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Do you "redo" missions

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Hey guys,

Curious point here. Not long back I completed my highly victorious Laythe land + return. Except, even when I was on an ejection burn, I could see ways to improve the craft. I know it could be more efficient and powerful. I'm not sure if I can bring myself to spend another weekend on a mission I've already done just to do it better though. What would you guys do?

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I redo missions. I am redoing my first kerbaled Duna mission now. It's worth it, so much better design.

the new design brings a rover and leaves the hab-pod on Duna (was returning with it, doy).

I would NOT redo a mission if it meant I had to redo other missions tho.

Edited by Dogface
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Ditto on the science gathering thing, as I've only played career mode at the moment (I bought the game on 18th October). That said, I'd also like to introduce an aspect of role-play into it. I have had a space station with 4 Kerbals aboard on a previous save, but felt the need to switch them around every weekend or so.

One thing career mode could use, once finances are brought in, are missions with cash rewards, i.e. land a 3-Kerbal ship on Duna and return it, or launching satellite assemblies (pre-determined) into various orbit locations/inclinations. If it's a straight monthly funding thing, it might get a bit tedious just waiting for the timer to tick over...

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I am always redesigning my ships, even those that successful. I think it is more of correcting the oversights or thing you left out that might have been needed, such as lights that I keep forgetting to put on my ships. I think of sandbox games like cooking, while it is good when it is done, there always something missing that could make it just that much better.

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Play however you enjoy playing. I've seen plenty of people with loads of satellites orbiting around Kerbin and frankly, why? Why even send up one, let alone a dozen? Clearly everyone repeats the same 'mission' over and over, so it all just boils down to whatever you enjoy doing.

That said, I kind of enjoy when a mission fails. Because then the next mission becomes a rescue mission for that last mission. In a game where there's no objective or goal or even a path to follow, you kind of need to make up *!"£$%^&(){}[]#~'@;:<>?/\-+=`¬|*!"£$%^&(){}[]#~'@;:<>?/\-+=`¬|*!"£$%^&(){}[]#~'@;:<>?/\-+=`¬|*!"£$%^&(){}[]#~'@;:<>?/\-+=`¬| to do so as to even see a point in playing.

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