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Messerschmitt bf-109 g10/u4 ''gustav''

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My attempt at reconstructing a bf-109, primarily the g-10, in ksp :D so far i'm only pleased with the front as i made the tail wayy too wide, going to work on that asap. Newest pictures are posted on top, older ones at the bottom.

I'll be posting constant updates in the thread and later on adding them to the original post, so there might be pics further into the thread i havent edited into the main post yet.

Third and possibly final build \/










Second build \/





First build \/




Feedback is appreciated, please note though that it's still in really early stage of building, there's still lots to do and it needs a bit of tweaking (And by tweaking i mean ramming into object to test for strenght).

Edited by Trollkowski
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Looks good, but the nose still looks a bit to big/boxy. I love and hate the 109 from a sim fighter pilot stand point.

Im going to leave the nose as is for now, the more i fiddle with it the more complicated it will get and eventually i will **** it up. And yes, the bf-109 is really a love/hate machine.

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Yep , good looking aircraft :)

I can see the use of Firespitter but there's some parts i don't reconise !

Have you a second dedicated plane/copter mod ?

And , don't forget to share it once you finish it .

I spend some hours on IL2 Sturmovik too , great game .

See ya !

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