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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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Is parachute cut off set too high because if don't see how you could deploy a chute while having reentry flames. Without this, reentry is a simple matter. I'm using deadly reentry, so i'll go check both your mod and his, but I don't think it has anything to do with this...

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  somnambulist said:
It comes in handy with RemoteTech in a few edge cases. My first few early unmanned probes get their chutes armed after they leave atmo and are still in contact with KSC. Having the chute armed greatly increases the odds that the craft is recoverable even if the probe loses contact.

That was mostly the scope of this, yes.

  Aknar said:
Is parachute cut off set too high because if don't see how you could deploy a chute while having reentry flames. Without this, reentry is a simple matter. I'm using deadly reentry, so i'll go check both your mod and his, but I don't think it has anything to do with this...

If you are using deadly reentry, you shouldn't be deployng them that high. Use a little self control and deploy them after like you would normally do, or go change the configs yourself so that they deploy lower, for example at a presure of 0.01 :) This is why I created all this documentation.

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In the cfg file I find "cutAlt = -1" Parachute cut off isn't determined by speed?


Oh! I though this was when the parachute was torn off due to speed (to much drag for the speed) (Weight is also a factor)

Is this a feature you plan on adding? I consider it to be an important part of parachute deployment.

Edited by Aknar
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When I move a RealChute fitted vessel to the launch platform, the game segfaults during loading. Any idea what can cause this? KSP isn't really made for debugging it seems, since nothing was logged, the command line just says segfault, and even gdb cannot extract a stacktrace.

I'm running:

  1. The steam version 0.22
  2. On Linux Mint 13 with Cinnamon

Using these plugins:

  • RealChute
  • RemoteTech2
  • Mechjeb
  • FAR


  • Confirmed that it happens with just RealChute, no other mods.
  • Confirmed that it does not happen on a craft without RealChute parts.

Edited by Ghostbird
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  stupid_chris said:
segfaults? What do you mean by that? And Could you reproduce that and send me your KSP log, output_log.txt and any crash files?
  Segfault from wikipedia: said:
A segmentation fault (often shortened to segfault), bus error, or access violation is generally an attempt to access memory that the CPU cannot physically address. It occurs when the hardware notifies an operating system about a memory access violation. The OS kernel will in response usually perform some corrective action, such as sending the offending process a signal, terminating it, or causing it to dump core.

And I think I've found the reason: I did not download the ModuleManager file that was supplied in the first post, since I already had the latest version. However, I checked it just now, and I saw that it includes configuration files as well. Apparently KSP doesn't handle such missing files gracefully, and segfaults, instead of producing an error.

As I said in my previous post, no crash files, nor output logs were written, which is fairly common when a segfault occurs, since the program is sent the SIGSEGV and is terminated immediately. Also I tried debugging the program with GDB (GDB: The GNU Project Debugger) and it couldn't get any stacktrace. I later realised that KSP may be written in C#.NET and that GDB has no support for that language.

I'm loading KSP right now, and will try to see whether RealChutes works correctly. Then I guess I will run some tests before adding Deadly Re-entry. I think that's the last of the realism mods.


It turns out that the problem was caused by the missing configuration files. I'll be loading in my original mods again and test whether they all play nice together.


Everything is working fine now. You may want to add a notice that the modulemanager download also includes necessary configuration files though. Otherwise people who are sure they know-it-all and have the correct modulemanager.dll already may not download it and start whining about it. (Who, me? Surely not?) :P


Is there a part in the mod with both a drag chute and a main chute in one part? (I saw the stackable drag chute has two drag chutes.) Or do I have to write it myself if I want that? I'd love to have a nose cone with both drag and main parachutes.

Edited by Ghostbird
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@Ghostbird -- I was wondering the same thing about the dual-chute part in the description. In my imagination, I was hoping to simply stack parachutes together and have a drogue + main combo that would be stage-able. In reality, it sounds like we have to "create" our own custom parachuted parts.

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  Ghostbird said:
And I think I've found the reason: I did not download the ModuleManager file that was supplied in the first post, since I already had the latest version. However, I checked it just now, and I saw that it includes configuration files as well. Apparently KSP doesn't handle such missing files gracefully, and segfaults, instead of producing an error.

As I said in my previous post, no crash files, nor output logs were written, which is fairly common when a segfault occurs, since the program is sent the SIGSEGV and is terminated immediately. Also I tried debugging the program with GDB (GDB: The GNU Project Debugger) and it couldn't get any stacktrace. I later realised that KSP may be written in C#.NET and that GDB has no support for that language.

I'm loading KSP right now, and will try to see whether RealChutes works correctly. Then I guess I will run some tests before adding Deadly Re-entry. I think that's the last of the realism mods.


It turns out that the problem was caused by the missing configuration files. I'll be loading in my original mods again and test whether they all play nice together.


Everything is working fine now. You may want to add a notice that the modulemanager download also includes necessary configuration files though. Otherwise people who are sure they know-it-all and have the correct modulemanager.dll already may not download it and start whining about it. (Who, me? Surely not?) :P


Is there a part in the mod with both a drag chute and a main chute in one part? (I saw the stackable drag chute has two drag chutes.) Or do I have to write it myself if I want that? I'd love to have a nose cone with both drag and main parachutes.

Unless you are using other then the provided parachutes in the official download, this shouldn't be a problem. ModuleManager is only required if you want to make it work with other mods. As for the KSP log and the output_log.txt, those are generated as soon as you boot KSP, so yeah, you would have had some.

  Beetlecat said:
@Ghostbird -- I was wondering the same thing about the dual-chute part in the description. In my imagination, I was hoping to simply stack parachutes together and have a drogue + main combo that would be stage-able. In reality, it sounds like we have to "create" our own custom parachuted parts.

This was planned long ago, the only reason those aren't available yet is that the parts weren't available. They are now and you'll be seing drogues/main combos Tuesday in the official download :)

  Starwaster said:
Stupid_Chris, any chance of making 0.2.1 available? The orientation-to-ground is much more prevalent in RSS and even if it's only graphical (though sometimes it seems like it's not....) it's most disconcerting ;.;

It'll be fixed Tuesday when I update for .23, I'm just waiting for it to come out before releasing any fixes. I don't have a copy of 0.2.1 hanging around unfortunately.

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  stupid_chris said:
There are individual drogues and mains, but currently no drogue/mains in one part. Those will be available tomorrow :)

I must admit I also thought they were already in. If they are not then the normal operation is almost drogue-like enough, hehe. looking forward very much to seeing the double part.

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  Starwaster said:
chris, I was poking around in the code and looking at the drag formula and at drag studies in various documents online (NASA, military, etc) they all use half of the atmospheric density value. Is there a reason formusing the full value?

the formula is ½ * rho * v² * Cd * A, and as far as I know, it's exactly what I'm using :)

Also, sorry for the release delay, EFFECTS node toook a little more time than expected and I'm currently tracking a few nasty nullrefs, should be up soon.

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