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How to Find a Mun Arch?

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I set myself in low 8,000 km equatorial orbit around the Mun. As I orbited slowly around the day side, I watched carefully for a Mun Arch. I didn't see one, so I warped from another spacecraft until the dark side of the Mun was in daylight instead. Then I carefully surveyed it. Still no Mun Arch.

I've heard that it's on the equator, but I don't know where to look. Also, there are many ISA Mapsat threads with pictures and scans that show where the Mun Arch is, but all the ones I could find were from before 0.21's Procedural Mun update.

Any help would be appreciated, including Map View pictures circling where to find Mun Archs.

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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Well, the one on the equator is on the edge of a crater, last I checked. Turning off ground scatter may help, too.

If you want specific coordinates, I can tell you of a website which includes maps of all the planets (except Jool) and moons. These maps will give you every location of every anomaly in the game (save one that may or may not be in an orbit around Ike ;)).

But I'm tellin' ya, it's much more mysterious and fun finding easter eggs with no help.


The site http://www.kerbalmaps.com has maps that show the locations of all the easter eggs on all the bodies in the game.

Do'h! Meltesh beat me to it :P

Edited by turkwinif
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You don't need to go low for a munar arch. Last I checked, they were visible as twinkling pixels from as high as 100 km over the Munar surface. By orbiting so low, you may have limited the part of the mun you can see and made it more difficult to spot them than it needs to be.

The site http://www.kerbalmaps.com has maps that show the locations of all the easter eggs on all the bodies in the game.

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You don't need to go low for a munar arch. Last I checked, they were visible as twinkling pixels from as high as 100 km over the Munar surface. By orbiting so low, you may have limited the part of the mun you can see and made it more difficult to spot them than it needs to be.

The site http://www.kerbalmaps.com has maps that show the locations of all the easter eggs on all the bodies in the game.

I should have realized that site would be handy! Even though I knew about it, the thought never crossed my mind before. And yes, I suppose that it's better to orbit higher around the Mun. Perhaps 20 km should do. Especially because the Mun Arch is so huge!

I'm tellin' ya, it's much more mysterious and fun finding easter eggs with no help.

Yes, I know it's more fun to totally see them by chance, but I want to go searching for them!

Anyway, thanks for all your replies everyone. I've never had so many people reply so fast before! :confused:

After searching through the forums some more (before I saw all these replies) I came across a post that really helped me by stating the East, West, North, and South positions of a Mun Arch. Using Engineer Redux I was able to see kind of where I was in that regard. It was pretty fun for me to be saying to myself on map view, "OK, right about now I'm going to slow down and get ready to land."

Then I'd switch out of Map View and - viola! There was the Mun Arch.

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No, that was just a joke. You have to go find the arches. They are static objects. :)

Yeah, with my terrain settings, the western arch has 1 leg hanging in space inside the crater rim, like it was frozen in mid-stride stepping into the crater. But you know, when I move the camera, it often looks like it's also moving ;)

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