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Your Zombie Plan?


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Post your plans for the zombie apocalypse. Here\'s the situation:

The zombies are infected people, not undead. Think Left 4 Dead as a reference. That means that they will slowly starve.

You are living where you are now, and you have 1 day before the infection reaches your area.

OK, Go!

My plan is this:

Hour 1: Go with friends to personal armory and get weapons.

Hour 2: Pack up

Hour 5: Raid grocery store

Hour 6: Gas up and head down to New Orleans

Hour 12: Get what supplies we can down there

Hour 14: Find a boat and owner willing to take us along

Hour 16: Set sail

Hour 17+: Keep lookout for larger long-term vessel, i.e. and aircraft carrier

If one is found, request permission to come on board.

Live there until zombies are eradicated.

If not:

Month 1: Make landing at small coastal town, and get more supplies.

repeat until a town with no zombies is found, and stay there until threat dies off.

From then on out, stay on the carrier until the infected have died off.

A slight problem: How do you know where to find an aircraft carrier, and how do you convince the people on board to let you in?

Edit:Added if/then clause.

If you want, you can challenge my plan with any sort of setback, and I\'ll fix it!

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Guest ThatCrazyPilot

Hour 1: Get to NASA\'s HQ.

Hour 22: Launch the biggest rocket available in a direction of Kepler 22b.

Hour 234234932549085734895843959: Experience Pandorum.

Hour 94236472364734627384623862839462389: Arrive at Kepler 22b.

Hour 178453654739865438796543875634578363858934765798: Repopulate the human race.

Hour 7348057348753498753489573489573459874398537459347593457398402790652374653835: Destroy the planet good-old human fashion.

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Day 1

Hour 1: See what i could work with

Hour 2 1/2 : Hook up with some friends

Hour 4: Get food and supply\'s

Hour 4: Get a car, gas and some type of gun

Hour 6: Find a way to get to the coast.

Hour 7: Get to the coast

Hour 9: Wait out in one of the houses hotels etc.

Day 2

Hour 1: Look for a sail boat

Hour 1 1/2: found a working sail boat

Hour 2: Go out to sea finding a good place to stay for pretty much the rest of my life

Hour 4: Live on the ocean with friends

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I\'d stay put. Barricade doors and windows.

I\'ve got plenty of ammo and a couple of rifles. I\'d be taking Zombies heads with .22\'s at 100 yards.

I might find a place in town. Old school heavy construction with windows too small for a person to fit through unless they are a midget.

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I\'m assuming that the zombies won\'t be much of a threat for the first few days. Also, I\'m assuming that everyone else fled and hour 1 on day one is at 8:00 AM. All other hour 1\'s are at 12:00 AM.

Day 1

Hour 1

  • [li]Grab some friends, make sure at least one is female.[/li]
    [li]Head to the armored vehicle storage yard near my school.[/li]
    [li]Get a tank or an armored Humvee with a mounted machine gun. (Seriously, I saw some in there on my way to school one time, when the gates were open.)[/li]
    [li]Pick up an extra mountable machine gun.[/li]

Hours 2-5

  • [li]Drive around and find a gun store and loot weapons and ammo.[/li]
    [li]Find a zombie and kill it, get a sample of its flesh for later analysis.[/li]
    [li]Find a hardware store and loot a toxin tester kit, determine if zombies are toxic. If not, skip next step and plastic/duct tape.[/li]
    [li]Find a large fire station and loot hazmat suits. [/li]
    [li]Drive around until we find an easily defendable. place to settle down, preferably with a large, flat roof with a stairway to the top.[/li]
    [li]Drive around and loot buildings for things like canned food, can openers, propane, medicine, building supplies, barbed wire, power tools, gasoline, a generator, motion detectors, fluorescent spray paint, Flares, GPS system, large sheets of plastic, duct tape, etc.[/li]

Hours 6-7

  • [li]Head back to base, construct fortifications.[/li]
    [li]Mount machine gun on roof.[/li]
    [li]Rig up an alarm system with the motion detectors.[/li]
    [li]If zombies are not toxic, skip this step: use plastic and duct tape to make an interior bathroom airtight.[/li]
    [li]Paint a large 'H' on roof with fluorescent paint.[/li]
    [li]Get the generator ready to run for when the power grid fails.[/li]

Hours 8-9

  • [li]Head back to vehicle yard, pick up two more Humvees/tanks.[/li]

Hours 10-14
  • [li]Head to nearby AFB and locate a helicopter, the more weapons and seats, the better. (I\'ve flown a helicopter before)[/li]
    [li]Drop me off while friend places lit flare on top of vehicle.[/li]
    [li]Get into helicopter and follow flare back to the base.[/li]
    [li]Land on roof.[/li]

Hours 14-16

  • [li]Sleep, but with motion alarm at full volume.[/li]

Day 2
Hours 1-7
  • [li]Sleep, but with motion alarm at full volume.[/li]

Hours 8-18

  • [li]Program GPS with base as home.[/li]
    [li]install in helicopter.[/li]
    [li]Go out searching for supplies and valuables at long distances.[/li]

Days 3-20

  • [li]Find a much larger base[/li]
    [li]Fortify in same way as before[/li]
    [li]Find a way to transport vehicles to new base[/li]
    [li]Add more guns to roof and windows[/li]
    [li]Go around looking for survivors and transport them to base[/li]
    [li]look for supplies when running low[/li]

Days 21-End

  • [li]look for supplies when running low[/li]
    [li]Defend base[/li]


  • [li]Repopulate the earth[/li]

Edit: This is what I would actually do in real life, not just a story.

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Day 1: Barricade my house in the woods with my rifle and solar panels.

Day 2 to 20: Survive off remaining food and well water whilst zombies kill off 95.9% of the population.

Day 20-40: Survive off hunted deer, well water and remaining spices and candy:3 Whilst zombies begin to die off from lack of food.

Day 40-infinity: Defend self and food/ garden from any food-crazed zombies and people until the military finally comes(the next few years or so).

Day: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999etc. Wake up in Apeture Science extended relaxation vault, ? ? ? ? ? Profit!!! kill evil A.I. ? ? ? ? PROFIT!!!(From potatoes grown inside facility.) 8)

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Well, the plan for any major emergency around here is to grab all our weapons & ammo and go to SAMS Club. We will have good shelter, and enough food, furniture, and entertainment to last a few months...

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Well, the plan for any major emergency around here is to grab all our weapons & ammo and go to SAMS Club. We will have good shelter, and enough food, furniture, and entertainment to last a few months...

Yep, that\'s my plan when I\'m not at college. Sam\'s, Walmart, Target, anywhere that has food and ammo.

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