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Krags PlanetFactory. Updated Jan 22


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Latest Updates:

Aug 6 2014:

New license and status update here:


JAN 20:

Bug fixes for Kerbal 0.23

Fixed UltraWarp

Fixed black textures on Inaccessible and Ascension

Jan 8:

WIP Creators Edition thread:


Dec 3:

Fixed "default" texture on Sentar

DEC 1 Update:

Added Serious (star) and Joker (small planet)

OCT 6 Update:

-Fixed(?) Mac/Linux/Steam versions (sorry).

-Added UltraWarp disable option to Ctrl-U

Hello Kerbals! Here it is, the long awaited Sentar planetary expansion. You Kerbals have been cooped up in that tiny system far too long and I think this is a nice mix of planets to explore. A little something for everyone!





Few things to keep in mind:

-Backup your saved game. Bad things could happen

-The planets in this expansion are target at more advanced players. None are easy to get to.

-These planets require plenty of RAM. You might have to remove other large plugins or risk crashes.

-I HIGHLY recommend rbray89′s cloud plugin for use with these planets. It really makes them look amazing!

Special thanks to:

Mr. Shifty



Source here:


GPL License. More info on license on github.

Edited by Kragrathea
New license and status update
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  TheCanadianVendingMachine said:
What does the star orbit, or does it orbit? How did you deal with the deep space Kraken?

Orbits the sun way out. Took the Kraken out back and gave him a proper thrashing with patent pending antiKaboom tech.

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Small issue. I'n having trouble exploring beyond kerbin. As soon as I escape Kerbin's SOI I am blasted out beyond jool in a VERY strait line. I just passed Serious... am still doing 8000m/s and don't appear to be slowing down.

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  Sandworm said:
Small issue. I'n having trouble exploring beyond kerbin. As soon as I escape Kerbin's SOI I am blasted out beyond jool in a VERY strait line. I just passed Serious... am still doing 8000m/s and don't appear to be slowing down.

Most distressing. Anyone else having this problem?

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  Sandworm said:
Small issue. I'n having trouble exploring beyond kerbin. As soon as I escape Kerbin's SOI I am blasted out beyond jool in a VERY strait line. I just passed Serious... am still doing 8000m/s and don't appear to be slowing down.

Small issue? This is a Serious problem!


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Same problem. It appears the new star has a SOI of 450,000,000 km. It must overlap into the vanilla solar system.

Good work other than that. I know your mod is more focused on interesting gameplay than realistic astrodynamics, but any thoughts of moving Erin to the Serious? It would be a bit more plausible for the Erin/Pock system to be orbiting a binary star than to have a moon with a natural satelite. It would also give incentive to exploring the new star.

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Hey Krag!!! Awesome mod you've made here! This really makes the game more playable, and enjoyable! I am already excited to see what the next update brings! Seeing your awesome work makes me know whatever you bring to the table is gonna be gold!

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This mod is awesome, I'm going to try it shortly!

But I doubt I'll be heading that way any time soon, I busy with Kerbals moons right now, mainly, the Mun, seeing what crap I can build on it....

EDIT: Remove plugins... I can't choose which one to remove.... :( Oh well, I'll keep this in mind next time start from scratch.


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