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Own up, Who forgot the parachutes?


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I forgot the parachutes when I sent my first rover to Duna...


...so I quickly added parachutes to the backup rover (which I'd obviously preparred just in case) and sent it off in the same launch window.

What happened to the rover without parachutes? I landed it on Ike:


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I didn't forget my parachutes. I lost them.

It was my first mission to Eve. I wanted to do more than just land, so I made a big delta-winged probe with plenty of fuel and an aerospike engine so I could fly around a bit. I was expecting rough terrain, so I had some radial parachutes and landing legs for when fuel ran out.

It worked like a charm - at first. Ran out of fuel, level off and slowed down as much as I could, then popped the chutes. The chutes complete stopped the descent, at which point the probe's massive wings caused it to actually pop upwards for a few meters - which automatically disengaged the chutes, leaving me with no good way to land. I ended up using the thick atmosphere of Eve to slooooooowly glide a meter off the ground and gracelessly bellyflop to the ground, breaking one of the landing legs but keeping the rest of the probe intact (albeit flopped awkwardly on its side). I was pretty proud of that one! For the next probe, I made sure to come in a bit faster so that the chutes remained engaged the whole way down.

I did forget the ladders on a Minimus lander once, which wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't messed around and used up all my EVA fuel. Cue 30 minutes of frantic jumping in microgravity trying to land my poor Kerbal directly on top of the lander.

I also managed to snap a heavy Lathe lander in half by including regular parachutes but not drogue chutes. Decelerating from 200m/s to 10m/s in half a second is NOT kind to a spaceplane's fuselage!

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SOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo many times...

I blame it on the way I build. I add all the small parts last. So I have launched without chutes, solar panels, batteries, any science gear...Ladders but that is rarely a problem except terrestrial planes.


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  Sirrobert said:
I did that a couple of times, when I used the Mk2 legs for the first time. They were pointing the wrong way up. And later I used the Mk1 for the first time, and I had learned that legs point up and fold down, so I turned those around to :blush:

Dammitsomuch... me too. EXACT same error, on a carried shuttle pod that I'd sent all the way out to Duna. Got the dropship linked up, tested the gear, and... oh. :/

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I forgot to put a probe body on the automatic lander from my latest rescue mission on Duna. Quite a surprise when i decoupled the lander from the interplanetary stage (which had a core), and found i had no means of controlling that thing. So i had to send another craft from Kerbin to attach two parts (dockingport + probe core) to a ship in low Duna orbit. What a waste of fuel, good thing money is not implemented yet :)

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I forgot parachutes on my manned Joolean ship. It had done low space flybys of 3 Tylo, Vall, Laythe, and Jool with both Mystery Goo and Material Labs, plus it had three kerbals on it, so I wanted to return it to Kerbin in one piece. I attempted about a dozen powered landings on Kerbin (I was using the DT Vista from KSP Interstellar, so it had >1 TWR) before I finally managed to land it in the ocean without bits falling off and exploding. It was pretty intense, especially since it didn't have very strong torque so I had to be extremely careful about not accidentally tipping to the side.

As a side note, I'm absolutely sure there were no adverse environmental effects from running an un-shielded nuclear inertial fusion engine in the atmosphere of a populated planet. None at all.

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  CoriW said:
That totally made me picture a command pod with a couple winglets on it flying around like a plane. xD

Been there, done that. It's hilarious. Use enough winglets and get it balanced, you'll glide nicely enough to make a belly landing later.

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I just forgot parachutes once and it was now in 0.22, to my defense it was my Dress mission, I brought parachutes with me on mothership and planned to move them to lander before landing on Kerbin, Using KAS so I can move the radial parachutes but needed to remove two solar panels to do so.

Well circulate was more expensive than expected so I ended up using the lander as upper stage so just it returned to kerbin. Parachutes was left behind on mothership.

No it was no huge dander, I detected it before aerobrake, I also found I had high enough TWR to do an powered landing, if not I would have to launch some.

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A function test of my Two-Step Lander to see if it could land on Kerbin using only its three LV909's. No, it can't. But it can land on just the central Poodle engine.

Jeb looks on in wonder at how he survived this one.


I was surprised at how the lander can is stuffed partway into the surface. A bit inconvenient since it's also upside down.

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Im sure I have forgotten chutes plenty of times. Recently I was reminded that one chute on a mk1 is not enough to stop 10T at 500m in Kerbin Atmo.... Rest in peace Bill..... P.S. The chute landed a few feet from where the rest landed....

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I've forgotten 'chutes a time or two, WAY back.

Now it's more like forgetting other small things. For example: decouplers are often directional. >_<

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/khMfr--YzvgZGLnUuuuSrR4xQ2jlBhG0L0Q2D0PR3Dc?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-U-GDD_5-DjM/UoaNNvwF-SI/AAAAAAAAXkE/Q531QkepT6g/s800/screenshot380.jpg" height="450" width="800" /></a>

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  Deadweasel said:
I've forgotten 'chutes a time or two, WAY back.

Now it's more like forgetting other small things. For example: decouplers are often directional. >_<

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/khMfr--YzvgZGLnUuuuSrR4xQ2jlBhG0L0Q2D0PR3Dc?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-U-GDD_5-DjM/UoaNNvwF-SI/AAAAAAAAXkE/Q531QkepT6g/s800/screenshot380.jpg" height="450" width="800" /></a>

This is far far more common, still remember my first Eve mission, probe mission with three landers, one on top and two on side of transfer stage, drop first side lander, decopler blocks engine, brakes transfer stage to get Pe in atmosphere and circulate again to land.

Off to Gilly, top probe should still work. Manage to get an impact trajectory just as the transfer stage run out of fuel. However I thought I could continue with the larger top probe, press space, switch to probe, press space to activate engine.

This activated engine, dropped the engine and fuel part and opened the parachute. All three parts impacted Gilly

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  • 4 months later...

I just finished my second Laythe lander, to save the members of my last Laythe excursion ( I accidentally quicksaved when I my whole craft was in the atmosphere... ). I just got it all set and ready to exit burn from Kerbin, and I realized.... I forgot to add parachutes. I'm considering hacking fuel to simulate chutes, but I don't think I'll be able to live with myself...

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I rarely forget parachutes, but it has happened.

What has happened more recently is intentionally omitting a parachute from an ion-probe, thinking I would give up on the thing very quickly.

Turns out the Ion engines are actually useable in .23.5. My tiny Ion probe ended up making it to Duna (missed Ike), Dres, Jool, Laythe, Vall, Tylo, Bop, Pol, Eeloo, Sun-Dive, and return to Kerbin! I meant to aerobrake and park the probe in Kerbin orbit, but miscalculated the aerobrake and ended up 'landing' on north pole with no parachute.

Figured it was all over, but miraculously three parts of the probe survived the impact: Two Xenon canisters and the Probe Core! Got a big science boost for the 'successful' recovery of a vessel from Pol!

Didn't learn my lesson: I also intentionally omitted a parachute on an ion probe which landed on Ike, thinking I could pull off the same no-parachute landing on Kerbin, with the Probe Core coming out intact. Nope. Should have put a chute on it. Oh well.

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Yes I have but this isn't that. I had a refueling rocket supplying a new station with fuel. Perfect all the way through and I de-orbited the rocket. I actually had a perfect decent and it was going to crash (yes, a planned crash) near KSC. Well I shorted the distance and had some spare fuel so I figured I's try to get it a little closer. Well, I didn't quite pull it off and an odd thing happened.

It bounced.

It's the first time I've ever had an intentional crash attempt end up in a recoverable result. I've had plenty of attempted recoverable vessels crash, but this was a first.

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