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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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Bah. In my post 1.0 excitement, I forgot to copy over a fresh, modless version of the game. Now I wake up to an update and a handful of crucial mods are broken.

No worries, though. :) I'll call this a lesson learned and patiently wait. Still have a few things going on in my .90 game anyway, plus there's this thing call work that I must attend to. BTW, sorry for not following up on my camera losing focus bug report. IF it was a Real Chute issue, it appears to have been fixed. If not, probably some weird alchemical mojo in a combo of other mods fixed it. Regardless, I went to bed last night pre 1.0.1 after having successfully landing a Real Chute equipped capsule with no issues.

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And here we go, is out.


May 1st 2015
-Parachutes can now burn up during reentry shock heating, each material has it's own characteristics
-Added a MM node for the new stock radial drogue
-Updated all parachute max temperature values
-sumghai converted all the part textures to DDS for faster loading

And yes, you read it right, reentry heating for parachutes is now a thing. The code is not final, I was planning to do this for 2.0, but since Squad implemented it themselves, I had to at least put that up. You can expect it to get much better in the next big update, but this will do well for now.

That said, enjoy folks!

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  Kowgan said:
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to stupid_chris again."


As always, your effort is really appreciated, Chris. :)

Thank you, I appreciate support :)

  stupid_chris said:
Alright guys, here's how it goes.


  • That supporting you guys is nearly becoming a full time job;
  • That I have a personal life that I need to take care of, as well as a part time job, full time school, two cats, a dog, and my own wellbeing;
  • That my financial life is far from stable and that I'm moving out of the family home next month;
  • That I do not have the time, energy, and at this point, will, to take care of all the traffic going on in this thread; and
  • That 90% of the support requests I receive have either been answered numerous times, or lack the information, tools, or friendly tone for me to want or be able to take care of them correctly.

This is what's going to happen:

  • I've decided to not completely abandon RealChute;
  • However, I'm not going to be around this project much for a while. I do not know how long, but I wouldn't bet on an update before 0.26, EVA parachutes will wait. If someone wants to send a pull request for the current bug with stock chutes, I'd be really grateful, would look into it, and publish it if it works;
  • I am not going to answer any support request until then, or at least for a while. Sorry, but I can't deal with this right now;
  • When I come back, I'm not going to answer support requests until I've been provided with all the needed information;
  • I'm not going to answer support requests for things that have been answered/fixed multiple times in the few last pages or in previous updates;
  • I'm not going to support users who have unlocked RealChute on Win64, even if they revert to 32bit after. Basically, doing this voids your “guaranteeâ€Â. This will hold until Squad removes the unstable builds, or that I judge Win64 to be stable enough. You've been warned;
  • Dropping support as a whole and letting third parties sort through the bug and different reports has been considered, and might happen if things do not go better and I judge it to be necessary, but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it;
  • The OP will explain carefully what I need, and how to report bugs;
  • The new license will stand. I hate having to do it, but I've judged it to be necessary, and;
  • I will not reply to snarky, rude, judgemental, demanding, or accusatory comments or requests.

I did not want it to come to this, but at this point I have to resort to it. This is far better than nothing at all as I hope all will agree.

I also want to remember everyone of this. This still applies.

Edited by stupid_chris
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I have a question, and I want to stress this is not a bug report about Real Chutes.

I don't see any mention in the changelog for the latest version of any change that might have affected the way the new aero dynamics affects the chutes, but, is it, in anyway possible, that some change might have an effect on the aero dynamics? I only ask, because craft I've been using since 1.0 and the previous version of RC's {that were rock steady} are now suddenly flipping out between 3000 and 9000M, The only things that changed was I updated to the newest version of RC's and both the 1.01 and 1.02 updates dropped for KSP, and I suspect my issues are coming from there. I saw in the change log that some wing parts got new mass figures. I'm pulling the craft apart and rebuilding them with new launchers and such, but since RC's parts are the only mod parts on the craft, I just thought I'd ask.

Again, this isn't a bug report or anything, this is just me trying to trouble shoot my own issues, and asking for a little more info. This mod has always been one of my must have mods, and I appreciate all the work you put into it. I very rarely have any issues with it, and I really doubt its the reason I'm having issues now, but no harm in asking. Thanks

Edit: Never mind, I've pulled all the mods out of my game, removed the RC's from these craft and flown them in pure stock builds and they are still flipping out between 3000 and 9000 meters. They flew perfectly for days, and since the 1.01 and 1.02 updates I can't get them to fly, and the frustration thing is I can't figure out why. :mad:

Edited by vardicd
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@stupid_chris and his stupid shakin pengul

Thanks for sticking around and not giving up on us :kiss:

don't about stupid support request like: halp me, my gamy no worky....

Mostly sure that any of us browsing through, and capable enough of answering such question, will help too.

  vardicd said:
Edit: Never mind, I've pulled all the mods out of my game, removed the RC's from these craft and flown them in pure stock builds and they are still flipping out between 3000 and 9000 meters. They flew perfectly for days, and since the 1.01 and 1.02 updates I can't get them to fly, and the frustration thing is I can't figure out why. :mad:

I was about to answer you, but yes, it seems some changes have been made that are making things go boom, Though not entirely sure what they are.

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Posting this here and in Deadly Reentry cause it concerns both.

Deadly Reentry forces you to wait until you are at a speed of 350m/s to deploy. Have people found this realistic or should I change the value?

(Concerns realchute) Does realchute have a chute that allows higher elevation, smaller decrease in velocity so that you can slow down before primary deployment?


Feel free to discuss this. I am wondering what people are doing for sharp-reentries...Whether they burn fuel or just ride it out with a heat shield (I have had the top chute burn off even though I head engine first so this worries me)

Edited by Friend Bear
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  Friend Bear said:
Posting this here and in Deadly Reentry cause it concerns both.

Deadly Reentry forces you to wait until you are at a speed of 350m/s to deploy. Have people found this realistic or should I change the value?

(Concerns realchute) Does realchute have a chute that allows higher elevation, smaller decrease in velocity so that you can slow down before primary deployment?

Hi! In my opinion 350 m/s is realistic. 350 m/s is almost Match 1 I think it will be quite dangerous even the smallest chute. If you want to reduce your speed, I would use spoilers and when you are at 100 m/s - 150 m/s use your drogue chutes and then your main chutes.

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Currently I still playing 0.90 (I'm using the full Realism Overhaul pack). I have the 1.3.1 version of RealChutes and I was wondering if the latest version has backwards compatibility with 0.90? Do you recommend to update it or to stick with 1.3.1?



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I like the idea of a realism mod, but at the same time, I want to play the Kerbal system. I think there is a mod that expands it but it would be awesome if they made it so the distances and sizes of bodies adjusted along with a scale on difficulty (the planets get bigger, etc.).

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  jrodriguez said:

Currently I still playing 0.90 (I'm using the full Realism Overhaul pack). I have the 1.3.1 version of RealChutes and I was wondering if the latest version has backwards compatibility with 0.90? Do you recommend to update it or to stick with 1.3.1?



If I recall a few pages back, it was said the latest versions are NOT backwards compatible. If your still using .90, stick with the older version.

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  Friend Bear said:
Posting this here and in Deadly Reentry cause it concerns both.

Deadly Reentry forces you to wait until you are at a speed of 350m/s to deploy. Have people found this realistic or should I change the value?

(Concerns realchute) Does realchute have a chute that allows higher elevation, smaller decrease in velocity so that you can slow down before primary deployment?


Feel free to discuss this. I am wondering what people are doing for sharp-reentries...Whether they burn fuel or just ride it out with a heat shield (I have had the top chute burn off even though I head engine first so this worries me)

I would prefer DRE to not handle RealChute at all anymore. I'm handling heat myself right now, and with the patch I'm introducing this afternoon, the chutes burn nearly instantaneously if stuff is getting to hot. Also, the big update I'm working on will have dedicated aerodynamics failures and a better heat management system. I'd rather not have DRE step over that.

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Hey guys, I'm trying to add a custom cfg file tfor compatibility with the Sounding Rockets mods.

I've trying copying over the stock replacements as a base, but no matter what I do, it doesn't work.

The stage list doesn't add a chute action, the info window shows wrong, and in the log there are several exceptions from realchutes:

[EXC 15:09:18.376] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
RealChute.Parachute.Initialize ()
RealChute.RealChuteModule.<OnStart>b__26 (RealChute.Parachute p)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].ForEach (System.Action`1 action)
RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnStart (StartState state)
Part.ModulesOnStart ()
Part+.MoveNext ()
[LOG 15:09:19.613] SR.Nosecone.625 added to ship - part count: 2
[LOG 15:09:21.659] deleting part SR.Nosecone.625
[EXC 15:09:22.328] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
RealChute.Parachute.Initialize ()
RealChute.RealChuteModule.<OnStart>b__26 (RealChute.Parachute p)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].ForEach (System.Action`1 action)
RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnStart (StartState state)
Part.ModulesOnStart ()
Part+.MoveNext ()
[EXC 15:09:22.350] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
RealChute.EditorGUI.RenderGUI ()
RealChute.ProceduralChute.OnGUI ()

Any ideas why this might be happening?

I've tried to tweak with the MM file, remove some of the stuff and etc, don't know what else to do...


maximum_drag = 0.32
@category = none
@mass = 0.04


name = RealChuteModule
caseMass = 0.04
timer = 0
mustGoDown = false
cutSpeed = 0.5
spareChutes = 5

material = Nylon
preDeployedDiameter = 1
deployedDiameter = 25
minIsPressure = true
minPressure = 0.01
deploymentAlt = 700
cutAlt = -1
preDeploymentSpeed = 2
deploymentSpeed = 6
preDeploymentAnimation = semiDeploySmall
deploymentAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
parachuteName = canopy
capName = cap

name = ProceduralChute
textureLibrary = StockReplacement
currentCanopies = Main chute

channel = Ship
clip = sound_parachute_open
volume = 1

channel = Ship
clip = sound_parachute_single
volume = 1

channel = Ship
clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut
volume = 1

channel = Ship
clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack
volume = 1

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  stupid_chris said:
You can't add a parachute to any part unfortunately. It needs to be an existing parachute with the right part components. What you're trying to do is not gonna work.

But it is a parachute part, the name is misleading, it a small nosecone with stock parachute (I think) mechanics.

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  Gfurst said:
But it is a parachute part, the name is misleading, it a small nosecone with stock parachute (I think) mechanics.

Then you can't just copy the config of another part. First, remove all lines from the ProceduralChute module except for the name. SEcond, put the *right* names for this part in capName, parachuteName, deploymentAnimation, and preDeploymentAnimation. It won't work without the right names.

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