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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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Okey I figured out what was wrong with Mk1 pod - I have installed squad texture reduction pack and for some reason this mod doesn't seems to like those (.tga BTW) textures. Adding the only changed texture (model001.tga) to normal list solved the problem.

I'm gonna investigate further regarding this apparent incompatibility between this mod and STR. Maybe it doesn't like .tga for some reason?

It isn't the format per-se. MBMs have a bitfield that specifies that it is to be treated as a normal map. TGAs and PNGs are supposed to be named as *_NRM.[tga/png] to cover this. The texture packs can't though, as it would change the name the part is looking for. So if you DO use texture reduction packs, you will need to add EACH normal map to the list. I recommend that you don't use texture packs, and instead, use the aggressive config, and if it still doesn't shave enough memory off, raise the scale by another power of two to 4.

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Well, is it possible then to disable compression altogeather for selected textures? BC when I used the agressive settings cockpit gauges went unreadable

yes, you can specify overrides for specific textures in the config ie:

compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
filter_mode = Bilinear
make_not_readable = true

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The new version is still giving me the normal map bug with the shading issue. I tried both the basic and aggresive and still there. :P

Do you use a texture reduction pack? If not, did you add configs for other mods? If you did, did you check the logs for textures that are not set as normal maps?

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Do you use a texture reduction pack? If not, did you add configs for other mods? If you did, did you check the logs for textures that are not set as normal maps?

I do not have a texture reduction pack other than this mod. How do I add the configs for other mods and what does it do? Does it ignore those mods?

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I do not have a texture reduction pack other than this mod. How do I add the configs for other mods and what does it do? Does it ignore those mods?

It tries to compress all textures, some of which are normal maps that haven't been marked properly, so to avoid this, a config file has to be added that calls them out.

Take a look in BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs/ for examples. Add a config file for each mod you want to manage. The filename of the config file has to mach the mod folder exactly. In the config file, you should have a section like this that has a texture = normalmaptexture:

texture = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1
texture = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump2

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It tries to compress all textures, some of which are normal maps that haven't been marked properly, so to avoid this, a config file has to be added that calls them out.

Take a look in BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs/ for examples. Add a config file for each mod you want to manage. The filename of the config file has to mach the mod folder exactly. In the config file, you should have a section like this that has a texture = normalmaptexture:

texture = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1
texture = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump2

Wait so if I add the folders in the config? It will fix the normal map issue?

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Wait so if I add the folders in the config? It will fix the normal map issue?

Like I mentioned earlier, the new version uses a new config mechanism. Each mod should have it's own config file with the name of the mod. Then, each normal map that the log complains about should be added into the normal map list.

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Do you have a snippet of what it looks like in the log where we'll see a texture that requires an override?

It will look something like this:

GameDatabase: Texture 'KOSMOS/Parts/Structural/Kosmos_Salyut_1.5-1_Taper/NRM' requested as normal map but texture is not a normal map and is not readable

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So, I installed this and loaded up to the menu - nothing even close to that printed - looks like I'm all set :)

Thank you very much, this looks to be a lifesaver!

Just a quick note... here's what's in my gamedir. Everything is up-to-date as of today. I have -zero- normal map logging errors using your "basic" experimental build, and RAM usage is at ~2.45gb, which I've had it up to before with no stability issues :D


Edited by draeath
adding note
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I guess I'm just not getting something... I've been pulling my hair out trying to kill the "bright n' shiny" issue for the past hour, and no dice


As you can see, things remain "bright n' shiny" despite overriding the textures, NONE of the parts I tried to override were fixed

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I guess I'm just not getting something... I've been pulling my hair out trying to kill the "bright n' shiny" issue for the past hour, and no dice


As you can see, things remain "bright n' shiny" despite overriding the textures, NONE of the parts I tried to override were fixed

Those need to be in a section called NORMAL_LIST, not OVERRIDES. like So:

texture = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1
texture = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump2

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I guess I'm just not getting something... I've been pulling my hair out trying to kill the "bright n' shiny" issue for the past hour, and no dice


As you can see, things remain "bright n' shiny" despite overriding the textures, NONE of the parts I tried to override were fixed

However, the FASA mod shouldn't have that problem. The configs should already be set up properly. Is it installed in the correct location? Should look like ksp_win/GameData/BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs/

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How do I tell what file is a normalmap or not? I figured out how to fix some ones but some don't have a NRM in their name. Some are like model000.mbm and stuff like that.

It will mention them in ksp.log

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It will mention them in ksp.log

I didn't see anything in the logs. Is this what it looks like but not kosmos?

It will look something like this:

GameDatabase: Texture 'KOSMOS/Parts/Structural/Kosmos_Salyut_1.5-1_Taper/NRM' requested as normal map but texture is not a normal map and is not readable

I'm not seeing anything like that in the log.

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However, the FASA mod shouldn't have that problem. The configs should already be set up properly. Is it installed in the correct location? Should look like ksp_win/GameData/BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs/

It shouldn't be, but the images speak for themselves. The path is Steam/KSP/GameData/BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs. Most of the FASA stuff is fine, but the newest parts like the BigG, redone Gemini Pod, and the Agena have this persistent issue. Can you use the overrides folder setting to skip compressing the entire mod?

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I just looked at the log file... FASA isn't mentioned at all in it. Are you sure it is installed or installed properly?

I don't have FASA. The screenshot is just of the textureCompressorConfigs folder. The ones I added are PorkWorks, Radish, RLA, SCANsat, SDHI, and NearFuture. The SDHI is working, only the orbital orb in Porkworks is not working, RLA is just the linear aerospike and its still not working, the radish pod is not working, SCANsat is not working, and almost everything in NearFuture is not working.

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