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[0.23.0] Internet Relay Chat 0.6.3


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Looking for a plugin developer to take over this plugin! See this thread for details.

Hi, I've made a plugin that allows to use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) from within KSP. Now you can chat with friends without ever putting KSP into the background.


Download Internet Relay Chat 0.6.3



Source code on GitHub: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp_irc

Please note that this is an early version. It's not as comfortable as it can be, and it surely has its quirks. Let me know what you think about the plugin!


Since this is just an early version, you need to configure the plugin via its config file, then (re)start KSP. This will be changed to something more comfortable in a future version.

Edit the following lines in <KSP_FOLDER>\GameData\blizzy\KSPIRC\irc.cfg

host = <hostname of IRC server>
port = <port number of IRC server>
nick = <the nick name you wish to use>
serverPassword = <server password, optional>

For example, to join the official KSP channel, use this:

host = irc.esper.net
port = 6667
nick = <whatever you like>

The official KSP channel name on Esper.net is #KSPOfficial


You may currently use the following commands by entering them into the text field at the bottom of the window:

/J <channel> - Joins channel <channel>. (synonym for /JOIN)

/ME <action> - Sends "<your nick name> <action>" into the current channel or to the current user (depending on tab.)

/MSG <user> <message> - Sends <message> to <user>.

All unknown commands will be sent to the server verbatim (/NICK or /JOIN, for example.)

Operator commands:

/DEOP <user> - Removes operator status from user <user> in the current channel.

/DEVOICE <user> - Removes voice status from user <user> in the current channel.

/KICK <user> [<reason>] - Kicks user <user> from the current channel (with optional reason <reason>.)

/OP <user> - Grants operator status to user <user> in the current channel.

/TOPIC <topic> - Sets the current channel's topic to <topic>.

/VOICE <user> - Grants voice status to user <user> in the current channel.

Change Log

The plugin makes a check against http://blizzy.de/kspirc/version.txt to see if a new version is available. No information is sent.

0.6.3, 2013-12-17
- Updated for Toolbar Plugin 1.2.0 (included) and KSP 0.23.0.

0.6.2, 2013-12-11
- Changed IRC button to use the Toolbar Plugin (included in download.)
- The IRC button will now display in a different color if a user joins,
leaves, or quits, to differentiate from regular messages.
- The window resize mouse cursor should now display correctly.
- The plugin will now respond to CTCP VERSION messages.

0.6.1, 2013-11-27
- Fixed a bug that prevented sending unknown commands the server.

0.6.0, 2013-11-26
- You can now click on HTTP/HTTPS links in messages. (Note that this will
only work for the first link in the message.)
- The plugin will now try to reconnect to the server when connection was lost.
- All unknown user commands will now be sent to the server verbatim.
- Added a "user" parameter to the configuration file to let you configure
the IRC server user account. This can be useful when using a bouncer.

0.5.0, 2013-11-24
- Pressing the TAB key will now auto-complete user names in the input
text field.
- The last seen indicator line should now always be drawn in the correct
- You can now add a new line "debug = true" in the configuration file
to see all client-server communication.

0.4.0, 2013-11-23
- Added the /TOPIC, /OP, /DEOP, /VOICE, /DEVOICE, and /KICK user commands.
- The users list can now be hidden.
- Added an indicator to see which messages are new since you last left a
channel tab.
- The window will no longer reset its size when clicking on another chat tab.
- The "IRC" button and the window will now hide in the space center scene
to avoid the UI acting up.
- Moved the "IRC" button higher up in all scenes except the editors, mainly to
not clash with the Kerbal face cams in the flight scene.

0.3.0, 2013-11-23
- The input text field will no longer grow if you type in a long text.
- Channel tabs will be highlighted in a different color now when there are
new messages. The "IRC" button will also be highlighted if the IRC
window is currently hidden.
- You can resize the window now.

0.2.0, 2013-11-22
- Added the /NICK command to change your nickname.
- Added the /J user command as a synonym for /JOIN.
- User channel modes (op, voice) are updated correctly now.
- Other users joining the same channel are updated correctly now.
- The number of users in the channel is displayed now.
- The channel topic is displayed now.
- A server password can be supplied in the config file now.

0.1.0, 2013-11-21
- Initial public release.

The Internet Relay Chat plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.

Edited by blizzy78
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You can click the button on the right-hand side of the screen, or you can click the tiny button in the top-right corner of the window. Both of these will hide the window.

If by "minimize" you mean "resizing" the window, that is currently not possible.

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a couple of things after using it (thanks for the help on IRC btw)

1. Tab complete for name would be nice

2. more of the commands that used... like /nick

3. The user list does not show all mods or voiced people, and does not update their state

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  forsaken1111 said:
Can we get a version that works with remotetech so that we can only IRC when we have a comms line back to mission control? :P

Not sure if serious :)

  B787_300 said:
1. Tab complete for name would be nice

2. more of the commands that used... like /nick

3. The user list does not show all mods or voiced people, and does not update their state

Yup, these are all on my list. The initial list of users should be correct, I'm just showing all names the server transmits when first joining the channel. Also, it should update names correctly when users join, leave, quit, or get kicked. It just doesn't update their op/voice status yet, as you correctly pointed out.

  KvickFlygarn87 said:
Thank you for creating this mod! Will you include scripts?

It's much too early to say that. I don't have any plans for it, though.

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
Unfortunately this mod seems to break my game if I try to launch it a second time after I install it. The game ceases loading at Squad/Spaces/mk1pod/cockpit or something like that. (I don't remember at which part exactly it stopped), and the error was fixed after I uninstalled this mod.

Do you have ModuleManager.dll installed by any chance? Also, did you edit the irc.cfg file to configure the IRC mod?

In any case, it would be helpful if you could upload your output_log.txt file for me.

Edit: Nevermind, see next post.

Edited by blizzy78
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Note to players that experience a hang when starting KSP with the IRC mod installed:

If your KSP hangs during startup with the IRC mod installed, it means you didn't configure the IRC mod as outline in the OP. The problem will go away when you do, then restart KSP.

Please note that this is not a bug in the IRC mod. It's rather a bug in KSP itself, triggered by the IRC mod's config file in combination with the ModuleManager mod.

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  blizzy78 said:
Note to players that experience a hang when starting KSP with the IRC mod installed:

If your KSP hangs during startup with the IRC mod installed, it means you didn't configure the IRC mod as outline in the OP. The problem will go away when you do, then restart KSP.

Please note that this is not a bug in the IRC mod. It's rather a bug in KSP itself, triggered by the IRC mod's config file in combination with the ModuleManager mod.

Oh. I forgot that. Thanks for pointing it out.

Might add in a notice stating that or even a FAQ to the main post so users who won't check Page 2 can see it.

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
Might add in a notice stating that or even a FAQ to the main post so users who won't check Page 2 can see it.

That is actually no longer necessary. I've just released version 0.2.0 (see above post), where I've modified the default irc.cfg so that it shouldn't pose a problem anymore. You still need to configure by editing that file if you want to use the plugin, though :)

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I can't seem to get it to work with twitch chat.

I can connect to twitch chat with xchat, and I can connect to esper.net with KSPIRC, but when I try to use the KSPIRC plugin with the twitch server password(oauth token), I get this: http://i.imgur.com/Qkwv9vc.png

If I use the wrong, or no password, I get this: http://i.imgur.com/QRxuETt.png

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  TranquilTempest said:
I can't seem to get it to work with twitch chat.

Interesting, it doesn't work with KSPIRC 0.2.0. But, I can happily confirm that it does work with 0.3.0, although I didn't change any code relevant to the server password. I just logged in to Twitch.

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