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[0.23]asmi's ECLSS Mod (current version - 1.0.15) - Life Support Mod


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Little feature request if I might be so bold. Would it be possible to have the ETA of remaining power as well?

I understand the whole point of the plugin is Life Support, but since the plugin also tracks EC consumption, it would be awesome to see at a glance how much time the power you have left will provide for Probes/satellites. Would that be something difficult to implement?

Love this plugin!


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Little feature request if I might be so bold. Would it be possible to have the ETA of remaining power as well?

I understand the whole point of the plugin is Life Support, but since the plugin also tracks EC consumption, it would be awesome to see at a glance how much time the power you have left will provide for Probes/satellites. Would that be something difficult to implement?

Love this plugin!


I won't promise anything, but I'll take a look.

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Are you FLAGing kidding me!!!!! :mad:

I found it asmi. Its the stupid flags..... I had 4 placed flags, so I went in and terminated one and my fps went up 5, another one and it went up 10 more, another and it went up 20 , last one and it went back to 60FPS.....

1 on Minmus, and 3 on Mun...

Edited by Donziboy2
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I don't think its very realistic that kerbals are accessing the ships rcs in space. Im pretty sure the suits use compressed air and not hypergolic rcs fuel which is extremely corrosive and toxic.

Nope , real-life maneuvering units like the MMU or the now used SAFER use gaseous nitrogen not compressed air.But you are right hypergolic propellant is very toxic and therefore not quite suitable. But I guess using the RCS is easier than adding an extra ressource for the Kerbonaut Maneuvering Units..

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asmi, are debris in calculation with other vessels? because its not playable after i put 2-3 sattelites on orbit... and terrible lags on my old saves, even quit game is difficult :)

Loggggggzzzzz please.

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I don't think its very realistic that kerbals are accessing the ships rcs in space. Im pretty sure the suits use compressed air and not hypergolic rcs fuel which is extremely corrosive and toxic.

Maybe Kerbals don't use hypergolic rcs fuel. Who's to say what Kerbals use? I've never met one I could ask.

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I don't think its very realistic that kerbals are accessing the ships rcs in space. Im pretty sure the suits use compressed air and not hypergolic rcs fuel which is extremely corrosive and toxic.

First of all, RCS uses monoropellant, and it can't be hypergolic by definition (hypergolic assumes at least two components). Second, Soyuz DM uses hydrogen peroxide as RCS fuel, which is neither toxic nor corrosive.

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Allright, version 1.0.10 is out now! Flags and EVAs shall not cause any slowdowns anymore! Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.10.zip

Big thanks to Donziboy2 for helping me to get to the bottom of the issue!

Link on the first page still points to the 1.0.9 release. (but I do love this quick releases for updates)

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Just installed 1.0.10, and I just put 2 satellites into orbit with RT2. While I was putting the 2nd in orbit I was noticing a slight delay every second or so. Restarted the game, the delay was still there (even causes the music to hickup). Disabled ECLSS, problem seems gone... so there is still a performance problem I think?

The problem seems to happen from the moment I load the save.

I tried putting a manned ship into the game, did not help. (As I did not have any manned ships alive before)

Downgraded to 1.0.5, problem was worse. 1.0.8, also did not help.

Removed ECLSS for now, which is a bit of a shame. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

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hey asmi, I have been keeping an eye on your plugin and it looks awesome! I have one small comment/request if its not too much asked. It is quite a bit difficult to stay updated without having to go thru the entire thread here (we are 23 pages atm). My problem is that I have very little time to do research for my plugins (if I had to for every plugin I had, I would never have time to play KSP heh).

Is it too much asked to have a change log on the OP with maybe latest update date next to your version number as the thread's title?

Thanks alot!

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