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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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They seem to. I had a contract to build a station with a science lab so I built a lab module at my EL station, docked it and the contract completed.

Yes, I've done similar for simple landed bases with X Kerbal space needed. I didn't intend to, but I needed a ferry to ship inexperienced Kerbals to Kerbin and met the requirement after hooking them together with KAS.

Minmus land bases have such low dV to orbit requirements that you might as well launch outbound traffic from the surface. The only problem is no ore/karbonite overlap if you're using karbonite.

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The only problem is no ore/karbonite overlap if you're using karbonite.

This is why I like Kethane: resource locations are random. Not only do you have to search for them, you can get overlaps (rare, but they do happen: I have found 1 such location on each of Mun and Minmus in this save). That said, Minmus is so delta-v friendly that Ore and [fuel source] deposits located even half a planet apart aren't too much of a problem.

I'm looking forward to seeing how my Eve and Duna expeditions fair (and fulfilling some contracts in the process).

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Minmus land bases have such low dV to orbit requirements that you might as well launch outbound traffic from the surface. The only problem is no ore/karbonite overlap if you're using karbonite.

Ive had several overlapping spots of Ore and Karbonite (along with Water/Substrate) on Minmus and the Mun. It is possible. Just doesnt always happen. :)

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- - - Updated - - - This *could* be caused by MKS/OKS hiding the parts in the list since it replaces the production chain with its' own. You can delete / rename the extension on the EL_CONFIG.cfg in the Kolonization folder to get them to show up again. ~M~
Its due to the fact that the MKS mod offers an alternate production chain/parts to build rocket parts and launch rockets.
It seems deleting that EL_Config.cfg show's the EL parts but 'hides' MKS parts. Just can't win. Any suggestions on how to show both??
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Open up it up in Notepad or gedit and comment out the hiding lines you dont want hidden.
Doesn't work.. *When commenting out the 'hidden' items / or deleting the file, that then hides MKS parts, rather than MKS hiding EL parts, if that makes sense. Maybe another file with code somewhere hiding MKS on disabling EL parts?? Edited by Jay83
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Originally Posted by taniwha

Azazael: Actually, for scientists and pilots to be of any use, the engineer must have 5 stars. However, a level 3+ scientist or pilot will never drag down productivity. Though I just realized this might cause problems for non-career games (oops).

Yes I am running in sandbox mode so Star ratings for engineers is an issue

Here is My Laythe base with kethane mapper on the launchpad ready to go. So it all works fine now thanks


Edited by Azazael
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Starting to wonder whether you actually 'need' EPL when MKS has launchpads of it's own. :/ Rather than trying to figure out these 'part hiding' mystery's.

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Jay83: MKS has pads, but no code for the pads. EL provides the code for the pads.

Azazael: can't build? I messed up when I implemented the construction skill and forgot that non-career mode does not have traits so EL is probably broken in non-career (I haven't tried yet).

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Jay83: MKS has pads, but no code for the pads. EL provides the code for the pads.
Hey Taniwha. Have you any idea how to fix the issue? :/ I'd prefer to use both mods but having trouble showing parts from both. If I remove mks' EL_Config it unhides your parts, but then removes mks' - - - Updated - - - Or do you mean you don't necessarily need EPL parts. Just use the parts from MKS which uses your code?

- - - Updated - - -

Solved, sorry (feel wick). Need to pay more attention to my folder order. All working

Edited by Jay83
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I have released version 5.0.1 of EL. Links in the first post.

64-bit Windows is NOT supported due to it being an unstable mess.

Nobody will stop you from modifying it to work, but you will get NO support. Anybody distributing a modified version of Extraplanetary Launchpads (for any reason, actually) must make it prominently clear that it is not Extraplanetary Launchpads as released by me. This is actually one of the requirements in the GPL.

Also, by releasing a modified version, you agree to accept all responsibility. This is the reason for the attribution rule in the GPL: so your victims come crying to you rather than to me.

Changes from 5.0.0:

  • Production works again in non-career mode games.
  • Vessels with locked (not yet researched) parts cannot be built.
  • The in-flight build window no longer locks input: it proved to be too annoying.
  • Pads can be renamed. (Henry Bauer)
  • Build window progress bar gives an ETA (after warping a bit, it seems) (Henry Bauer)
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock integration. Can be configured by clicking the EL toolbar button in the space center scene. (Henry Bauer)

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Im having an issue where, I build a ship in orbit, then click "finalize build" then "Release", but it doesnt actually release the ship. It just sits there on the launch pad still "connected" to it (I know this because I turned the entire orbital building station and the ship was stuck to the launch pad. Also tried firing the ships thrusters and it moved the entire station.) Anyone else have this issue?

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Hey Taniwha. Have you any idea how to fix the issue? :/ I'd prefer to use both mods but having trouble showing parts from both. If I remove mks' EL_Config it unhides your parts, but then removes mks' - - - Updated - - - Or do you mean you don't necessarily need EPL parts. Just use the parts from MKS which uses your code?

- - - Updated - - -

Solved, sorry (feel wick). Need to pay more attention to my folder order. All working

And how exactly did you fix it?

I've got the same problem and I can't figure out how to solve it, since my IT skills are close to zero.

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And how exactly did you fix it?

I've got the same problem and I can't figure out how to solve it, since my IT skills are close to zero.

open elconfig.cfg in mks folder and delete everything exept

HullRecycleTarget = Recycleables
KerbalRecycleTarget = Food
KerbalRecycleAmount = 150
AlwaysForceResourceUsage = True

Edited by BrutalRIP
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Hey taniwha, are you ok with someone updating the entry in the CKAN meta data repository to reference 5.0.1?

Those using CKAN still see 5.0.0 as the latest version. I would update it but only if you're ok with that.


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I have been playing with survey stakes, and the +/- xyz don't seem to do anything. I am trying to build on ike, so there are little slopes everywhere. My set up, I have 2 origin stakes named '1' and I have 2 others, also named '1', that I flipped thought being +/- XYZ, always both the same, and none of them had any effect on the orientation of my placed vessel. anyone every get those to work? And if yes, how?

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Felson: all stakes that are the same (name and settings) are averaged together. The average of your "origin" stakes determine the location of the spawn point. The average of your "+X" stakes determine the point of reference used for determining the direction of your craft's root part's X axis (ie, it will point from "origin" to "+X"). Similar for the other orientation axes.

That said, there may be bugs: I have tested only with just 1 origin and 1 +Z stake, otherwise all my builds have been with clusters of origin stakes. A screenshot of your site with scribbles showing your stakes might help.

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I will try and get you a screen shot in a bit. I get the averaging thing, makes sense. That is why there are 2 origin stakes. My base part is to close to the ground to have a stake under it. Launches into the air when I do that. Rather funny. I will try 1 origin and 1 +Z anyway though, just to check. also, does the build type matter? I am using a "Sub Assembly". I found with 4.5 the other 2 would spawn under ground and garbled, but for some reason Sub Assembly builds worked fine, so all my parts are now sub assembly parts. I haven't tried the other 2 with 5.0.1 yet.

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Ok, I spent a bit of time reading your code. Before I start, I have no experience with Unity, and only a little with C#, though I do have about 20 years of other programming.

After reading, it looks like it takes the position of the stake (stake.vessel.GetWorldPos3D) sums them up and get an average in the "Points" function. Later, it calls "GetOrientation" which calls "GetDirection". Since the average in "Points" is based on there physical position and angle, and your stakes are likely all placed at the same angle in the ground, "GetDirection" will always be 0. The only way it wouldn't be is if you place the X/Y/Y stakes on a piece of ground that has a different angle to it. Even if you have a variety of angles you can put the stakes at, it would be very difficult to control the end result.

I suggest that for the X/Y/Z stakes, instead of trying to do this averaging, do strait addition and subtraction. Each + stake adds 15 degrees, and each - stake removes 15 degrees. Same as VAB rotation when angle snap is set.

Alternately, since the name of the stakes aren't actually being used yet, let the name of the stake be the number of degrees to rotate by, provided that a numeric name is used, and ignore it if it isn't numeric. Then you don't need +/- stakes, could just enter -90 or whatever into the name. If for some reason a person puts down more then 1 stake for the same axis, just sum them up. Could take that 1 step further, and allow a number entered into Origin stake name to represent a height offset, ignored if not numeric.

Edit: wow that turned into a wall of text... Sorry...

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A very short wall :)

I'll describe the intent of the code, whether I got it right or not is another matter.: the averaging is to create an Origin point, +X point, -X point, +Y point, -Y point, +Z point and -Z point (depending on availability).

First, I am not sure what will happen if there is no Origin point, but one or more axis points (survey station becomes origin?), I need to check.

If no axis points are created, then the built craft will have the same orientation relative to the body as if it were on the pad at KSC (not so sure for runway: probably turned 90 degrees, since it's +Z facing east instead of +X).

If only one axis point is created, then the appropriate axis of the craft's root part will point to that axis point (starboard to +X, port to -X, up to +Y, down to -Y, fore to +Z, aft to -Z). For example, the -Z axis of the craft will point along the vector taken from [-Z] - [Origin]. +/-X should be fine for VAB craft, +/-Z for SPH craft, but I expect +/- will produce undesirable results at this stage.

For two axis points on the same axis but opposite signs (eg, +X and -X), then the craft's X axis will be parallel (in the YZ plane) to the vector formed by [+X] - [-X].

Things get messy if 2 or more different axes point( set)s are created: I have not tested this code as it is intended for more advanced features I have not yet had a chance to implement (you may have noticed that there is a "bounds" option on the stakes that is currently disabled).

That is the intent. I need to get some visualization tools in place to ensure everything is working as intended (and they might be useful for planning, too).

The name of the stakes very much is being used: stakes of different names form different sites (relevant code in SurveyTracker). The problem is I have not yet implemented site selection.

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Something is wrong with background build. I started building a ship, switched to another mission and spent like 2 weeks flying, then switched back to dock. Build progressed to barely 1.3%. Then I just warped a bit (can't do it much - it's on LKO) for maybe less than an hour and build progressed to 2.8%. Any ideas where to dig? Previous ships that were built in dock were small like probes, so I may have not noticed this issue.

Same after update to 5.01.1 - I have 45 min countdown in EL window, then I switch to KSC, warp to +45 min, switch back to dock - build did progress only for a few seconds.

Edited by Mystique
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I have a hard time visualizing what you describe, so I made an image that defined the various positions and rotations of a craft. Just to confuse things, I used NASA definitions for XYZ, so for you, since KSP+Unity works out differently, X=Y Y=Z Z=X... Also, Even though I got the rotation ball from a KSP screenshot, it doesn't necessarily line up with with reality in the game. Eg. Red/Blue intersection might not be Fore/Aft in game.


So, if I understand your description, If you use a Z+ stake, it turns the Z+ face of your craft to point and the position that the Z+ stakes average. This would work very well for setting Yaw, but for Pitch and Roll, unless you want to lay the vessel down, it would be very hard to set.

I had a thought last night after I went to bed...

Why don't we (we being you :P) set the Pitch+Roll using the Origin stakes so that Z- (your Y-) is always directly facing ground. If there is 1 Origin stake, it's easy, just use the Pitch+Roll orientation of the stake as the default orientation. If there is more then 1, it gets a bit more complex, but still doable. With 3 or more, you can work out the average slope to the centre, and define a plane base on that. This "could" still result in our craft being placed in the ground with poorly placed stakes. eg, stakes placed around the base of a hill. Of course, if you do that, you deserve to have your craft rapidly de-construct. Not sure what to do with 2 though, since 2 don't give you enough information to define a plane, and can be placed wildly different angles from what is under centre.

I do wonder if it possible to get the game engine to tell you the orientation of the ground? KAS places items on ground with the expected orientation, so it might be. That would be much less complex then what I descried above.

For Yaw, have a second stake setting called 'Heading'. Then adjust X+ (your Z+) to face the position marked by heading, only changing the value of Yaw.

- - - Updated - - -


5.0.0 introduced the idea of skilled workers. I am unsure if the ETA takes that into account. Do you have any levelled engineers in your workshop?

Edited by Felson
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