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best sci-fi game of 2013 goes to ....


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I initially thanked the community via Twitter, but it bears repeating here. You. All. Rule! The amount of dedication and love you all have for the game is immense. When you rally and spread the word of KSP, you do it better than any community around. Thanks for helping us add this nice bit of silverware to the chest.

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I wonder how it feels to get beaten by an Alpha game

KSP is technically an Alpha, it's true, but that's really only because it's not "feature-complete" yet despite having more features than most released games. If Squad were like the "real" developers, they'd release the game as it is right now and sell us the resource systems, etc. as DLC. Then, if any modders tried to make something good, they'd either buy the rights from the modder or use an EULA to make them stop.

Besides, when's the last time you got so attached to a game that you explained the finer points of your designs to a non-gamer? Without their eyes glazing over completely, I mean. It tells you a lot that you can explain what you've done in KSP to a complete layman and they'll still find it interesting. (Especially if you have screenshots or YouTube videos to go with it.) Heck, when I was visiting my parents a couple months ago, I found out one of my cousins is also addicted to KSP; we ended up spending a couple hours comparing designs, with a bunch of relatives looking over our shoulders the whole time, and they thought it was the greatest thing they'd seen, despite some of them absolutely hating video games.

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If Squad were like the "real" developers, they'd release the game as it is right now
I must disagree. If Squad was like the big companies, they'd have shoved it out the door a while ago and claimed it was finished. :D KSP is already more thoroughly debugged than major releases by Bethesda and Creative Arts.
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This calls for a party on the Mun!

Yup! My boys have got a couple of spare kegs they were saving for a special occasion - I'd say this qualifies. Gonna need someone to ship in the snacks though.

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Heck, I had to set a laptop up with Steam in an offline mode so Dad can have his fun once in a while because otherwise I'd never see my desktop, given that Dad wanted to give a good thorough try before he bought it. He liked the demo, but couldn't believe it when I told him there was so much more. So I let him try. And now he's bought his own copy on his own Steam account. 50+ years old and laughing like a kid with a box of Legos as he's putting together rockets, sending them skybound, and watching the inevitable explosions cause of Career Mode's lack of struts early on.

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