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I got to Jool finally! What have you done on Jool?

What's your most proud Jool accomplishment?  

  1. 1. What's your most proud Jool accomplishment?

    • I have never reached Jool.
    • I flew past it once and saw it out the window!
    • I have orbited Jool, then I ran out of fuel.
    • I have descended into Jool's atmosphere.
    • I have successfully landed on Tylo.
    • I have landed on a moon other than Tylo.
    • I have parachuted to Laythe's surface.
    • I flew a plane in Laythe's atmosphere.
    • I visited Jool in a multi-ship mission.
    • I have returned from Jool to Kerbin.

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I'm posting this because I just got a mission to Jool recently, and it has a ton of Delta-v remaining. I had a lot of things planned for it and am doing a lot of those things. But I guess I'm just in Joolian mode right now. So yeah, lets hear what you've done on Jool! Pics would be nice, too!

Here's my mission, plus an oldie from Laythe:

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Edited by Johnno
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Nice! Sounds like a tough mission.

I need to setup a few fueling stations in the Jool system. When I get as many fueling stations as I want, I'll be able to take ships anywhere I want because they can just refuel whenever they run out. I might want to get the Kethane plugin then, so I don't have to ship fuel to the stations all the way from Kerbin...

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