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'Offical Release' Colony Mod


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As discussed above, I believe a license/source for the Kethane content is only required if the mod actually distributes stuff that is taken from Kethane itself (which it did, at first - that's why it was taken down.) Using Module Manager to add functionality to existing Kethane content would not violate this and would, I THINK, be totally fair game - please correct me if I'm wrong. At the very least I've been told Kethane has a very powerful and useful API for extending its abilities. Plenty of fun allowed - just have to know Majiir's rules. It's his baby, after all.

I'm hoping Shadow is still around (PM'ed him regarding the status of the project and his interest in it.) If he still exists and is interested in continuing work, awesome - I hope we can persuade him to do some spellchecking. ;) If he's not interested, maybe he'd be willing to hand over the project.

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i acutaly added water to my own kethane but still working out why cant use MM to add drilling of water to drills. once i sort that out ill have to ask if i can share the .cfg files since thats all i changed

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So, is any update for this coming out soon? This is exactly the kind of thing TAC LS needs, the ability to have a self-sustaining colony on Laythe and the like.

the current bottleneck is the models, the rest is done, I am the modeller, but, shadow wont send me any damned concept ar... no... sketches

so I cannot do crap, I am not a very creative person

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well a drill in space would have to be like teh kethane ones selfcontained till deployed. what about making it a tube where drill comes out bottom of tube and on sides it opens slightly like sceince lab and u can see some of inside that would be good for a medium drill. cause for water drilling wouldnt realy want a large drill small and medium size would be best.

for the water scanner could make it be a small globe that extends on a pole a bit and has to flashing led on top.

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Gaaaaahhhh seriously....

No fun allowed. I was looking forward to this mod so much.

Source is for plugins though. If he's not using his own plugin but writing CFGs that make use of another mods plugin, he doesn't need it.

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Here is a thought I had, since it needs the kethan mod to work which has the parts in it. would it not be redundant to send the models and textruers as part of the mod? and just use updated config files? I do hope you still talking the Miijers by the way and can come to an agreement... if nothing else maybe working togeather on merging your mod with his kethan mod... It doesnt seem to make since to have two mods for this becouse they both do the same thing...

on the not of IP well there may be nothing that can be done legaly, to clam some one elses work as your own is wrong.. And any one trying to start working in the pc game industry. One way they can get started is by doing work on mods, both Crytek and Cloud Imperam games have hared modders, I dont know about any one else. but I know in most forms of art having a portfolo of your work that emplyers can look at is just as importent if not more so then a resamie... so claming some one elses work as your own could really screw some one out of a job he has the skills and tallents for, and that is a provable monatary loss....

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I like the idea of be able to set up colonies which require resources. Although if you have TAC LS you can already basically do that just by dropping a few modules onto a planet.

Problem is the idea is not layed out very well and some what hard to understand from the OP. Also needing TAC LS and Kethane is just un nessecary. In my opinion this should be in Add on Dev, and get actual models, write your own coding and everything else.

Just my two cents.

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I like the idea of be able to set up colonies which require resources. Although if you have TAC LS you can already basically do that just by dropping a few modules onto a planet.

Problem is the idea is not layed out very well and some what hard to understand from the OP. Also needing TAC LS and Kethane is just un nessecary. In my opinion this should be in Add on Dev, and get actual models, write your own coding and everything else.

Just my two cents.

But is just impractical, just think about it, you make another mod another plugin more parts and then problems arise , Is easy and more practical to improve a mod rather to make a fresh new one, that's my point of view People working on resources should join and make a mega resource mod to govern them all! :).

One of the problems is adding new parts to already working satellites, 1) you drop the satellite down and replace it with a new updated ,or 2) you add KAS function to the new parts and send a mission to upgrade the satellite.

While integrating the mod with existing one and make parts to scan for multiple resources could be easy and more practical.

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  • 3 months later...

Ok guys what im going to do it do a replace config files for kethane and for the rest have defaut parts the i will release the mod then you guys test it and tell me what to add what to improve how does that sound, then when i get some models from someone willing i will put then in.

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