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[WIP] various parts & else


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Just wanted to share this while waiting for an official release with a larger set of parts.

This should come in replacement/addition of my actual Welded stock part.


(big img & small txt sry http://i.imgur.com/rB1NWLc.jpg ;)


A few thing are missing, or need to be fixed but not that much (a few mesh hole, may be reasign some uvmap, improve textures, some missing door etc., a few anim mesh details here and there too like some axis, improve collider cause i was lazy on the face count for testing :) ... ).

temp download for live testing: http://www.4shared.com/zip/2wOhY8So/WaLiKe-1.html


(all right reserved until first spaceport official release)

EDIT: now need to work on the storage cube modules: wheels, landing legs, various utilities and science etc.

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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very nice! finally a real hatch here,still dont understand kerbals how can fit in the stock pods like MK3 and MK2 - seriouss design error lol :/

ps.:cant download from 4shared,can you upload to google drive? (etc)

Edited by anarkhon
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pmed ya + yup yup i hate convex colliders too xD

edit: (& can't wait for a "crew manifest" like things to be a stock feature so this kind of hatch could be an intermodule insteed of being required on each habitat or command pod should save lot's of rockets height)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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I remade the mesh of the inter module now h: 0.75 insteed of 1m before also gave a try to make some more stockish textures. (will do the same for the habitat too i think).

the inter chassis will come in 5 different part with: 3 slot 120°, 4 slot 90°, 4 slot 90°(+45°) (for vehicule purpose regarding horizontal landing legs, gears, and wheel orientation), 6 slot 60°, 8 45° slot

the box are something like 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.35, no superposition between them + the central crew corridor volume

on the screenshot there also the first empty open slotable box wich you can surface attach what you want in.

I rethinked the overall door system and both intermodule and slottable box collider to reduce some colliders matters mainly. there no longer any collider that cross another while animation or else.

I will also upgrade the empty slotable box mesh for some premade:

- light(s ?)

- Landing legs/gear horizontal & vertical

- wheel (will be horizontal)

- Antenna (s?)

- Science combo (temp,bar,seis,grav)

- Science atm scan

- Science material

- science mystery goo

- Solar panel (s?)

- Rtg+battery combo

- Extra battery

- Extra rtg

- (more later ...)

That's the plan thoose slottables (wich should be relatively quick as i standardized lot of blender and unity component for most, so this will mainly be a few mesh modif/addition from the basics ones and texture + cfg).

An habitat horizontal with the same kind of hatch like precedents post with less collider collision matter, stock textures alike, and smaller.

Door animation may change in the future, dunno yet, textures will for sure.

I have a lot of other thing in mind too hehe but shhhhhhh atm ;) i tell a little more later.



EDIT: temp download link for preview

http://www.4shared.com/zip/ETzLebmt/WaLiKe-2.html (include the habitat but not all the inter chassis)

http://www.4shared.com/zip/LlAADzyz/WaLiKe-3.html (without the iss textured habitat but include the 5 inter chassis and some test slotable box)

don't pay too much attention on the fact the directory is a little bit messy and file name crazy, it's due to all the test i made :) i ll fix this on first release

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
new img & download
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Yop, i will upload to spaceport as soon as i'm done with a basic slotable boxes set + a playable habitat, so far i pursue testing/wrestling with blender untity

i'm done with empty boxes, batteries, rtg, antenna, statics lights or/and emmissive lights, solar panel (still have a little retract anim matter orient warp jump)

All this work just need to improve there mesh and texture for release. (Actually they use very simple mesh & textures.)

now trying landing legs & gear and then wheels (not sure about the extend animation for the wheels i'll see after more tries if it's splittable within unity like i plan to do, else i have a few replacement idea to solve this so i keep trying for now). ( & science device + docking port shouldn't be a matter)

1,25m parts sound good for sure ,but may be a 2,50 horizontal surface cockpit will come first or in the same time.

I m also working hard around the texture sharing for the whole set, some uv need to be adjusted and/or remaped and/or shared another way within the parts.

Later i will also improve textures quality/details but actuals ones look are fine for testing while wrestling with blender/unity ;). Probably reduce the collider face count too but as this set is supposed to reduce the overall part counts for a craft i could probably use collider with a little more face than usual (this require more testing: less part vs a little more collider face).

(temp textures and mesh for *.cfg / anims / various functionnalities test in game: suntracking, splitted light and doors anims, data transmitting etc.)


EDIT 2 & 3: and now a little bit better (but not yet definitive), single battery, RTG+ battery combo, extra RTG


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img(s) re-added
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Yop, this require a check dunno at all if they are smaller or bigger.

I m actually trying to manage all type of basic parts functionnality within unity.

Size standard(s) i use may change regarding overall modularity within different kind of parts and all things i want to do with thoose kind of slottable boxes. (including thing like an hybrid life support, ressource gather/refine/transport)

Edit 1:

(i wrote a whole scheme with all celestial body / system available ressources and the way they are refine sololy/'multiple (re-)combination' that will lead to an interesting inner/inter system missions type, all i can tell is that it's based on a cartoonish simplified Mendeleiev chemical board approach and kerbal basic needs are plants being ones, but i m too early in the parts creation to tell much more about the background or plugins side if ever it happen, but Basically, creating outposts on the ground or in orbit and manage ressupply/refine from nearby/far ressources available managing all kind of decay with a minimalist side log file and some commands like:


whatever current flight is active wich i guess from what i have seen so far should be doable "pretty easily" with my rusty coding knowledge ;)

With this in mind dunno if that's could fit on medium/long term what's Bobcat is doing on his side but why not after all ;) this require to be thinked about, but he's involved in so much great projects that i don't want to bother him with that due to the current amateur egg shell state of my work. May be later who knows ;)

Edit 2:


improved a little bit some temp meshs and textures, still have a retract solar panel orient warp matter + deployable light insteed of static (with deploy and light anims splitted i d like to be able to turn of lights while keeping the spots deployed but not been able to do it yet :/ and not even sure it's possible due to multiple anims conflict within unity hierarchy + some *.cfg module to work together).

early temp texture work example and of course shader, bump map and emissive require more adjustement, this is just enough actually not to hurt too much eyes while testing some other things ;)


i call this: "take 3 random electrical panel pict, shake them in your favorite image editor" and yop la boom ;)

( *yick* this post been edited a lot huhu wish i get a less dispersed and messy mind xD)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
some minors details explanations here and there ;) & img
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Improved lot of mesh and texture, (all in facts :) also simplified the uv mapping/texture sharing within part.

Added some icon on doors to help identifying part while in flight.

Actually all the part use 5 texture (512x512) total. [+ 5 bump map & 1 emmisive map]

Now got some landing legs that work properly (just need to improve the mesh and texture), going to make some horizontal one for the M.M.B and give a try with wheels.

80% of the parts are good enough for a "first shot" release keep working on the the other 20% and a few other parts like at least an habitat :).

- Still got the retract solar panel warp orient matter

- some missing doors anim button with the Goo and Material but work via ui or launching experiment.


Edit: @bout the dl oh !!! weird i tried unlogged and can download without any prompt. i think there is an alternate link on the page to avoid the prompt will check.

Just figured out i have an old google account xD

Walike-Alpha4 - google drive 'Download'

Walike-Alpha4a - google drive 'Download' (lot of textures and bump map adjustement)

(beware landing leg collider actually overlap a lot got to replace them, not done yet, rocket may jump dangerously while toggling, and the light is actually real crappy will improve it later , also notice its easier to clamp boxe from 90° to 45° insteed of face ;)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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yop @helix as xander said, top of page you can download the zip directly anyway only using google drive "temporarily", but spaceport soon i think just want to do a few more things.

@star not sure i get the meaning of "particle board" :) but if you mean emissive texture yes.

I pursue adjusting textures and mesh + some new parts. (got to fix some config files too actually spec, price, weights, drag etc. and tech tree are a bit random copy past from squad cfg)

Updated the last dl link in previous post, (also added 2 new asymetric intermodule not in the dl yet: 7 and 6 slots but with the 8 one orient to allow for example to add some ladder or else on some face)



Improved landing legs, fixed the collider now much better (just need to add an aesthetic transversal piston).

Also remade light temporarily a little bit better.


EDIT 3, 14/12/2013:

[0.22] "WaLiKe" parts set Spaceport Download

Edit 4: o.23

+ Brainstorming with mesh/textures sharing,collider,welding+procedural overall heading and design of the set. All parts should be considered as ground work, not recommended for perma saves.

nothing special noticed yet with 0.23

=> splitting the intermodule in simple mesh(geometry) that could be "proceduraly welded" with an in game tool, idea is you can create a part with the height, width, scaling you want + number of nest of various size and doors systems for thoose nest symetricaly or asymetricaly ... (basically kinda like partgen or alike)

=> pretty the same for the nestable/slotable (allow things like for example a kethane drill, extraplanetary ore things, a lovely scoop o matic like science device, home module, hl labs etc. ∞)

=> main purpose keeping an high modularity, with the lowest phy engine and memory use plus "smooth® ;)" design.

=> plugin side of this is actually far on side.

( regarding the game actual current state & evolve rate, not in adequation with the effort i want to put in this aspect for now. Actually faster to do it manually or use existing things, than develloping and update a plugin that fit exactly what i have in mind.)

=> and finnaly don't expect too much realism from this set, it's made to be 12 years child friendly funny edu gaming as space belong to child same goes for the things i m working on wich does not exclude at all any hardcore gaming addition but i dislike "hardcore gaming or exagerated realism only" to exclude child from space that's all ;)

(May include lot of cool animation and glowing stuff for the same reason).

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
++ infos & ideas
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*mode react a few week later on*

Btw was thinking again about the "kerbal modelite kit" post you send Stone: ) doesn't the stock:

place, offset, an rotate

tools doing that job pretty well now ? xDr

I almost not noticed at first so much using this kind of things feel natural to me in the vab and sph ; )

So "kmk" welded parts probably won't show up again in the mod thread, for "walike" and nestables kind of things part it's another story ; ) may be later actually i m testing the new stuff and resulting gameplay + some irl concern.

cheers ; )


also seeing how the drag work with the new aero model and for exemple the service bay i wonder how it will impact with this kind of part mounted in or out there nests

Experiments around the new drag sytems, nose cone and service bay & etc.

(so even if note producing fresh parts right now i m brainstorming around it linked with all the new stuff available stock and irl matters)

right now after around 300 400 contracts in a fresh new career, and close to full tech tree unlocked but the two last tiers i just figured out that i can generate science with the lab processing experiment, so ( : ) ... and soon start to test the drilling things as i just made my first planets scans

*mode react a few week later off*

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