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Extreme EVA on Minmus, first try


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Jeb, Bill, and Bob were quite bored in the space center so they decided to practice extreme EVA.

They chose Minmus due to its low gravity, and of course chose another crew member for the first try.

Enble Kerman volunteered for the jump (he saw this opportunity as a chance on career advance).

Jeb immediately put hands to work in a rocket to bring the 4 guys to Minmus (Bill and Bob also wanted to see the jump).

Jeb also decided to try an RCS based munar lander, which was attached to the rocket.

After a quietly trip, the crew arrived to Minmus and stayed in a circular orbit around 50km.

Enble launched himself into the untested lander, lucky for his he could land safe and sound, EVA and off to orbit!

Enble put his RCS pack to maximum thrust and got off the ground. He managed to get into a good orbit, and attempted a landing.

He aimed for the lander and killed horizontal speed, and with an almost depleted tank, he could barely slow him down.

Enble hit ground at 120 m/s and disappeared in a puff of dust.

An E-EVA medal was given post-mortum to Enble. Jeb was looking for new recruits during the funeral.

Hi guys, this is my first mission report. I was trying to get the EEVA medal, which requires orbiting and landing. I found out I couldn't get more than one kerball on EVA at the time, don't know why, so I could not put Enble inside the orbiter to recharge the RCS pack.

It was also my first mission with more than one kerbonaut. The rocket I made returned to kerbal with practically no fuel left.

Another time I'll try again to get a safe landing.

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Once the first Kerbal is outside, switch back to the ship using the square bracket keys ] and [, then EVA another Kerbal. There are some circumstances in which you can't make the switch, though, such as moving through atmosphere at the time.

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