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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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For my SDHI Service Module Dock-o-chutes, it was my intention that I have a drogue-mains system packaged into a single part:


- user deploys parachutes with one keypress

- at altitude A, the drogues get deployed and gradually inflate

- at altitude B, the drogues autocut

- at altitude C, the mains deployed and gradually inflate

- upon landing / splashdown, the mains autocut

Current testing has given mixed results, but I suspect some of it may be due to some derping on my part - I'll need to investigate further.

Edited by sumghai
Spelling derpage
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That is pretty much what i am looking for. On your chutes, can you manually override at any point, say cut the drogue early and then wait to deploy mains???

I know Apollo had manual overrides, but I'm not sure how to wrap my head around that - usually, I'd prefer one keypress to automatically sequence the chutes, but manual might mean binding different action keys (this may also mean some modifications to the PartModule to allow unique names for Actions in the Action Groups editor).

Of course, silly me might be asking for waay too much out of an already excellent add-on.

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Okay, I've tested it in game and then looked at my code to see what's actually going on. Since it's on the same part, the parachutes are trying to override each other, and that's not playing well. However I think I could get it to work, but I would have to list the modules on the parachute to do so, so I'm adding this to my roadmap for 0.2 and bumping the other updates one step further :)

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Okay guys, it's fine alright, let's not get heated, I would hate to have to act as a moderator in here. What I do with my plugin and how I name it will always resort to what I want to do with it, I'm already aware that I won't be able to satisfy everyone out there :P

And I'm still waiting for a confirmation myself. If I have none by tomorrow I'll download FAR and try it myself.

Sorry maybe I will be able to test it later in about two or three hours. Weren't able to do it before as I was working xD

Edit: Just saw you already uploaded some of the modmanager files xD that is awesome thank you :D

Edited by DasBananenbrot
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Okay guys, it's fine alright, let's not get heated, I would hate to have to act as a moderator in here. What I do with my plugin and how I name it will always resort to what I want to do with it, I'm already aware that I won't be able to satisfy everyone out there :P

Exactly, no need to get all worked up about it :) I just noted that realism does not seem to be the goal of this mod - dispite the name. That has little to do with technical limitations and a lot with gameplay based decisions. That is fine, but simply means that different people are going to like it and use it.

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Updated to v0.1.1a! Small hotfix that should fix the problems encountered above, along with a new potentially useful feature.


November 13th 2013
-Hotfix of a few deployment bugs that could cause weird unresponsive parachutes
-Added a “cutAlt†feature to automatically cut a parachute below a certain altitude.

is that altitude AGL or ASL?

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Exactly, no need to get all worked up about it :) I just noted that realism does not seem to be the goal of this mod - dispite the name. That has little to do with technical limitations and a lot with gameplay based decisions. That is fine, but simply means that different people are going to like it and use it.

But it's still more realistic than the stock chutes :)

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Can you please add a feature that prevents the chutes to open while not moving downwards (helpful for recovering boosters)
Or, add a timer ??????? Would really be great for srb recovery if the chute's did not pop for a predetermined amount of time.... if possible to set via rmb or such.????

Putting it this way, that does seem like a potential useful feature. I'll see about adding this in 1.1b.

is that altitude AGL or ASL?

All altitudes are AGL. I know it might be slightly more relevant ASL, but this way it's easier to time it with some different's chute deployment.

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For the record, I play with FAR and I've noticed no major difference of than DR not exploding my probe because four chutes deployint on a basic sputnik probe going 90 m/s generates a lot of g's. And max g's where around 7 after downloading. Still need less chutes though. 2.4 m/s decent is only a tad slow.

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For the record, I play with FAR and I've noticed no major difference of than DR not exploding my probe because four chutes deployint on a basic sputnik probe going 90 m/s generates a lot of g's. And max g's where around 7 after downloading. Still need less chutes though. 2.4 m/s decent is only a tad slow.

Thanks, it's nice to have a definitive answer ^^

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Sorry 'bout the horrid spelling back there... I blame the iPod. Anyway, could you also lower the heat tolerance on the chutes to match stock? I can throw the chutes haphazardly in the wind with DR the way you have it. Miss having to consider protecting those chutes. (I know I could just edit the configs, but I'm lazy) And a personal preference: could you do some re-texturing and give the drag chutes their own color scheme? An old radial drogue chute mod made by I^3 had some great texturing to it. hasn't been updated since .20.2. Just google "ksp radial drogue." You'll have to fish around for the dropbox link, but it's there.

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As may have been hinted here and there, I'll be providing Chris with updated part models - here's what we have planned so far:

  • Drogue, single, radially-attached case
  • Drogue, single, 0.625m nose cone
  • Drogue, single, 0.625m stack
  • Drogue, single, 1.25m nose cone
  • Drogue, single, 1.25m stack
  • Main, single, radially-attached case
  • Main, single, 0.625m nose cone
  • Main, single, 0.625m stack
  • Main, single, 1.25m nose cone
  • Main, single, 1.25m stack
  • Drag, single, radially-attached case
  • Drag, single, 0.625m nose cone
  • Drag, single, 0.625m stack
  • Drag, single, 1.25m nose cone
  • Drag, single, 1.25m stack

A few notes regarding my upcoming contribution:

  • While there are a total of 15 parts, clever use of MODEL{} node calls, texture swaps and scaling would allow me to get away with only making four models (parachute canopy, radial case, nose cone case, stack case)
  • The final parts would attempt to be stockalike (to the best of my ability - see the SDHI Service Module for example), with a couple of minor visual differences
  • I'll retain the stock KSP colour coding on the storage cases - orange for drogues and blue for mains; drag chutes would most likely be denoted with green
  • In relation to the previous point, I haven't decided whether to colour-code the parachute canopies themselves as well
  • Chris and I had the idea of using ModuleJettison to make more realistic-looking caps for the nose cone cases, that would actually eject upon parachute deployment

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Sorry 'bout the horrid spelling back there... I blame the iPod. Anyway, could you also lower the heat tolerance on the chutes to match stock? I can throw the chutes haphazardly in the wind with DR the way you have it. Miss having to consider protecting those chutes. (I know I could just edit the configs, but I'm lazy) And a personal preference: could you do some re-texturing and give the drag chutes their own color scheme? An old radial drogue chute mod made by I^3 had some great texturing to it. hasn't been updated since .20.2. Just google "ksp radial drogue." You'll have to fish around for the dropbox link, but it's there.

Currently the included parachutes are using the stock configs as a base, so they should have exactly the same temperatures than stock. I think deadly reentry has a ModuleManager file that cuts's every stock part's max temp by two, so Nathan would have to update his MM file to affect the RC parachutes.

On another note, I have made progress! Fixed the two current issues about sounds and low deployment animations :) I'll pack this with a few more features to control the chute's deployment and 0.1b should be on doorsteps this weekend or earlier.

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Personally I'd be most satisfied with simply reusing the stock parachute models (as they are just perfect), but with color-codes. Following the blue/orange/green scheme sounds great. New parts might be nice as well, I'm just curious if you manage to convince me with them. It's hard to design parts that have to be minimalistic enough to practically be attached everywhere to a ship.

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Personally I'd be most satisfied with simply reusing the stock parachute models (as they are just perfect), but with color-codes. Following the blue/orange/green scheme sounds great. New parts might be nice as well, I'm just curious if you manage to convince me with them. It's hard to design parts that have to be minimalistic enough to practically be attached everywhere to a ship.

Well for now that's what it rolls on :P But I'd much rather have dedicated parts for the pack. It won't be big fancy stuff, just a better way to differentiate the pack from stock so you don't get mixed up between what are stock parts and what aren't.

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I might have missed mention of this ... modified FASA Gemini 'chutes don't show up when they deploy when I use this mod. I made my own MM config (before I saw that you had them on the front page), and I tried making a separate config file. The sounds play, the drag effects happen, and the part looks "deployed" (versus "packed"), but there are no parachute models visible.

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I might have missed mention of this ... modified FASA Gemini 'chutes don't show up when they deploy when I use this mod. I made my own MM config (before I saw that you had them on the front page), and I tried making a separate config file. The sounds play, the drag effects happen, and the part looks "deployed" (versus "packed"), but there are no parachute models visible.

I'll take a look, thanks for informing me :)

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