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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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This is already all figured out, you'll know everything when release comes by :)

GAH!!! All you're doing is building the anticipation! I can't wait for the update!

Edited by Taki117
It sounded dirty.
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I just realized my Scott Manley video example was using the default radial parachutes. He did the

in a later Interstellar Quest video - he mounted the radials even higher up atop a longer re-entry vehicle and they still heated up and exploded. So maybe it's something with the game itself regarding radial chutes that's causing these problems.
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Alright guys and gals, dogs and cats, bananas and apples, kerbonauts and rocket builders, here it is. A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this and I've been spending a long time building this up, so here it is. I'm releasing RealChute v1.0 to the public :)


March 1st 2014
-New editor window which allows tweakaing of parachutes far more easily than stock tweakables
-Said window is accessible in the VAB/SPH through the action group editor panel, by selecting a RealChute part
-Texture, canopy models, and part size can be edited with this window, and only four parts are now necessary
-Old parts are still included to preserve compatibility but are not visible in the editor
-Added a field to prevent parachutes to be tweakable if necessary
-When a texture library is defined, the parachutes will automatically resize to the right diameter
-New info window in flight allows seeing the stats of the current parachute
-Predeployment altitude/pressures and deployment altitudes can now be generally tweaked from this window in flight
-When parachutes fail to deploy, their icon will blink red and a message whill show indicating a short reason why
-Parachutes do no need to be moved in a new stage to allow redeployment through staging
-For those who do not like the deployment logic, behaviour can be changed to arm on staging automatically by changing the value in RealChute_Settings.cfg
-Fixed a bug where when coming quickloading or coming back to a flight prevented from repacking correctly
Drag calculator(.exe):
-Revamped the code and now allows selection of materials to define the drag coefficient
-Heavy code repass to fix and optimize multiple things
-The plugin now uses CompatibilityChecker by Majiir to verify if the KSP version is compatible with the plugin

Now, some information before I let you all go.

First off: thank you to everyone for the support, and thank you to those who tested the plugin, you know who you are.

Second, a very important note to install v1.0:

Make sure you delete any previous version of RealChute before installing this one, very, VERY important.

Since only a few parts are needed now, all the other parts have been deprecated and moved to a new folder. They are included in the download, so nothing will break, but those parts are not visible in the editor anymore. Therefore, I recommend you land all your vessels with old RealChute parts ASAP and that you change your crafts in the editor to use the new parts so you can delete the folder with legacy parts and free your memory from them.

Now for the big feature, the editor window. You can access it by going in the action group panel and clicking on a RealChute part. The window will show on it's own and everything will be there. Most things are self explanatory. If you see a label turn red, it's because the value you entered is not correct. Either it's out of the accepted range, either there's a mistake somewhere. This means change it, else application will not work.

This said, do not forget to press apply. No change will remain apart from texture and size if you don't.

And now, to all those who wanted staging to behave like stock parachutes: this is now possible. Go in the RealChute folder and open RealChute_Settings.cfg. Change the autoArm value to "true" and you are good to go. But anyway, now parachutes can be staged as many times as you want when you press space, and if they don't deploy they'll tell you they can't. You can even check the predployment values in the info window :)

Lastly, I've added a donation button to the OP. If you are kind enough to donate even a little something, I will love you forever.

That's about it folks, have fun!

Cheers :)

Edited by stupid_chris
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Alright guys and gals, dogs and cats, bananas and apples, kerbonauts and rocket builders, here it is. A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this and I've been spending a long time building this up, so here it is. I'm releasing RealChute v1.0 to the public :)


March 1st 2014
-New editor window which allows tweakaing of parachutes far more easily than stock tweakables
-Said window is accessible in the VAB/SPH through the action group editor panel, by selecting a RealChute part
-Texture, canopy models, and part size can be edited with this window, and only four parts are now necessary
-Old parts are still included to preserve compatibility but are not visible in the editor
-Added a field to prevent parachutes to be tweakable if necessary
-When a texture library is defined, the parachutes will automatically resize to the right diameter
-New info window in flight allows seeing the stats of the current parachute
-Predeployment altitude/pressures and deployment altitudes can now be generally tweaked from this window in flight
-When parachutes fail to deploy, their icon will blink red and a message whill show indicating a short reason why
-Parachutes do no need to be moved in a new stage to allow redeployment through staging
-For those who do not like the deployment logic, behaviour can be changed to arm on staging automatically by changing the value in RealChute_Settings.cfg
-Fixed a bug where when coming quickloading or coming back to a flight prevented from repacking correctly
-Heavy code repass to fix and optimize multiple things
-The plugin now uses CompatibilityChecker by Majiir to verify if the KSP version is compatible with the plugin

Now, some information before I let you all go.

First off: thank you to everyone for the support, and thank you to those who tested the plugin, you know who you are.

Second, a very important note to install v1.0:

Make sure you delete any previous version of RealChute before installing this one, very, VERY important.

Since only a few parts are needed now, all the other parts have been deprecated and moved to a new folder. They are included in the download, so nothing will break, but those parts are not visible in the editor anymore. Therefore, I recommend you land all your vessels with old RealChute parts ASAP and that you change your crafts in the editor to use the new parts so you can delete the folder with legacy parts and free your memory from them.

Now for the big feature, the editor window. You can access it by going in the action group panel and clicking on a RealChute part. The window will show on it's own and everything will be there. Most things are self explanatory. If you see a label turn red, it's because the value you entered is not correct. Either it's out of the accepted range, either there's a mistake somewhere. This means change it, else application will not work.

This said, do not forget to press apply. No change will remain apart from texture and size if you don't.

And now, to all those who wanted staging to behave like stock parachutes: this is now possible. Go in the RealChute folder and open RealChute_Settings.cfg. Change the autoArm value to "true" and you are good to go. But anyway, now parachutes can be staged as many times as you want when you press space, and if they don't deploy they'll tell you they can't. You can even check the predployment values in the info window :)

Lastly, I've added a donation button to the OP. If you are kind enough to donate even a little something, I will love you forever.

That's about it folks, have fun!

Cheers :)

Just looked in the exact moment you updated... I think I just almost had an excitement seizure xD

EDIT: Just wanted to donate right away but the donate button leads me to a PayPal page saying Error. Guess the link is broken

Edited by DasBananenbrot
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I tried it out and the new tweakable functionnality, where you can choose the size of the part, of the chutes and their number, and have the whole calculator do the hard part for you is genius, great job. I might have to ruin the party though since the stock chutes won't deploy (they have the tweakable functionality and the info menu but they don't do a thing when asked to deploy, no message, nothing...)

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Not to burst the bubble, but small bug. Whenever I try to change the "Wanted Speed Full Deployment" value and the "Deployment Altitude" parameters for the secondary chute for both the the stack chute, and the Dual Cone chute they appear to stay at there original values. The cursor moves like I'm entering a new number, but the displayed numbers don't change. This is done with a stock install, and there are no errors in the Debug log.

Update: The values do not change in the popup information window in the VAB. This only occurs when using the Drouge Chute as the secondary chute. On a completely unrelated note: Damn those are some giant chutes!

Edited by Taki117
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I tried it out and the new tweakable functionnality, where you can choose the size of the part, of the chutes and their number, and have the whole calculator do the hard part for you is genius, great job. I might have to ruin the party though since the stock chutes won't deploy (they have the tweakable functionality and the info menu but they don't do a thing when asked to deploy, no message, nothing...)
Not to burst the bubble, but small bug. Whenever I try to change the "Wanted Speed Full Deployment" value and the "Deployment Altitude" parameters for the secondary chute for both the the stack chute, and the Dual Cone chute they appear to stay at there original values. The cursor moves like I'm entering a new number, but the displayed numbers don't change. This is done with a stock install, and there are no errors in the Debug log.

Update: The values do not change in the popup information window in the VAB. This only occurs when using the Drouge Chute as the secondary chute. On a completely unrelated note: Damn those are some giant chutes!




Yeah, I can't get the stock Mk16 chute to deploy for anything, the added ones seem to work fine.

To be fair I did mess much with stock chutes. I'll take some time to see what's going on with that. As for the values being stuck , I think I know what's going on. Will come up with fixes asap


Values not changing - Fixed

Mk 16 not deploying - it seems to be related to the outrageous amount of nullref in the debug log :rolleyes: Investigating.

Edited by stupid_chris
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Alright, worked it out. v1.0.1 is up


March 2nd 2014 (take 2)
-Fixed a bug where some fields in the editor window would not update
-Fixed a bug where everything using MM would flat out not work
-Fixed staging activating even from other vessels

That should fix issues. Mediafire version is changed, gonna update the Spaceport one :)

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