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[1.2.0] Toolbar 1.7.13 - Common API for draggable/resizable buttons toolbar


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  blizzy78 said:
It is actually the same plugin. Scott Manley just didn't get the latest version from this thread, but chose to use a bundled version instead.

Hi, I'm having the same problem as LeeBomb20. I just downloaded this Version, and removed all Files from Scott Manley's Download list [Did the Search Automatically, and Manually by going into every single Folder], but still not getting the Dropdown to move it. Any idea's?



Nvm, I removed the New Version, and also the "Settings" for it, and re-applied the Plugin, and works perfect now! =] Cheers for a very useful utility!

Edited by EmissionGeneration
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I'm having an issue with the toolbar - I've had a look through the last few pages of this thread, but apologies if it's already been asked before. I use the Kerbal Engineer and Docking Port Alignment Indicator mods, but when I try to select to display the icons for these mods in the toolbar settings, the toolbar completely disappears and I can't get it to reappear without restarting KSP. The only other mod I use (Kerbal Alarm Clock) works absolutely fine.

I'm not sure if this is an issue with the toolbar or the mods themselves - both of the mods in question work absolutely fine in their own right (with the exception of KER's compatibility issues with .23.5, of course) - I just can't seem to get them to work with the toolbar.

Anyone have any ideas what the problem is?


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Dear blizzy78,

I need the new update so i can get all my mods working but the download site is down. (just a blank page.) i try root directorying it but says it doesn't exsit. Please blizzy78 can you fix this download issue in someway either fix you download link or post a mirror someone.



Edit: Found it, the real link to download is http://blizzy.de/toolbar/Toolbar-1.7.1.zip

your currentlink is http://blizzy.de/toolbar/download.html which is dead.

hope this helps some people

Edited by Lyven
found right link
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Hey guys.

I downloaded the toolbar and put the folder inside the Gamedata map. Sadly it doesn't appear anywhere in the game. No button.

Can someone help me out?

Edit: I found the issue. Seems I didn't check what was in the folder.

Edited by galaxy366
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It seems Toolbar doesn't work as intended with MechJeb. When trying to attach MechJeb to the ship, the following error pops up in the log/debug console:

[Log]: [MechJeb2] Adding button for Vessel_Info
[Exception]: ArgumentException: Getting control 0's position in a group with only 0 controls when doing Repaint

Windows users might not notice anything, but it actually leads to some performance drop, which gets MASSIVE and makes the game unplayable on 64-bit Linux version, especially if you keep some MechJeb windows open (Delta-V Stats for example) and try to rotate the camera around. It only happens with MechJeb and Toolbar installed together. I'm not sure which addon is at fault here though.

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@blizzy78 No, it happens as long as MechJeb becomes active (e.g. attaching AR-202 to the rocket), even with side MJ panel hidden. Keeping Mechjeb windows open only makes it stutter more when rotating the camera.

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  softweir said:
Are you using Active Texture Management? And it might help to post a piccy of the problem.

Yes, I am. You can check my mod list as well to find any other discrepancies.

I have the screenie soon...give me a few moments.

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I'm sorry but the event seems to be un-capture-able.

I got KSP through Steam, so I tried to use the screenshot uploader but it had a unusable picture file.

Figures, doesn't it?

Edited by Mrsupersonic8
WTF IMGUR? (BB code issues)
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Your download link definitely has issues.

I've tried two different browsers, no firewall running etc and it says the Page is Not Available.

However, it does load the bZ site icon.

(And I just downloaded 3 other plugins without issue from other sites).

If you are interested in a mirror location I can host on my personal OwnCloud server.

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I have a problem with toolbar that resembles that of SolarSailor. Basically I also get massive spikes on performance when toolbar is installed. So far I can say that it is at least not just mechjeb that is the problems as removing that made no difference. However removing the 000_toolbar folder from the gamedata folder definitely appears to fix the problem.

I do not get any errors in the debug console when installing mechjeb on vehicles.

I have so far not been able to definitively locate the cause of the problem as I have a lot of mods to check but given that just removing toolbar and doing nothing else fixes it I would hazard that it is involved somehow. I will see if I can narrow down the problem.

I am also running 64 bit linux. I suspect it is somehow related to the linux version as I have not been able to reproduce it on windows when directly copying over the mod folders (had to remove some parts but it did not affect the error appearing on the linux version).

edit: so far I can definitely add mission controller extended to the list of mods that does not play nice with toolbar on 64 bit linux. The mod folder itself does not appear to cause problems although determining how much it actually loads is hard. With toolbar it causes vessels in the VAB that normally runs fairly well to turn into a slideshow. lets see if I can find anything else

Edited by Nerei
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Bludclot, please keep within the forum rules, your post can be considered in breach of 2.2D, thank you.

2.2 Forbidden content

Messages which contain or link to the following are explicitly forbidden:

d. Harassment of other users or staff, this includes insulting, threatening, stalking, racism, sexism and impersonation as well as posting private conversations;

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Thanks for an otherwise wonderful add-on.


Those with problems when using Active Texture Manager, exclude the folder in the tex manager config. Exclude toolbar, alt resource panel, anything else with itty-bitty icons and interface parts.

Edited by sjwt
added active tex mgr tip
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Hullo and thanks for a great mod. It has worked flawlessly (until now)... I installed 1.7.1 and now the toolbar keeps disappearing. I'm trying to resolve this the debug output is this:

[error][Toolbar]: [ERROR] button texture not found: Relative/File/Path/To/image

This happens for MechJeb and FAR. I've checked that I have the indicated files, and under GameData/.. for example GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch/Textures/icon_button. The Kethane button works, and as far as I know it is fetched from Kethane/toolbar.tga.

What is going on?

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I'm currently having an issue with folders. The problem is when I quit the game and come back in, the folder icon isn't saved and is back to the default folder icon. The weird thing is it happens almost everytime I open the quit and come back, I say almost because when I quit and then came back a bit ago, it had actually remembered the icon that I'd set it to. If anyone could help with this, it'd be greatly appreciated.

  bludclot said:
That in game donate button is a really scummy move. You should be ashamed.

I agree somewhat. I've developed things where I have a donate button, but it's at the very bottom of my description. I include it in the final product, but it's hidden away in an optional tab that, if you so choose, you'll never have to click on. What annoys me the most with this case is it sticks out like a sore thumb. It's a bright yellow button on a partially transparent black background. What I did was change it to a dark box to where it blends into the background a bit better; now I barely notice it. Here's a link to the alternate donate button texture. This is what it changes it to: qYlFsvG.png

Anyways, it's up to the author how he/she implements a donate button. Some keep it to the side and some put right in your face. At least in this case you can change the texture so its less noticeable.

Edited by FiiZzioN
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