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[NOT suggestion] Maxmaps and Girlbals

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Girlbals are female Kerbals, and Max said that female kerbals were being talked about by devs and will probably be implemented, and they will be harmless, goofy and "have no capacity for sexiness... [WEAK VOICE TRANSITION] please?" (source: Squadcast 10)

Keep in mind this is more of an announcement than a suggestion, I just want to discuss it.

Also, Girlbals aren't the actual name, it's a terrible sounding nickname.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Honestly, I prefer the kerbals stay in their Genderless State, They're just more Innocent that way..

But kerbals aren't genderless. The name ghenerator always generates a male name, and the haircuts and square chin and overall appearance of Kerbals labels them as men, and don't tell me they just cut their hair, hair_female_1.jpg

That's military haircut.

if kerbals are genderless, they should have a less masculine haircut, and there should be a few feminine-sounding prefixes and suffixes. Right now, feminine names appear by chance, like Halnie or Jenlie or Kerbrette

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Frankly I think it's a positive step.

Over and over, when I've shown this game to other people, the question I get asked the most is 'why are they all male?'

Of course, you could argue that you don't need to represent both genders for whatever reason. You could have said the same about Mass Effect, but honestly I enjoyed playing FemShep just a little more for some reason, (and before you get any ideas, she didn't romance anyone, that's not why. :P)

Edited by pxi
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i don't get why its so important to make a distinction there anyway. Let the Kerbals be Kerbals and not "KerMEN" and "KerWOMEN" let alone Girlbals which sounds horrible.

To extend that logic, why not get rid of names altogether? Kerbal001, Kerbal002, etc. would work just fine. After all, names are such a human-centric idea, right?

Edit: This statement contains copious amounts of sarcasm.

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Well I listened to the discussion live yesterday, and the impression I got was that female kerbals are going to happen at some point. I think that is good news, though it must be implemented carefully.

I'm not female, so I don't want to speak for them, but I can imagine a scenario where a teacher or a parent are showing a young girl the game (its a great educational asset, I wish I had it when I worked as a teacher's adjunct in the past) and she asks why she can't be a girl kerbal, and when she finds out she can't, that it might negatively influence her interest in space, science or technology. This would be bad.

We can intellectualize and say they're genderless, but they aren't, they have male traits and male names and in some cases male clothing. Kids are gonna look at them and think "Yep, male"

So, it should happen, and the sooner the better.

They can add gender definitions to the models without it being about 'sexiness' in any way. Its about equal representation, yo.

And you only need to look at NASA, the measures they have taken to promote the STEM* subjects in school, especially to girls, and the great female rolemodels they have featured as an example of this.

(STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Edited by Tiberion
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Kerbals are humans, though. They are a space-optimistic version of mankind, and DanRosas' animations show how they act like people. They even have similar designs to us, and an almost identical VAB.
Well what VAB are you talking about now? They all look that way (not the russian ones though) because building a long vertical Rocket requires a tall building. I get what you mean though.
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I think if you want to separate them from humans, have three genders.

I read your post about that earlier. To be honest, it was just weird and it doesn't really fit in this game. Exploring the boundaries of fictional genders is certainly ripe content for a science fiction game, but not one where you launch things to space and blow things up.

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I can imagine a scenario where a teacher or a parent are showing a young girl the game (its a great educational asset, I wish I had it when I worked as a teacher's adjunct in the past) and she asks why she can't be a girl kerbal, and when she finds out she can't, that it might negatively influence her interest in space, science or technology. This would be bad.

We can intellectualize and say they're genderless, but they aren't, they have male traits and male names and in some cases male clothing. Kids are gonna look at them and think "Yep, male."

So, it should happen, and the sooner the better.

They can add gender definitions to the models without it being about 'sexiness' in any way. Its about equal representation, yo.

And you only need to look at NASA, the measures they have taken to promote the STEM* subjects in school, especially to girls, and the great female rolemodels they have featured as an example of this.


The current Kerbals are obviously male. They look male (someone earlier had highlighted the features; I don't have a good vocabulary here but "square jaw" comes to mind, among other things) and have male names.

There is no reason females can't go to space. Thus, there should be as many female Kerbals, and they should be just as capable as, the male ones. The only reason not to is sexism.

I would also like to thank Squad for not sexying them... that's something this game doesn't need and works great without. Females are not good astronauts because they are or are not sexy. Furthermore, it would be a shame to pretend that KSP needs to sell itself on anything but being a great physics simulator.

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The current Kerbals are obviously male. They look male (someone earlier had highlighted the features; I don't have a good vocabulary here but "square jaw" comes to mind, among other things) and have male names.

There is no reason females can't go to space. Thus, there should be as many female Kerbals, and they should be just as capable as, the male ones. The only reason not to is sexism.

I would also like to thank Squad for not sexying them... that's something this game doesn't need and works great without. Females are not good astronauts because they are or are not sexy. Furthermore, it would be a shame to pretend that KSP needs to sell itself on anything but being a great physics simulator.

This. Tenchar
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