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Kerbal skydiving


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Yep .

"I've had enough of this, I'm leaving."

"Wehrwin, we've only been up here for 6 hours. We haven't got a capsule, and.. wait where are you going?"


And so, using Kerbin's continents as a reference, Wehrwin pointed himself retrograde, and begun his deorbit burn.

Then, with a little clever maneuvering, he set himself up for reentry, hoping the round shape of his helmet would push that hot, hot air away from his body.


Coming in like superman!


Oh my gosh, it's so hot, so hot!


Way to late to bail now. Wehrwin recalls a dream he had where his parachute failed to open.


This better work. Just a bit to wait now..



He's safe! Home again, first kerbal to return from orbit without a capsule, and live!


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Already have, Kerbals can not survive re-entry without protection they go poof no matter how you try to work it. I'm sure a heat shield with a command seat would work though.

Bah! Who needs flimsy chairs. Have a unfortunate Kerbal hide behind the heat shield, and using his RCS pack to stay in place.

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Sounds like the old MOOSE system.


yes my thought to. moose has the benefit of automatically stabilize.

If you use KAS you can do sky diving with an radial parachute. Grab it and open then right clicking. Only issue is that having the heavy parachute on your back make the jet pack far harder to use so you would have problem doing something like return from Minmus with it.

You can not simply put an parachute on an strut with an seat on, the kerbal will fall off the seat then the parachute opens.

Stock you can make an moose like escape pod, take five 1x1 panels and make an open box. put an parachute on it, put 1-3 seats inside and a radial decoupler over the side opening. The decopler is to avoid kerballs to fall out if they fall out of the seat.

Optionaly put an small fuel tank and engine on this, ant and oscar give you an deorbit capability.

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How do people know this info, when it (MOOSE) was shelved in the 1960's ???

There are links to the original information at the bottom of the Wikipedia article. Two of them look like fairly mainstream sources of information that wouldn't have been hard to get hold of. Also - the 60s aren't that far away :) I know at least one person on these forums (I suspect many more) who would have been watching the Moon landings in their mid-teens.

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Yeah... one Kerbal of mine survived a Duna return... seriously those helmets must be made of <DERPING> titaniun coated Kevlar.

More likely Kevlar sandwiched between 2 sheets of titanium; the new airbus's use aluminium sandwiched between fibreglass, carbon fibres are way TOO brittle.

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