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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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but I only see a flag for minDeployment (minIsPressure ) not for the deploymentAlt

Yes, because only predeployment can be controlled by pressure. Full deployment will stay locked by altitude.

minDeployment controls predeployment. minIsPressure tells the plugin wether the value of minDeployment is pressure or altitude. deploymentAlt is the altitude of full deployment.

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You can't catch everything when you bust coding. That's why there are some of use who test things out and give feed back.

I also found this with radial mounted chute:


This is the first day I got to try the chute you made. I was just using stock and NP. I wanted to get rid of my NP stack chutes and use your stacked chute.

I using your stack chutes and radial chutes, the others I didn't install. Of course I am using stock patch configs.

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I notice you resized the chutes, they are pretty accurate if you were going for realism. If you ever watched China's Shenzhou rockets reenter, they have one large chute, especially Shenzhou-10.




I love how they do landings on the ground. Just before they hit the ground sensor detects surface and pod activates rockets to ease last second touch down, kicks up a lot of dust.

If you guys never seen a launch or reentry of Shenzhou-10, search on youtube for video. That space craft looks a lot like a KSP kind.

Edited by therealcrow999
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I like the "Deployment awaiting negative vertical velocity." Is there a way to get that to work on the Stock.cfg and the others?

just go in the stock modulemanager file and change "mustGoDown" to true

hey is there any way to make the parachutes not go inside eachother? my parachutes keep going inside eachother and it looks weird.

For now, no, unfortunately. I'll potentially be working on this in the future.

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One last question, in the new update, is there going to be more of refined integration of the parts in tech tree? Like lowering the stack 0.65 chute down the tree, instead of Specialized Control. I feel like players with smaller pods could have access to the regular 0.65 stack chutes earlier. The other 0.65 stack chutes seems fine where they are at.

I really don't have any ideas where it could go.

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It deploys as soon as it can. In that case, drogue predeployment is most likely 45km and main 40km. Arming on Kerbin isn't of much use honestly.

It comes in handy with RemoteTech in a few edge cases. My first few early unmanned probes get their chutes armed after they leave atmo and are still in contact with KSC. Having the chute armed greatly increases the odds that the craft is recoverable even if the probe loses contact.

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