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[REQUEST] WWII AND COLD WAR ERA aircraft (secret, developing, famous, not famous, all welcome)


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Hi. i am just thinking, why are people not recreating awesome ramjet German fighters? i found this site

(http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?14644-WWII-German-Secret-Weapons-from-the-Air )

and thought that they are actually possible! if you done anything, please give screenshot, download and description. THX.

EDIT: We are now accepting all cold war era jets (alongside WWII craft). POST ON!! ALL COUNTRIES AIRCRAFT WELCOME AS LONG AS IT IS A MILITARY CRAFT!


Edited by Goodle...
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  DisarmingBaton5 said:
Very nice. Have you thought of a Me-262?

I have, and i've actually built a couple, the problem is that ksp doesn't like engines that are aren't aligned with the COM, so flying the me-262 is basically impossible without clipping engines in the body somewhere to counter the engines under the wings.

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It is quite possible to build an ME-262 configuration* aircraft, at least with FAR.

Vessel: ME-262

Mods used: FAR, B9, StretchyTanks, KerbPaint, Procedural Wings

Engines: 2x TFE731

TWR: 4.23

Craft file: http://www.virindi.net/junk/ME-262.zip

Piloting notes:

-Enable SAS. Start at 2 clicks above 0 throttle, rotate at 50m/s. Once you are airborne slowly increase throttle and retract flaps. Sea level cruise throttle is 1/3.

-To land, set throttle to 1 click above zero. Extend flaps to full. After touchdown, tap the brakes...if you hold them down, the aircraft will tip.

-Handling in the air is about what you would expect from a jet fighter, but it is stable and very difficult to spin out of control :)


*Yes, I know the real ME-262 did not use pitch stabilators. They just fit best.

Edited by Virindi
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  Virindi said:
It is quite possible to build an ME-262 configuration* aircraft, at least with FAR.

Vessel: ME-262

Mods used: FAR, B9, StretchyTanks, KerbPaint, Procedural Wings

Engines: 2x TFE731

TWR: 4.23

Craft file: http://www.virindi.net/junk/ME-262.zip

Piloting notes:

-Enable SAS. Start at 2 clicks above 0 throttle, rotate at 50m/s. Once you are airborne slowly increase throttle and retract flaps. Sea level cruise throttle is 1/3.

-To land, set throttle to 1 click above zero. Extend flaps to full. After touchdown, tap the brakes...if you hold them down, the aircraft will tip.

-Handling in the air is about what you would expect from a jet fighter, but it is stable and very difficult to spin out of control :)


*Yes, I know the real ME-262 did not use pitch stabilators. They just fit best.

What mod do you use for the wheels? looks sick.

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BHS Inds. tried it and it works, no copter set up but VTOL all the same.

Triebflügeljäger, literally meaning "thrust-wing fighter", was a German concept for an aircraft designed in 1944, during the final phase of World War II as a defence against the ever-increasing Allied bombing raids on central Germany. It was a Vertical Take-Off and Landing tailsitter interceptor design for local defense of important factories or areas which had small or no airfields.


Hold on to your hats boys! Few Becks bier's for courage and he's off...:cool:


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I think the He-163 was called the He-162, it had 3 landing gears, not 4, also the Me-163 landed on skids, not wheels.(the prototype Me-163-C, did though) And the Me-163 wasn't a jet fighter, it was a rocket fighter.

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  xoknight said:
I think the He-163 was called the He-162, it had 3 landing gears, not 4, also the Me-163 landed on skids, not wheels.(the prototype Me-163-C, did though) And the Me-163 wasn't a jet fighter, it was a rocket fighter.

Yeah i know i got the names wrong, but skids in ksp!?!? Are you crazy?

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Hallo Männer,

I have been working on this design for a few days.

The Ar 234B V8 was equipped with four BMW 003A engines, mounted in a pair of twin-engine nacelles based on those from the eighth Ar 234 prototype.

I used B9 landing gears in the places that the skids would be. and added 6 tanks of drop fuel tanks for bombs.

The plane fly's well and needs no Rockets to boost it's lift off. I also used the Freelancer cockpit for the full glass nose look. My thought was to build an intercontinental bomber. I would like to see a bit more WW2 plane parts hint=hint "Snjo"...

Mods used: B9, Firespitter, & Freelancer cockpit.

.craft file link: https://www.box.net/shared/7gy3j3ttdgqe5w6vd7m9

Base design from reference pages:




Bombs away!!!


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Pretty sure the Arado 234, had 2 engines, and It did use a skid, but later on in the war, they changed it to landing gears. And it had bombs strapped under each engine. And even If you don't need to use assisted rockets for takeoff (RATO rockets) USE THEM.

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I see you did not read the related info I linked and I think you know little about the Arado 234 Find me some RATO rockets.... and read my related info on design. The sixth and eighth of the series were powered with four BMW 003 jet engines instead of two Jumo 004s, the sixth having four engines housed in individual nacelles, and the eighth flown with two pairs of BMW 003s installed within “twinned†nacelles underneath either wing. These were the first four-engine jet aircraft to fly. The Ar 234 V7 prototype made history on 2 August 1944 as the first jet aircraft ever to fly a reconnaissance mission.

Read before you post next time and don't assume.

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Are other ww2 era planes welcome here aswell? currently working on a bf-109 replica (kinda, not sure how the finished result will look like but so far so good.), does anyone mind if i post it here or do i have to make a seperate thread with standard ww2 planes?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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