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Our .23 Wish List for Santa


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Move the science parts down in the tree and maybe change the order in which they are unlocked.

Tune down the science gained to rebalance.

Switch orbital crew reports and orbital EVAs in regards to biome affinity.

(Plunder the community collection of science reports for more stock-delievered diversity, keep it in line with intended/planned background lore/story.)

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The two-kerbal command pod... hadn't thought about that, but most definitely I'd love to have one.

My big one though is a restructuring of the science tree. I LOVE the whole science aspect, as now It forces me to do new and different things each mission, and makes me really want to go to different places I never bothered with before. A simple one is that I'd much rather have an un-manned probe at the start, and need to unlock the manned command pods. And perhaps some kind of KSP version of other non-kerbal life forms in capsules, similar to dogs, monkeys and such.

I also would like to see more types of 'science' rather than the catch-all single type. Aerodynamic science, structural science, habitation science, etc...

I just lose the immersion a bit when I can keep looking at mystery goo in order to unlock an aerodynamic step in the tree and things like that. I'd like to have it more where studying a specific science is needed to further progress down that technology. Run an accelerometer to get propulsion and aerodynamic science, things like that. In some ways the current system causes me to completely ignore some aspects of the tree since there is no need for me to deal with them in order to get the higher up items I actually DO want.

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Adjustments to the Tech Tree sequence so nodes are stocked and unlock in a similar order to that of historic aerospace development.

I have some more elaborate thoughts on this and how some of the guesswork can be eased, but I'll leave that for later.

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A real reason to have a network of communication satellites.

Maybe something like needing line of sight with either the space center or something with functioning communication devices that can relay the info back. I find it a bit unrealistic that my Mun probe can transmit data through a moon and a planet back to base.

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Optimization. Unity has a lot of potential in it, and it could run a lot smoother.

As for features, a 2.5m NERVA would be cool. Also some parts made mainly for bases.

A real reason to have a network of communication satellites.

Maybe something like needing line of sight with either the space center or something with functioning communication devices that can relay the info back. I find it a bit unrealistic that my Mun probe can transmit data through a moon and a planet back to base.

That's exactly what Remote Tech 2 does.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This may sound a little crazy, but I want something strange. I actually made a list of importance for me.

1.) I want the tower back. I miss Ol' Red.

2.) Whenever we build stations, I think it would be incredible to have an IVA view of the inside. By this, I mean being able to move throughout the rocket. Unbuckling from your seat, getting up, and walking around to do experiments and such. That would be absolutely incredible I think.

3.) Asteroid belt


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This may sound a little crazy, but I want something strange. I actually made a list of importance for me.

1.) I want the tower back. I miss Ol' Red.

2.) Whenever we build stations, I think it would be incredible to have an IVA view of the inside. By this, I mean being able to move throughout the rocket. Unbuckling from your seat, getting up, and walking around to do experiments and such. That would be absolutely incredible I think.

3.) Asteroid belt


Uhm, this isn't happening in 0.23. 0.23 is out already, so this thread isn't needed.

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I can't be the only one that thinks the second gas planet will be released on Christmas, seeing as how Eeloo (hope I spelled that right) was released last Christmas, and that it's been a planned feature for a while. I have no evidence to support this, it's just speculation, and it may just be wishful thinking, seeing as how im slightly bored with the current bodies. Any other ideas as to what may be released on Christmas, if anything?

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