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[WIP][TechTree @ 0.23.5] - [MS19e] - Realistic Progression LITE


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why do you need asmis life support mod AND tac life support? shouldnt you only need 1?

They both used to be listed as "either or" but that was changed for some reason. I do believe that this is still the case though. Pick one or skip as you please.

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I know I seem like a complainer, and maybe I am compared to the pros here, but I feel like I have a legitimate point of view. This thing needs a modpack installer like they eventually invented for Minecraft.

The thing I have the problem most with is the tone and demeanor of your posts. You do realize that I am doing this on a volunteer basis, I don't work for squad, and I've literally worked on this full time for more than a month now, more than 8 hours per day. No joke. (I'm on temp work leave). The way you come in and say, I shouldn't need to have to do this or that, it's like you are demanding that I make things easy 'for you' and it came come of as slightly selfish and arrogant. Again, referring to the tone and way you express yourself. There is nothing wrong with 'hey it'd be cool we have some kind of modpack'. Rather than 'If you don't have a mod pack nobody is going to play this, Feed The Beast from MC does it right, this isn't working'.

I really think you aren't being considerate of the amount of work that's required to make this work, and that the fact that you might to download few things and tweak them, is quite a cheap payoff considering. Of all the feedback I've received, yours seems always tainted with a layer of negativity and which as I said, I starting to find rude.

Remind yourself, it's in ALPHA, meaning things are messed up and require quite a high level of finicky to get things right, and EVEN THEN, given it's in alpha things WILL STILL go wrong. If this is too much for you, give it some time and come back when this will reach beta stage or a later alpha. If you still want to stick around, then by all means lets' try to remain positive and open minded.

And one of the reason B9 isn't in there, is that it's over 100 parts. I really don't feel like making yet another part list for that one, and then spend hours finding the parts in the tree and what not. There is more than enough parts IMHO. And if i'm not mistaken, since I won't have B9 implemented, you could make yourself an MM config to set them to the tech nodes yourself.

Thank you,

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why do you need asmis life support mod AND tac life support? shouldnt you only need 1?

Only need one, just as stated in the OP:

"(Support both of the below, but you need to pick one)

#11 - TAC Life Support (link)- By TaranisElsu

#12 - ECLSS - LINK - By Asmi "


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Can someone post a few pictures and a craft file of something that will get into orbit/the mun? I can not seem to do either.

This is a (poorly designed in hindsight that i under stand RSS/real fuels more now, but it works) 1st rockets node / 1st SRB that can send a flyby probe to the mun and return it:


I suggest SRB launch assisted Liquid helium lifter nearly to low orbit, a second liquid helium stage to circularize orbit, adjust planes with mun and take craft to low mun flyby/free return with a tiny N2O4 stage as return assist backup as it wont evaporate (& dont forget a tiny reaction wheel and a 25 units of RCS and two sets of 4 of the smallest RCS 4-way blocks, on the N2O4 backup stage with a small decoupler/tiny heatsheild, and small parachute with all science equip placed under it on last for safe reentry) that worked for my frist boggled attempts that worked

Note that the strechy SRBs are now the ones i use as they are far easier to use/build with

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Ok, so I guess I need to just go way bigger. I thought I was already using a pretty big ship, but I guess we will see.

Synchronous orbits and Munar intercepts pretty much require a rocket up to or past the rafters. :P Big big big!

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The thing I have the problem most with is the tone and demeanor of your posts. You do realize that I am doing this on a volunteer basis, I don't work for squad, and I've literally worked on this full time for more than a month now, more than 8 hours per day. No joke. (I'm on temp work leave). The way you come in and say, I shouldn't need to have to do this or that, it's like you are demanding that I make things easy 'for you' and it came come of as slightly selfish and arrogant.

I understand your point of view. However, keep in mind that while I am new to this game, I have about as much technical skill as anyone. Instructions that are split between multiple pages, buried in forum posts, etc, and leave critical information out cannot be followed by anyone who isn't an expert at KSP's internal systems.

Furthermore, I know from long experience with minecraft that no one played anyone's mods until it become 1-click easy. You can whine all you want about the extra effort, but that's the fact : mods were virtually never played, except by a tiny (but vocal) minority until they made launchers and ways to load huge modpacks all at once. If you want your mod to leave alpha, all the files you can legally get away with need to be in a single folder, ideally one that uses an excutable installer.

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Hello there :)

As much as we all appreciate constructive criticism, there's a certain line between on-topic discussion and nonsensical bickering among users. Please get back to the topic, that is: the mod itself, rather than this argument about the choices made. There's no need to call for people's heads over the installation instructions, for crying out loud.


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I just went through this thread and I think the solution here is to be a bit more constructive: if the installation instructions are confusing, then maybe the project can be helped along by rewriting them instead of just pointing out they're confusing. Just an idea.. :)

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Could you please give me a hint why I am getting only 1/3 science points for gravioly particle sensor readings? For example, when It says that the scienriffic value of the experiment is 60, I get only 20 science points.

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Hello there! I'm going to be a ******* and post this again since my last post kinda... drowned. xD

I've installed a helluva lot of mods to get this Realistic Overhaul thing to work, and I am really excited to get going. Alas, when I start a new game and look for your Tech Tree, MedievalNerd, I cannot seem to find it. I do not have TreeLoader (or I am too incompetent to find it), but the RPL doesn't show up in the loader, even after I selected stock at the startup.

Could anyone please help me? :)

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Hello there! I'm going to be a ******* and post this again since my last post kinda... drowned. xD

I've installed a helluva lot of mods to get this Realistic Overhaul thing to work, and I am really excited to get going. Alas, when I start a new game and look for your Tech Tree, MedievalNerd, I cannot seem to find it. I do not have TreeLoader (or I am too incompetent to find it), but the RPL doesn't show up in the loader, even after I selected stock at the startup.

Could anyone please help me? :)

I sent you a PM yesterday and you never replied. :P

Sent you another one.


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Could you please give me a hint why I am getting only 1/3 science points for gravioly particle sensor readings? For example, when It says that the scienriffic value of the experiment is 60, I get only 20 science points.

This is an issue with how science points are reported, its a squad issue, as quoted from wiki:

" Known Bugs

The Seismic Scan, Gravity Scan and Atmosphere Analysis experiments show more science value in the report window than is retrieved upon recovery or transmission (issue 1578). "

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Synchronous orbits and Munar intercepts pretty much require a rocket up to or past the rafters. :P Big big big!

This is a good reason to build "fat/wide" 1st stages with tank adapters/interstate fairings upto a skinnier last stage with a payload procedural fairing, atleast your rocket will be more manageable in the VAB and less "tippy" on the launch pad.

I was also new to RSS and it took me a few days to get the basics, now with tier 1 SRBs/Rockets (the first nodes after "starting") and the 50MM omni antenna/ 600GM dish unlocked i can get comm sats geosynchronous easily and then do the unmanned mun flyby/free return with little fear of losing contact with probe. Once you get the high/near mun flyby done you can unlock more nodes (i suggest upto the 1000pts rockery node atleast) and start thinking about mun comms sats (note that the "trailing/leading" dual mun probes trick is ALOT harder in RSS, i suggest 3 semi-synchronous mun comms sats) once they are up you can make your mun landing probe a rover that can travel 99.5% of muns surface (over a very long time lol) and start feeding KSC all the munar science they can take.

As a last point i can not stress how important it is to milk every last drop of possible science from each mission, ie bring atleast one of each sensor you have unlocked on each mission from stayputnik mk2 mission to your 1st manned obit, minus the magnetosphere probe once you have used them to the max in near/high space, including using a mk2 airplane cockpit to send a kerbal once into upper atmosphere, once for a manned orbit in every biome of near space/high space (the gravity detector & EVA reports are a GREAT source of science points in near/high space as the results are biome different in near space for EVA & near/high space for gravity sensor). this should let you unlock all science upto the science jr bay & then (after your comms network is up) build a plane for one massive flying/surface science in every biome that can pop into upper atmosphere (18km+) atleast once to milk all the science from kerbin (enough to makeup for spending early points on science parts with about 50 to 75 points as "extra earnings") Once kerbin is milked of science you dont have to worry about carrying science sensors to use once landed back on kerbin, just what will be needed for your mission goal, helping keep payload weight as low as possible. But a small jet with 3 basic jet engines will be limited at just under mach 1 at 12km up making it a long trip to the pole/tundra/badlands/deserts so be ready to spend 1 mission "slowly" flying/landing in the biomes of kerbin for about an hour and a 1/2 (dont forget launchpad, runway & KSC itself are all surface only biomes you can milk for points) Science logs mod will really help you track science points remaining (seems to require you to enter VAB once after a landing for it to update correctly)

Yikes, i am having "waste heat issues" on my latest mission, anyone know where radiators are in tech tree?

@MedievalNerd: i suggest placing the smallest radiator (its new in the latest interstellar package) in the starting or 1st probes tier, its not very effective but would help alot for the 1st long duration missions (eve/duna flybys/returns, long term rovers) instead of spending your small starting pool of science points attempting to find a radiator in the techtree (or it would be nice to have a break down of what is in each tech node as a pdf or even txt note so we can know where to aim our personal 4X style goals)

Also do you know how to make your tweak files allow a EVA report & surface sample from the runway, its about 25 to 30 science points that are sorely needed at the start of game?!? i cant get them to function but i can get crew reports/science equip readings there

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Hello there! I'm going to be a ******* and post this again since my last post kinda... drowned. xD

I've installed a helluva lot of mods to get this Realistic Overhaul thing to work, and I am really excited to get going. Alas, when I start a new game and look for your Tech Tree, MedievalNerd, I cannot seem to find it. I do not have TreeLoader (or I am too incompetent to find it), but the RPL doesn't show up in the loader, even after I selected stock at the startup.

Could anyone please help me? :)

I'm having the same issue here.

Probably it's just me being extra stupid again, but please do post the solution in case somebody else stumble upon the same problem.


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Hello. Loving the mod.

I read through most posts, but couldn't find a solution to my problem... Getting used to deadly re-entry is great fun, but of course I'm burning up probes while learning. The problem, is that every time I have a catastrophic failure and the probe or whatever blows up, the mouse stops highlighting the buildings at headquarters. When I exit to main menu, the mouse pointer wont highlight the menu options, so I have to alt-tab out and kill the game.

If anyone has a solution to this, I'd appreciate a heads up, because it takes a while to reload the game every time this happens. My guess is it's tied (possibly) into the loss of control of the kerbal/probe from the Remote Tech mod but who knows.

Thanks for a great mod though!!

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The problem, is that every time I have a catastrophic failure and the probe or whatever blows up, the mouse stops highlighting the buildings at headquarters. When I exit to main menu, the mouse pointer wont highlight the menu options, so I have to alt-tab out and kill the game.

I've been experiencing same kind of problem long before.

I can't exactly remember when it first happend, but it is obvious that this techpack isn't causing the problem. It may be KSP's one of bugs...

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Anyone found an effective fuel mixture for landers that isnt "cryogenic" (doesnt evaporate)? I am having a small issue with finding the right mixtures for each of my stages, i got the idea of liquid fuel/liquid oxygen or LH2/liquid oxygen make for good early stages to orbit, what do i want to for a long duration stage?? very upsetting to reach my destination only to find a good chunk of my landing delta-v has evaporated dooming me to impact :(

If anyone has a deeper understanding of "real fuels", a small description of existing fuel mixtures and their basic uses (what is best to lift to orbit altitude & near circularizing of orbit, what is best transferring between bodies and/or to higher orbits, and what is best for destination landers/return?) and could post it here it would really help.

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Anyone found an effective fuel mixture for landers that isnt "cryogenic" (doesnt evaporate)? I am having a small issue with finding the right mixtures for each of my stages, i got the idea of liquid fuel/liquid oxygen or LH2/liquid oxygen make for good early stages to orbit, what do i want to for a long duration stage?? very upsetting to reach my destination only to find a good chunk of my landing delta-v has evaporated dooming me to impact :(

MMH - N2O4 is the standard mixture I use for long distance landers. It isn't as efficient as LH-LOX but it isn't cryogenic and its quite dense. So you don't need that big a tank.

IIRC there is also a thermal fin in the science tab that you can use to cool your cryogenic fuels. You could just add that on a decoupler to act as a fridge for the interplanetary trip.

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Hello. Loving the mod.

I read through most posts, but couldn't find a solution to my problem... Getting used to deadly re-entry is great fun, but of course I'm burning up probes while learning. The problem, is that every time I have a catastrophic failure and the probe or whatever blows up, the mouse stops highlighting the buildings at headquarters. When I exit to main menu, the mouse pointer wont highlight the menu options, so I have to alt-tab out and kill the game.

If anyone has a solution to this, I'd appreciate a heads up, because it takes a while to reload the game every time this happens. My guess is it's tied (possibly) into the loss of control of the kerbal/probe from the Remote Tech mod but who knows.

Thanks for a great mod though!!

This is actually a stock issue, that DRE brings to light. If your vessel explodes while experiencing re-entry effects (the flames) it causes the UI to become responsive if you return to the space center. There is a 'sort of' fix for this, if you revert to VAB, proceed to LP, and then you can go back to the Space Center and all will be well.

Very odd issue indeed.


Took my first weekend off working on the plugin/tech tree. Back online as of this morning. Just to give an idea of what is going on right now, I'm going over the stock detection of situations (FlyingHigh/low,etc.) vs the method I've borrowed from Ethernet. Either we need to get the RSS CelestialParams tweaked, or I have to make some updates to the method. Either way I'll get to the bottom of this.

Once this is fully resolved, I'll get back to making probes, and reviewing their tech tree line. Thinking of going by project name, IE:

Project Bumper

Sputnik (1,2,3)

Project Explorer

Project Pioneer (0,1,2,3,4)

Luna (1,2,3)

This should all be doable with Tier 1 Tech (1955+). Where possible and if it doesn't become more of a hassle, I'll itemize their scientific accomplishments separately as their own experiments.

For Manned experiments, I'll do Project Mercury & Gemini first. As some of these move to more complex "conditions" might be worth starting to implement a few MCE missions to complement the experience. Although that's a bit of pandora's box, as before using MCE I want to do a cost overhaul/review and that will be, soo damn long. lol, so I think I'll do my best to make it 'work' without it for now.

Thanks again for all those participating in this super buggy alpha, suggestions and issues reported are being noted and hopefully addressed in Milestone 19.


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