kraken there as well.

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Just yesterday, actually... I had my first run-in!

I didn't even realize that it happened, though.

but I went into the tracking station to clean up the 60+ debris that was littering the surface of kerbin (I like to keep the stuff in orbit, but I don't need to add 6 new debris on Kerbin when my return craft "gently" touch down and lose a bunch of pieces)

but I went in, and saw "orbiting kerbin"

"orbiting mun"

"orbiting kerbin"

"landed at kerbin"

"in flight"

uh... in flight? where?




the funny thing?

That craft never even left the atmosphere

it was just a bit science lab that I created to toss to the side of KSC and spam early science from surface samples

(it was using those 4 liquid boosters on top as power generators, because I hadn't unlocked solar panels or batteries yet)


I never had one explode (I launched 2 of them), so I really have no clue.

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Philosophical question :D - Who is Kraken?

Some physics behavior might look weird but work correctly. Especially when mods with unlimited joints strengths are installed. Is this Kraken or not? I was working on some physics modeling engine and there is such weird things happening with a little mistyping in some spring thickness constant that you wouldn't even believe :cool:

Oh and I had a Kraken when all Kerbin disappeared during the launch.

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My first Dres mission was hit by the Kraken on its return to Kerbin. Halfway home I switched to the ship to check up on my guys and then without warning they were chucked into interstellar space at a high fraction of the speed of light and according to the mission clock about 6 months forward in time. Then they vanished. Not content with just my crew, the Kraken then proceeded to destroy the universe. All my saves, new and old, were ruined. Great pits opened up around the KSC, the atmosphere thinned to vacuum, time itself ground to a halt. Truly it was the Kerbal apocalypse.

I had to completely re-install the game - sorry I mean, restart the universe.

I had my revenge though :cool:

I've experienced 2 krakens.

First, the tutorial Kraken.


And many other Krakens. But these are ones on film.

That's...actually kind of awesome. Some kind of trans-dimensional thing going on.

Edited by Brapness
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I believe I had the Warp Kraken for the first time yesterday (I have a screeny at home). I was physics warping while simply ascending to orbit (waiting for the apoaps burn). Suddenly the ship came apart, as I flew "North" at tremendous speeds, saw Kerbin and Mun vanish out of sight, straight up out of the elliptical, saw the Kerbol pop and and get further and further away... then suddenly I was back where I started just out of the Kerbin atmosphere.

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i have one every other day and i think i need more nuks because it kill them be for nuk town can happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s nuks come from my lathe base and all of them happen when i am passing vall in my supple ship never my more nuks ship?

and i have recto fit my nuk ship to do the supple roll but still!

so help will be nice and i have a small armed base one vall but nothing has happened yet to it so help be cause when they a cost to the game i will be so well i will hit rock you know f.... the kracken

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Oh yeah. Ships exploding after becoming active, disappearing planets. Whole system disappeared on me couple of times. Not to mention decouplers suddenly accelerating to ludicrous speeds all on their own. Kerbol system is a weird and dangerous place.

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Back in like .20 maybe I had a station in Minmus orbit, its was my kethane refueling depot for Minmus, I had Jeb in a mining ship coming in to dock, I switched to the station to rotate it so Jeb could dock, and turn on the lights, then it starts spinning, and spinning, faster, faster, and faster, and then it explodes! Like every joint in the station fails and debris is sent flying everywhere, somehow not hitting Jeb, I had already had a hell of a time getting it there an hour ago, and not wanting to go through it again, I hyper edited another one there. And guess what.


Many bops were killed via planet buster therafter

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I consider the Kraken and I to be on a first-name basis. Goodness knows I've seen enough things caused by the Kraken realizing I'm running a group of grey-suits to space and deciding to implode the solid rocket boosters through my Rockomax tank, but not the bottom-most one, letting my Mainsail go sailing right through the capsule.

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