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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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Ah yes good idea, not hard, I'll add this now :)

EDIT: At the same time if you'd like to tell me which parts you would not want to be tweakable would be nice.

Everything from FASA and BobCat, basically. I'm mostly concerned with RSS, though.

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New development update!


I can feel that I am slowly getting there. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting very close. I believe I have squashed the very last bug I had on my hands. I have two or three more really small features to add, and then I'll be sending copies of it to some testers to make sure it's correctly polished.

Cheers! :)

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Ok I think I have a better grasp of it all now. An example would probably work best though. Here is my manned suborbital capsule with a main chute. I've used the calculator to set it up as required for a 5m/s landing to not destroy the engine which has a crash tolerance of 7m/s. Is this all correct?


if so my only remaining questoins are the "Predep time" and "Dep time" settings. Those are to help reduce any hard G forces from the chute opening correct? The larger the chute diameter the larger the deployment amount should be?

Thanks, just trying to keep my kerbals safe! :)

what u using to have such vibrant colors and such good contrast

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not entirely sure if that pic is intended behavior (i.e one of those is a drouge and another is the main) but if so i cant wait until the update! (you are also holding up a very big duna mission. no rush)

This is simply me testing the switchups of canopies. This originally had two single canopies with normal chute texture, and one was changed to a triple with drogue texture. Basically a demonstration of what can be done with the parts :)

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How to set and adjust the chutes to pressure-mode on the configs?

I modified the "minPressure" property to "0.13533528" but when I go to the ingame editor it's still "0.01".

Here is my current ModuleManager's modifier:

@maximum_drag = 0
@stowedDrag = 0
@minAirPressureToOpen = 0.13533528

@maximum_drag = 0
@mustGoDown = true

@minIsPressure = true
@minPressure = 0.13533528
@preDeploymentSpeed = 0.75
@deploymentSpeed = 1

@minPressure = 0.13533528
@deploymentAlt = 500
@preDeploymentSpeed = 0.75
@deploymentSpeed = 1

@mustGoDown = false

@minPressure = 0.04978706
@preDeploymentSpeed = 0.75
@deploymentSpeed = 1

@mustGoDown = false

@minIsPressure = false
%minDeployment = 100
@deploymentAlt = 50
@preDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
@deploymentSpeed = 1

@mustGoDown = false

@secMinIsPressure = true
@secMinPressure = 0.13533528
@secPreDeploymentSpeed = 0.75
@secDeploymentSpeed = 1

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How to set and adjust the chutes to pressure-mode on the configs?

I modified the "minPressure" property to "0.13533528" but when I go to the ingame editor it's still "0.01".

Here is my current ModuleManager's modifier:


I'm a bit confused myself, I couldn't really tell, this should work by all means :/

On another note, I have a stable enough version to playtest with!

Anyone interested into testing the new version, send me a PM and I'll see about getting you on track.

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How to set and adjust the chutes to pressure-mode on the configs?

I modified the "minPressure" property to "0.13533528" but when I go to the ingame editor it's still "0.01".

Here is my current ModuleManager's modifier:


Are you checking newly placed parts or parts on existing craft or loaded craft? Pre-existing craft and loaded craft will retain their values, at least for stock chutes. Not sure about Real Chutes; if they use persistent data then the same applies for them. Only newly placed chutes will use your patched in values.

Ok, not seeing a problem in your patch file... do you see it applied to ANY parachutes at all?

I even just went and made a file with your code and it IS working.

The only way it might not work that I can think of is if you have another patch being applied to those chutes with the :Final tag at the end. And it would then have to be applied after the patch in the script you posted.

Check your output_log.txt file (in ksp_data folder) and look for lines that say something like


You can see it being applied, it'll look something like

[ModuleManager] Applying node MyTweaks/generalParachutePatch/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleParachute]]:Final to Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteLarge/part/parachuteLarge

Edited by Starwaster
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Is there a way to open the parachute config menu in flight? And for some reason my mains won't stage. They instead move up into the next stage. I have to manually right click to activate them.

Are you below their maximum deployment altitude? If so then this is a bug. If not, then this is intended operation. You cannot Stage-in-space You have to use either the right click menu or action groups to arm your parachutes.

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it isn't a bug, just set the arm parachute to an action group. or right click. Good thing is, if you set it up correctly, you could arm all your parachutes while in space and they will work flawlessly when they should

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Good news to everyone about that:

Next update will have two new features to solve this issue :)

First, when parachutes fail to deploy, the icon will blink red and a message will appear on the screen saying why. And to make things better, you don't have to move parachutes anymore! They will try to stage each time you press space and they are in the current stage.

Not only that, but if you really hate this deployment logic, there will now be a settings file in the RealChute folder where you can set staging to arm automatically so it behaves like stock. It is also possible to disarm parachutes if it is accidentally done!

About that, testing is going good, if all goes well, the new version will be there before the end of the weekend :)

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Good news to everyone about that:

Next update will have two new features to solve this issue :)

First, when parachutes fail to deploy, the icon will blink red and a message will appear on the screen saying why. And to make things better, you don't have to move parachutes anymore! They will try to stage each time you press space and they are in the current stage.

Not only that, but if you really hate this deployment logic, there will now be a settings file in the RealChute folder where you can set staging to arm automatically so it behaves like stock. It is also possible to disarm parachutes if it is accidentally done!

About that, testing is going good, if all goes well, the new version will be there before the end of the weekend :)

Oh wow you did it!

Thanks Chris!

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I have a question about the radial chutes. Are they even meant to be used for re-entry in this configuration? I placed them high up on the capsule to stay out of the heat as much as possible, and the batteries I was hoping would shield them as well. Yet they exploded pretty much as soon as I hit the re-entry interface. Yes, I do have Deadly Re-Entry Continued (left to the stock config it comes with).

I went back and did another flight to see again what happened. I hit the atmosphere and by the time I started seeing heat effects the radials were already at 800C. When I checked the batteries below them they were at around 150C. The radials exploded and the batteries never got hotter than around 300C

So am I just using them wrong? I'm not using a nose cone chute because I wanted the punch-out escape tower. Don't have the stacked chutes unlocked yet

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I have a question about the radial chutes. Are they even meant to be used for re-entry in this configuration? I placed them high up on the capsule to stay out of the heat as much as possible, and the batteries I was hoping would shield them as well. Yet they exploded pretty much as soon as I hit the re-entry interface. Yes, I do have Deadly Re-Entry Continued (left to the stock config it comes with).

I went back and did another flight to see again what happened. I hit the atmosphere and by the time I started seeing heat effects the radials were already at 800C. When I checked the batteries below them they were at around 150C. The radials exploded and the batteries never got hotter than around 300C

So am I just using them wrong? I'm not using a nose cone chute because I wanted the punch-out escape tower. Don't have the stacked chutes unlocked yet

I really can't tell to be honest. They are meant to be used in that configuration, but I really can't control what DRE does. I'll try poking NathanKell about that when he comes back.

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I really can't tell to be honest. They are meant to be used in that configuration, but I really can't control what DRE does. I'll try poking NathanKell about that when he comes back.

Maybe DREC thinks they're open.

IIRC, it does have code in there that checks to see if a parachute was opened and treats it as unshielded.

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I just went back and tried again, slower this time but to no avail. I even made sure the chutes were not armed until 12km in case there was something about arming the chutes that caused them to become unshielded. Same results, clicking around at the other things on the capsule nothing heated over 300C.

It was funny though

:P My last re-entry was over 1k less m/s than his too. He's also using DREC in this video series though not sure if he tampered with the config at all - he didn't mention doing that though.

Note that I have used radials successfully before on this craft:


Here they are mounted above the Goo canister on both sides. Heat shield is on top under the nose cone. Both parachutes burned off. So I moved the Goo up to where the chutes are, stuck the heat shield under the Science Jr, and placed the radials on top of the probe body under the nose cone. I jettisoned the nose cone prior to re-entry so the radials were exposed but they were on top so I guess far enough out of the heat to survive. But obviously mounting radials on top isn't their true purpose - they just worked well here since I didn't have a bigger nose cone chute unlocked.

Edited by Gaiiden
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Question about upgrading: if I have something with a real chute on it (specifically a dual nosecone) and I upgrade, if I keep the partconfig (and other relevant files) in the folder would it still work?

This is already all figured out, you'll know everything when release comes by :)

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