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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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I have KJR and get the same problem. Not about to get rid of KJR, so instead I've just been going to the space centre and then reloading the vessel. When I come back the two ships are detached. Can be dangerous if they've drifted into each other.

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I have KJR and get the same problem. Not about to get rid of KJR, so instead I've just been going to the space centre and then reloading the vessel. When I come back the two ships are detached. Can be dangerous if they've drifted into each other.

I'd suggest trying the Jan 27th version of the KJR DLL (the dev version, last release DLL was Jan 25th). Move the old DLL completely out of the KSP folder (or just delete it) and put the dev version of the DLL in its place.

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I'd suggest trying the Jan 27th version of the KJR DLL (the dev version, last release DLL was Jan 25th). Move the old DLL completely out of the KSP folder (or just delete it) and put the dev version of the DLL in its place.

Where are you looking? Github and the mod's forum thread both show the latest release being on the 15th of January.

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Where are you looking? Github and the mod's forum thread both show the latest release being on the 15th of January.

Like know there's a link someone gave to the fixed dll, but I can't look for it right now. It may be back several pages in either this thread or the forum thread for it.

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Updating the KJR dll file to the most recent development version seemed to have fixed the issue (for me at least). The link to download it is below, just hit the link and click "view raw" to download it.


Now I just have to figure out how to make good use of the recyclers... I'm collecting metal, but have no clue how to turn that into rocket parts..

Is that even do-able without other mods?

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Hi all,

I am tying to build a large sized eve ascent vehicle on Minmus. I am using survey stakes and have laid out the origin, X+ and Z+ stakes.

When the ship completes I see it standing for a split second and then either part or all of it shifts into the space occupied by the base. explosions ensue.

Any ideas what could be going wrong?

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Mekan1k: what's wrong with carbon-based Von-Neumann machines? ;)

Now for the serious reply: the code for "free" builds no longer exists, and it was removed with extreme glee. One of EL's purposes is to encourage manned (kerbaled (hmm, one l or two?)) space exploration. That said, I have decided that I will do up some sort of automated construction, but it will not be in EL itself. It will, however, require all the resources EL does, and maybe even some more.

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Orbital Rocket Workshop bug #1: In VAB it allows you to assign 6 kerbals to work in this workshop, once you do that and launch a rocket, you can't EVA 4 kerbals anymore, and they get stuck in the workshop forever.

Might be related to the warning: InternalModel error: Part Crew capacity is 6, but 2 seats are defined in internal error.

Orbital Rocket Workshop bug #2: Productivity sometimes becomes negative, and you can't build rockets in space anymore. Yes, i have an engineer and rocket parts and electricity, but the productivity is negative. This happened for me when i was fulfilling a contract with experimental Orbital Rocket Workshop for the first time.

Orbital Rocket Workshop bug #3: in VAB add a pod, add a Orbital Rocket Workshop, alt+f2 game shows error "[ERR 13:50:24.465] Input is null" every time when i try to move ship around.




Edited by Myslius
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um...can you tell me which config file?

It's the one with EPL in the title. I believe it's MM_EPL or something similar. Look in the Kolonization folder.

- - - Updated - - -

Orbital Rocket Workshop bug #2: Productivity sometimes becomes negative, and you can't build rockets in space anymore. Yes, i have an engineer and rocket parts and electricity, but the productivity is negative. This happened for me when i was fulfilling a contract with experimental Orbital Rocket Workshop for the first time.

Productivity depends on class, rank, and intelligence (low stupidity). More information is needed.

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May want to look into the launch clamps in the github version because after I installed the github one, they were like this:


And there was this in the output log.

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/launchClamp1/launchClamp1'

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Added sound_decoupler_fire to FXGroup activate

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ExtendingLaunchClamp'

Initially, I thought it was Vens stock part revamp, but after removing that, it wasn't. There were only two other possibilities, this, and better buoyancy. since the output log mentioned something about configs from them. After I removed EPL, the clamps worked. I put the main release in and it's fine now, so, yeah, it's the github version that they're broken in.

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Orbital Rocket Workshop bug

No such part in EL. That will be one of RoverDude's. I've heard his part has a crew capacity of 6, but the IVA can hold only 4. KSP does not like that.

May want to look into the launch clamps in the github version

What github version? I don't have the dlls on github, only the source (and models)

Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ExtendingLaunchClamp'

Something is very wrong with your EL install.

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(kerbaled (hmm, one l or two?))

I think it's one of those British vs. American English conventions -- one "l" in American English (e.g. travel -> traveled), two if by sea in British English. (Notepad++ is created by a European developer, so it's always "fun" to have to teach it how I spell things.)

I sometimes use "crewed" or "uncrewed" myself, which has the bonus of sounding like "crude". Piloted, unpiloted, remotely piloted (there was a general in the Air Force who took great exception to the term "unmanned aerial vehicle", because there are humans in the loop, just not in the cockpit, and so he suggested the term "remotely piloted vehicle"), and even "optionally piloted" are also used in the aerospace field, but obviously crew can be used for more things than piloting.

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What github version? I don't have the dlls on github, only the source (and models)

This one: https://github.com/taniwha-qf/Extraplanetary-Launchpads

Something is very wrong with your EL install.

Well, I had downloaded the github version I believe, or maybe I THOUGHT it was the full github version. If that one doesn't have the dlls, that could explain it.

I fixed it by putting the release version in, so it's okay now.

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I have EL and the rocket building aint workin !!

Not per se I am workin on tweaking resources no problem there - problem is the User Interfaces (UI) do not open up so there is no way to build anything using rocket parts; I also put 2 Kerbals in the launchpad2 still no luck...also I am using Sandbox I am assuming Kerbals are smart in there but on my next run I will add KerbalStats; is KerbalStats required?

The launchpad2 and OrbitalDock UI's dont open up (?)...

I am streaming workin on this this morning later !

Cmdr Zeta

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