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[WIP] Terazone Misc Parts


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Just Dl'd that file going to take a look at it with a view to restoration, it looked like a set of very neat parts, if its is worth saving I'll save it.


Ah well when I saw dev in the file name I presumed it'd be usefull but alas its just the gamedata files, some of those solar panels are gorgeous but without exporting mu to blender, then to max, then reanimating and retexturing then running them through unity theres nothing I can do to fix the issues, Now if I could get hold of the project as a unity package it's be easy to sort out, most issues seem to be raycast related so hierarchy tweaks would be required

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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I have been able to import the parts into blender from that download and I am going to be revamping some if not all of them for the current KSP build. I believe that this would mean starting a new thread, and I cannot get a hold of the original author, I have sent him a message on the forums though. I am going to read through the licensing information to see what I can and cannot do with this, and if I can release it to the public I will start a new thread, if not I will release them in a dl here.,

Edit: OK I double checked the license and its creative common so I will work on recompiling the parts for the latest build of KSP. Initially my hope will be to get all the parts working and pointing the proper way without throwing errors in the debug panel. When I get a good amount of them working I'll start a new thread and link it to the op and put a post on the end linking to the updated parts.

Edited by MrWizerd
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I think that the real killer with this project is the animations, as they'll all have to be recreated, not so bed for the small items but the animation on that garganyuan panel is perfect and although I've been doing stuff like this for a while but getting a similar quality of animation will need some extra animation skills.

As an aside you'll have to give up on the elec rcs as you can no longer have massless propellant, I had some of these of my own design and they've all been converted to ion's instead , but you could always make them use liquid fuel. though that in itself presents a problem as liquid fules flow is not all vessel like monoprop is.

More than happy to help out, I too am burdened with too much spare time at present and am usually testing or modding something ksp ish anyway.

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Spannermonkey and I have started work on this, I will be starting a new thread but for now here is a link


IO should mention that the animation is broken on the antenna .... I am not totally sure as to why I will track it down though I have just been up for over a day and a half staring at this stuff most of the time and I am beat...

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Spannermonkey and I have started work on this, I will be starting a new thread but for now here is a link


IO should mention that the animation is broken on the antenna .... I am not totally sure as to why I will track it down though I have just been up for over a day and a half staring at this stuff most of the time and I am beat...

The Antenna worked for me or are you talking about the scanner antenna ?

EDIT- Yes the old did work.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Yeah, it does, but it throws a TON of errors into the debug, because it needs to be recompiled, they all do and that's there major problem, and I am still learning about animations so... ATM I am doing the easy conversions, and waiting for Lack to help me figure out what I buggered on the animation.

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Editted a couple of parts they work together the Elec. RCS Thursters and it's power https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Tetriswizard_Parts.zip

EDIT- Thats is Great News MrWizard

EDIT- Didnt know what to name the new RESOURCE just named it AMP was thing AC/DC or DC/AC convertor still may play around with it.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Cheers, bringing those panels back to life was initially a complete mare, having never animated much anything more complex than doors and landing gear, but once i'd worked out the build technique was the same throughout, it became much easier.

Expect MW to start a new dev thread soon as I've got some ideas with the panels we'd like to explore further.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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