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Soviet Mün-Mission, Proton-Style v1.1- NEW MÜN-CAR

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Hello everyone and thanks for showing interest in my Soviet Mün-Mission, Proton-Style! No we are not dancing to Mün like a Korean Musicstar :cool:

There are many recreations of Apollo-style missions. The best of all (in my eyes) is Mulbin's Munbug series with it's current master piece -> Munbug XI <-. Go check this out and fly a beautifull Saturn V recreation. But there is more. Even the mighty, but unsuccesfull N1 rocket, a soviet monsterproject, is available as Stock rocket in KSP. As a small and as a big one, thanks to GusTurbo. Go try his Mini -> N1-L3 <-.

But i asked myself: What if the soviets scraped the N1-plan and continued with the work of the Proton rocket? For circumlunar flights, and testing the LOK, the Lunar Orbital Craft, there was the "Zond"programm. Sending testvehicles around the Moon with a Proton rocket. But a Proton alone is not powerfull enough, to send the whole Lunarcomplex, the LOK, the LK-lander and a BLOCK D to Moon.

no Problem: thats why going Proton-style. In my alternative timeline, the soviets continued their Moonproject. The americans got the first man on moon, but national pride and improvemnts on the Proton opened the new door to Moon...

before going real, a big thank you to Squad. Thanks for creating such a wonderfull game. Next a big thank you to the Guys of the -> OKB-1 team and our work in recreate Stock russians spacestuff <-. Special thanks to GusTurbo and his LK-lander. I used it as inspiration for my Mün-Mission and a special THX to sgt_flyer for his awesome BLOCK D booster stage.

>01.20.14 update<

in the new version, the LK lander has more fuel and a little Mün-Car has been added.

Now to the Mün-Mission:

this Pack includes two Proton M rockets with different payloads.

  • Proton rockez with LOK - Soyuz-like orbital spaceship
  • Proton rocket with LK - lander with Block D for breakingburn and landing

the Part-count is pretty high, over 600 for the Proton with LK and over 400 for the Proton with the LOK.


-> Soviet Mun Mission Proton Style v1.1 <-


WARNING: without following the flightinstruction and the right use of the actiongroups, the Mission will be a FAILURE. You have been warned. ...oh and ... the fuelbuget is TIGHT.


  • Group 1 - activates LOK (antennas and stuff)
  • Group 2 - jetsonies TMI-Booster on LOK
  • Group 3 - toggles LOK mainengine
  • Group 4 - decouples enginefairings and activates engine of BLOCK D at LK-lander, for braking burn and landing.
  • Group 5 - toggles ladder on LK lander.
  • Group 6 - decoupling Mün-Car

The Lunch of every rocket follows the same way. Go full power and start the g-turn at around 10Km. Smothly turn the nose of the Proton towards the 45° marker, should be a continues motion and following the green prograde marker. Reach 45° at around 45 to 50Km apoapsis. Finish orbit at 80Km apoapsis and make a nice circular Orbit in LKO.

Other flystyls are not tested so you "could" ran out of fuel with teh third stage.

  • launch Proton with LK-lander first and send it to a 75x75 or 80x80 Orbit, BECAREFULL: LK must be EMPTY in lunchoptions (no pilot)
  • launch Proton with LOK next and go for a rondevouz with LK (activate LOK with "Group 1")
  • TMI-Booster of LOK will serve for rondevous maneuver, beware of FUEL don't waste too much or TMI is impossible (thats why a low kerbin orbit for LK)
  • after coupling, prepare for TMI with the TMI-Booster of the LOK, LK-booster should still have enginefairings (failsafe)
  • TMI: go for a cicrumlunar Orbit. if something bad happens, the LOK can return safly to Kerbin
  • after TMI-burn, do minor coursecorrection with the TMI-booster, if needed (and if fuel is left)
  • after TMI-burn (and corrections), press "Group 2" for decoupling the TMI-Booster and then press "Group 4" for activating BLOCK D of the Lander.
  • finish a nice circular orbit around Mün with the BLOCK D (between 20x20 and 30x30), use "controll here" on the LK docking port, for easy pointing at the manouver marker.
  • time for a spacewalk. get your Kerbal from the LOK and take a seat in the LK-lander now
  • decouple and prepare for the ride of your life, change "Controll here" to the dockingport at the Top of the LK, 'cause capsule is turned 180degree...
  • start the landing burn with the BLOCK D and descent
  • if runing out of fuel, decouple BLOCK D and burn with the LK.
  • if not running out of fuel: decouple BLOCK D short before surface and land with LK (don't forget landinglegs)
  • land nice and smooth and use as less fuel as possible from the LK, unfold the ladder with "Group 5"
  • do the Moonwalk, plant the flag, jump around ... serious, you did it, with "Group 6" you can decouple the Mün-Car, it has a probecore to get it back on all wheels if it flipped over.
  • get back into the LK and hit space to decouple from the legs for the ascent. burn and meet your LOK in Münorbit. should be still there (hopefully), if runing out of fuel, pump the fuel of the orange circular tank on the "side" manually into the black/white big tank, it serves as some kind of emergencytank (aka no direct fuelflow)
  • dock with LOK and spacewalk back into your LOK and decouple the LK ascentstage.
  • activate LOK mainengine with "Group 3"
  • say goodbye to Mün! plan manoveur back to Kerbin and burn.
  • decouple docking-section from LOK when reaching Kerbin
  • do the braking burn (if nessecary) and decouple service module and begin reentry
  • get toasted
  • land with parachute
  • congratualtion: you finished the Soviet Mün-Mission ~Proton Style ~ !

and now some pictures from my Mission:


Proton with LK on Launchpad


LK with BLock D and Proton third stage finishing orbit around Kerbin


Proton with LOK shortly before launch


lift off !


LOK and LK docked in orbit around Kerbin


planing trans-münar-injection (TMI)


arriving at Mün


time to get serious, Jeb chaning his seat.


the ride


one small step for a kerbal ...


... but a big leap towards a happy Jeb !


weeeehhhhhhhhhhh ... the Mün-Car is amazing !


time to get back, ascent from Mün-surface, landinglegs and debris of the crashed Block D visible


planing the returntrip


not getting tiered of this view


it's done ! home sweet home~

i hope you all can enjoy this alternative Mün-Mission. I will continue work on the rockets. maybe other updates will include rovers (done :D ) and scintific stuff. :D



- adding Mün-Car to LK lander

- more fuel for the LK lander

Edited by Darth Lazarus
new version
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How did you get enough fuel in the LK, it's driving me mad.. yes I know how to land properly, but this thing is so tiny I just can't get enough fuel in it and make it look right at the same time :-/

A Round-8 can do the final part of the landing as the Blok D does most of the work. A FL-T100 should be enough to return to orbit.

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Ah ok, Thanks! Never really bothered to look into how the Soviets were planning to land their Lunniy Korabl, I just assumed they had come up with a similar scheme as the Americans. So I just build a good looking LK landed it nicely on the last drop of fuel next to my Apollo style lander (which has enough fuel, but becomes reaally unstable during the ascend) So I just send a rescue mission and turned the whole site into a museum :-)

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@the destroyer if it was a N-1 Mission you would be right :) but the soviets did thought of doing two separate launches to bring the spacecrafts needed for a mün mission to LKO :) (much more lightweight in this case, but harder technically / more risky manoeuvers than a single launch)

anyway, good job darth lazarus :) it's nice to see my block D put to good use :P (although i'm wondering why you still have the decoupler and engine fairing in the LKO picture ? :P)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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(although i'm wondering why you still have the decoupler and engine fairing in the LKO picture ? :P)

failsafe :D i wrote it in the flghtinstructions. two engines are pointing in the opposite directions after coupling. and some people will forget tu turn off the Block D engines so i thought about a simple helpfull idea to prevent this. and th LK will be put in orbit easly by the Third stage of the launcher.

How did you get enough fuel in the LK, it's driving me mad.. yes I know how to land properly, but this thing is so tiny I just can't get enough fuel in it and make it look right at the same time :-/

the landingburn is mostly done by the Block D. only shortly above teh surface, the Block is decoupled and the LK finishs the landing with the own engine, but with only a tiny bit amount of fuel. i have to admit that it was hard to get enough fuel for teh ascent into that tiny ant. i did some partclipping, but the result makes me happy :D


@ gigglepley:

Proton K? tzzz details , will check the wiki about the Proton rockets and will update the name in the next update fpr the package, thank you :)

Edited by Darth Lazarus
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Coolies, let me bang a Block D under my lander and see how it goes. I did do something similar with my Lunakhod rover when I visited the Armstrong Memorial.. bit tricky this last minute jump (especially between the two craters surrounding the site) but it went quite well :) So I guess I (re)invented the Block D already but never thought of using it for the LK :-$

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