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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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It's OS X, which I failed to mention. Should I expect any ill effects besides the unity incompatibility warning? Thanks for the help.

I'm unaware of OS X-specific bugs, and I doubt Chris used any platform-specific libraries, so it should work without a hitch.

"Should", of course, is a funny word which means many things.

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I'm unaware of OS X-specific bugs, and I doubt Chris used any platform-specific libraries, so it should work without a hitch.

"Should", of course, is a funny word which means many things.

The incompatibility warning comes from the fact OSX builds use a different Unity versions than the Windows and Linux ones right now. It /should/ work, but there might be things not working simply due to changes in Unity itself. Since I can't guarantee it, there this warning.

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Could I ask that, when there are many spare chutes, that this increases cost?

I did a quick test and noticed that 0 (zero rather than blank, which is unlimited) spare chutes costs the same as 5 which makes no sense to me. I would imagine each extra chute would double the cost compared to the previous one as it gets progressively harder to find a way to pack them all in (unless the spare chutes are kept in the pod with the crew)

Is it possible to have the cost increase when you have a lot of spare chutes please?

I know you have just updated but if I could throw that in for the next time that would be great.

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Could I ask that, when there are many spare chutes, that this increases cost?

I did a quick test and noticed that 0 (zero rather than blank, which is unlimited) spare chutes costs the same as 5 which makes no sense to me. I would imagine each extra chute would double the cost compared to the previous one as it gets progressively harder to find a way to pack them all in (unless the spare chutes are kept in the pod with the crew)

Is it possible to have the cost increase when you have a lot of spare chutes please?

I know you have just updated but if I could throw that in for the next time that would be great.

Unfortunately no, because I'm planing to completely redo this part of the logic. They will have a cost eventually, and a weight, and volume, etc. but I don't want to work on a placeholder. However, next update which won'T be a compatibility update will be in a while, so yeah.

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Unfortunately no, because I'm planing to completely redo this part of the logic. They will have a cost eventually, and a weight, and volume, etc. but I don't want to work on a placeholder. However, next update which won'T be a compatibility update will be in a while, so yeah.

That`s all I was asking, for it to be put into the queue for next time or whenever you worked on that section again. I didn`t consider weight or volume, that would be good too.

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I'm playing with Deadly Reentry and RemoteTech2. Today I designed an automated lanter for the Duna exploration mission in a career game, but only when I got to Duna I realized part of the mission involved getting into orbit, so I couldn't simply aerobrake and land like I planned. I only had 150m/s dV for adjusting trajectory, and I was too fast for slow it down with aerobraking on a single pass, so I realized I could use the drogue chute from my double chute pack during the aerobraking pass, reprogram my smart parts so it would turn my antenna back on after I left the atmosphere, and then proceed to the actual landing after orbiting once.

That part of the plan worked beautifully, but to my surprise, I can't use intact main chute to land now, because I already used the drogue chute. Even the model shows the main chute intact, but there's no option to arm or deploy it on the context menu. Is that a bug or a planned feature?

Edited by lodestar
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I'm playing with Deadly Reentry and RemoteTech2. Today I designed an automated lanter for the Duna exploration mission in a career game, but only when I got to Duna I realized part of the mission involved getting into orbit, so I couldn't simply aerobrake and land like I planned. I only had 150m/s dV for adjusting trajectory, and I was too fast for slow it down with aerobraking on a single pass, so I realized I could use the drogue chute from my double chute pack during the aerobraking pass, reprogram my smart parts so it would turn my antenna back on after I left the atmosphere, and then proceed to the actual landing after orbiting once.

That part of the plan worked beautifully, but to my surprise, I can't use intact main chute to land now, because I already used the drogue chute. Even the model shows the main chute intact, but there's no option to arm or deploy it on the context menu. Is that a bug or a planned feature?

It's already armed and should deploy when it reaches its deployment criteria. I know in a normal reentry that that part of RC is working properly because I have in the past cut my drogue chute and let the craft freefall the rest of the way to main chute deployment altitude or deployment pressure (depending on how it was configured at the time).

I don't THINK that aerobraking then leaving the atmosphere should have affected that. Or have you actually tried it and it wasn't working in the second reentry?

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I don't THINK that aerobraking then leaving the atmosphere should have affected that. Or have you actually tried it and it wasn't working in the second reentry?

I didn't because I'm playing without quicksaves, but you're right. I decided to go for it anyway, since I'd be stuck in orbit with a lander, and the main chute opened as expected.

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Hi CodeFantastic, please fill in the following bug report (shamelessly stolen from FlexGunship)

The details will help in solving any problems you may be experiencing



Bug Title - one line


date the bug was found goes here

include the time, if you are submitting more than one bug


Operating System and version

KSP version

Mod version

other installed mods, if applicable

hardware information, if applicable


A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language.


Trivial, Minor, Major, or Catastrophic


Step by step instructions on how to reproduce this bug.

Do not assume anything, the more detailed your list of instructions, the easier it is for the developer to track down the problem!

Test these steps as you have them written. If they don't work then the bug is unreproducible and should not be reported yet.


Type what happens when you follow the instructions. This is the manifestation of the bug.


Type what you expected to happen when you followed the instructions. This is important, because you may have misunderstood something or missed a step, and knowing what you expected to see will help the developer recognize that.


Describe anything you did to try to fix it on your own.


If you found a way to make the mod work in spite of the bug, describe how you did it here.


output_log.txt or player.log

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Hi CodeFantastic, please fill in the following bug report (shamelessly stolen from FlexGunship)

To supplement, here are the instructions for bug reports (including how to find the appropriate log).

In any event, possibly a botched installation, but beyond that, Chris really needs the log file to do anything.

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Like most mods, RealChutes doesn't remove any parts. So, yes, stock parachutes are still present. There's a Module Manager config included that makes stock parachute parts behave like RealChutes, but it doesn't remove them.

Oh. So there is no conflict from parachutes that existed on vessels before the installation, right?

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Oh. So there is no conflict from parachutes that existed on vessels before the installation, right?

Not to the point of preventing your craft from loading due to missing parts.

However, pre-existing chutes might not work properly. I'd land them to be safe. Or rename ModuleManager/Stock_RealChute_MM.cfg to something non cfg until you have all craft safely dealt with that had stock chutes.

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I was wondering. The most unrealistic thing about parachutes in KSP is the fact that they disappear when you land. Would it be possible to make parachutes that don't disappear, so you have to work around that in unmanned landers, like real world landers have to do?

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I was wondering. The most unrealistic thing about parachutes in KSP is the fact that they disappear when you land. Would it be possible to make parachutes that don't disappear, so you have to work around that in unmanned landers, like real world landers have to do?

If you think that this is the most unrealistic things with stock parachutes, you need to have a good talk with aerodynamics.

Besides, I'm not exactly sure what you would want them to do if they don't dissapear that doesn't involve cloth and strings physics (aka killing Unity)

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I was wondering. The most unrealistic thing about parachutes in KSP is the fact that they disappear when you land. Would it be possible to make parachutes that don't disappear, so you have to work around that in unmanned landers, like real world landers have to do?

Wow, it really is the most simple requests that have the most complex solutions.

I can`t even imagine how to do that without writing some serious custom code and having gravity affect the chute and other parts (i.e. the lander).

I guess the short answer is no, it`s not possible ;)

I would suggest roleplaying it and having the autocut altitude set at a suitable height so you can do a powered landing after the chutes have slowed you down to a reasonable speed.

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