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Eorin's Jets showcase


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Hi, this is the showcase for all my stock jets.

Lets begin with:

WIND family

-Top of class: Hurricane mkX "Hayabusa" (updated from Hurricane mk7)

top speed 2020m/s max altitude over 27000m, this is definitively my favourite jet, seems Jeb likes it too!

specs: 2 engines, 8 intakes (very well hiden), strange wings conformation with canards integrated on the main wings.

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New top speed


I'll upload new jets in the future.

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Ummm, I don't quite understand your part # -> speed logic but anyways, it looks nice.

Personally, though, I'd replace the purely cosmetic Radial Engine Bodies with Engine Nacelles, as the nacelles provide intake area and would increase the altitude/speed capabilities of your plane.


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Ummm, I don't quite understand your part # -> speed logic but anyways, it looks nice.

Personally, though, I'd replace the purely cosmetic Radial Engine Bodies with Engine Nacelles, as the nacelles provide intake area and would increase the altitude/speed capabilities of your plane.


I mean if u build a very low part jet like 10 parts u have a better power/weight ratio than a 100 parts plane for example (if u dont put a lot of engines on it obviously), for example a jet with 15 parts can fly about 1650 m/s or maybe 1700, so i was excited my plane with more than 50 parts can reach 1620 m/s, understand now? =)

I' ve tryed to use the Engine Nacelles, but seems they dont add speed, maybe because i have already a ram intake and 2 regular intakes, idk... So i decided to use the more cosmetic radial engine body.

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-Tempest mk2 "2100"

This is the tempest mk1 after a steroid cure, u can see it has more intakes. Number 2100 in the name are referred to the speed of 2100m/s it can reach at 27000m.

Personally i don't like intakes spamming, but fortunately in this case they fit the plane without make it too much ugly.

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-Typhoon mk2 "Raptor"

ATTENTION: this thing can do super cobra and KULBIT!!!!

This is the big brother of the Typhoon mk1, featuring bigger engines and more air intakes. This plane has great manouverability and ouustanding speed, in fact it can reach hypersonic speed, about 1740 m/s with almost empty fuel.

It's so good that i've decided to call it like two of the best plane ever.

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hypersonic speed


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