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Everything posted by Trollkowski

  1. Hi! I'm having an issue placing IR parts in symmetry on pwing and some other parts. The mirrored part ends up in front of the one I placed. See this for example: It seems this issue was fixed a while back but it appears I'm experiencing it on the latest build. Could you please take a look? It for some reason works on some parts, see below for example. Here I placed them on the landing skids from airplane plus and it seems to work fine. I've uploaded my logs here: https://files.catbox.moe/zdrk6n.rar Let me know if you would prefer a different host
  2. @linuxgurugamer Hello! If you have the time, could you please have a look at this? I have uploaded logs here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yhmte34rizkj7ivseekui/logs.rar?rlkey=og17y04lrpmm1mif3u08gfkn1&st=t7zdxyqg&dl=0 As you can see in the screenshot below, I am mid press but nothing happens at all, and the COL doesnt change:
  3. Hi! Is there a way to add the propeller sounds (going from low > high rpm) directly to the rotors? My issue is that Ive built a couple of helicopters but they dont actually produce the blade/propeller noise as the blades and props arent directly connected to the rotor. If I attach blades directly to the nodes on the rotors they do play the sound though. I had a look in the configs and I figured I would simply replace this part: @PART[rotor_01,rotor_01s]:FOR[RocketSoundEnhancementDefault] // EM-16 Light Duty Rotor { MODULE { name = RSE_RotorEngines volume = 0.35 Motor { SOUNDLAYER { name = ElectricMotor_Small-300hz audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Sounds/ElectricMotors/ElectricMotor_Small-300hz loop = true spread = 0.3 spool = true spoolSpeed = 0.16 volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.25 1.0 pitchFC { key = 0 0 0 6.14 key = 1 3.07 0 0 } } } } } With this (but changing the name of the part to the rotor): @PART[mediumHeliBlade]:FOR[RocketSoundEnhancementDefault] { RSE_Propellers { baseRPM = 450 maxBlades = 8 volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.75 1.0 SOUNDLAYER { name = Heli_Blade_Small_450-2b audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Sounds/Propellers/Heli_Blade_Small_450-2b loop = true spread = 0.5 volumeFC { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.1 1 0 0 key = 0.25 1 0 0 key = 0.5 0 0 0 } pitchFC { key = 0 0 key = 0.5 2 } } SOUNDLAYER { name = Heli_Blade_Small_450-4b audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Sounds/Propellers/Heli_Blade_Small_450-4b loop = true spread = 0.5 volumeFC { key = 0.25 0.0 0 0 key = 0.5 1.0 0 0 key = 1.0 0.0 0 0 } pitchFC { key = 0.25 0.5 key = 1 2 } } SOUNDLAYER { name = Heli_Blade_Small_450-8b audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Sounds/Propellers/Heli_Blade_Small_450-8b loop = true spread = 0.5 volumeFC { key = 0.5 0.0 0 0 key = 1.0 1.0 0 0 } pitchFC { key = 0.5 0.5 key = 2.0 2.0 } } } } Would this work or am I gonna break some things? EDIT: Doing the above worked beautifully! Instead of replacing the entire module I instead simply added the parts labeled "SOUNDLAYER" from the propeller config to the rotor config. This stacks the blade sound on top of the rotor sound which makes it sound a lot better in my opinion.
  4. One thing ive noticed by the way that might be helpful for when you do figure out how to scale robotics is that they seem to get wobblier as their mass decreases. Might just be my installation but, when trying to adjust the mass of the rotors through the configs for example they get more wobbly the lower of a value i put in. So perhaps keeping the same weight/mass as they scale might be something to look into
  5. Thank you Lisias! I will give it a try once it is released!
  6. Gotcha, so its most likely another mod interfering? Heres my KSP.log file if you would like to take a peek!
  7. Sadly dont know what that is, Ive simply installed the latest version of tweakscale and have done no editing in the configs for tweakscale
  8. Hi! Im experiencing an issue with rescaling breaking ground robotics, when I do they appear fine at first but after launching the craft and going back to the sph the nodes are floating way in the distance and after launching the cylinders/hinges and whatnot still have the same range of motion making the whole thing look very weird The diameter in the scaling option also doesnt match whatever its connected to, the rotor for example shows 0.800m while connected to structural pieces that are 0.190m I have quite a lot of mods installed but I was mainly wondering if this is a known issue and if there is any fix for it or if there might be some kind of conflict in the mods? I can provide logs and whatever is necessary IR seems to scale well but is limited to a few different sizes sadly
  9. Currently working on adding "real" rotors to all my helicopters - so far my fastest and most stable design is the one for my apache Its a semi-articulated rotor system at the moment. Moves up and down freely (flapping) and is able to feather each rotor independently but sadly I cant get a lag hinge to actually work without the whole rotor system flailing wildly Main issues so far have been eliminating vibrations/wobble (particularly in the piston carrying the bottom swashplate) and countering dissymmetry of lift. Main rotor is set to 365 rpm but Id like to go higher to try to extract a bit more top speed from it but at the moment anything above that makes the blades vibrate like crazy. Rear rotor is a much more simple design, I would like to create a more realistic one at some point but from the designs I've made so far they just vibrate like crazy and getting the pitch authority in the blades precise enough with very high rpms is a challenge Managed to hit a decent cruise speed of 55m/s (about 200km/h) which is still a far cry from the 72.2 m/s the real life counterpart can hit but considering it barely hit 20 just a day ago I feel like I'm on the right track at least
  10. Is there any way to control the limits of a uncontrolled rotatron with a KAL/action groups? Im trying to improve the performance of a heli i built but because of a ton of slack in the swashplate mechanism it only really works well at maximum and minimum collective when the feathering mechanism is tensioned. I figured if I can control the limits with a KAL I can make sure they are tensioned throughout the rotation but I cant seem to find it. Ive tried using "deflection range" and "track angle" in action groups but they dont seem to do the trick
  11. Thanks! Only noticed the pun after I posted haha
  12. A heli I built a while back but never posted. Hovers around 700 parts depending on the version and it isnt fully 1:1 (has some issues with the dimensions that I cant fix) but i tried my best and Im very satisfied with the end result. Features working doors! KerbalX link: https://kerbalx.com/trollkowski/Bell-AH-1Z-Viper Part count: 766
  13. @linuxgurugamer The option to change surface config isnt working for me, the button is there but nothing happens when I press it. Are there any mods that would conflict with this option? I have a bunch installed but Im honestly stumped on what could interfere
  14. Is there any way to place decals over multiple parts? Would be a great way to make camouflage for vehicles!
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